He posted this on Jan 20th wonder what else Trump left him with ?
He also said the best is yet to come. All I see is more gun laws, open borders and them printing more money. Trump isn’t going to save us! He opened eyes and now It’s going to take the people rising up ,not against each other, but against the media and politicians.
I agree with you . I came here after I deleted Facebook and it initially gave me hope. If they really had the nuts (cards) they woulda laid them down by now. It’s time for me to stop the hopium bullshit. Hope is for a man without a plan. This isn’t a game! The only reason real patriots haven’t hung these bastards from the liberty tree is because Trump said stand down and Q said “patriots”are in control. This has gone on long enough or me . There’s no reason to lead us on. For what...2024, Yeah right ?!? maybe I’m just a doomer, but it is what it is, we got screwed. The only way to get it back is a revolution. is this old ?looks like the footage from davos 30:38mark
So this is another rabbit hole to go down. here are a couple videos to get you started
I don’t eat it , but I do buy the stock’s ttcf and bynd have done well.