Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

There are things people can do to protect their cardiovascular systems, their immune systems (important for cancer protection as well and infections), and their general health and well-being.

Do some research and start budgeting for supplements; some very worthwhile supplements are fairly cheap -- Vitamins (C, D, and all the others), NAC (N-Acetyl-Cysteine), Quercetin, Zinc (~35 - 50 mg; don't overdo this one, it's a metal), mushroom extracts and beta glucans (this, for instance).

Healthy diet, reasonable exercise, and no smoking or alcohol -- the usual advice -- is important also.

There is a LOT of evidence for such an approach being effective; how much of that will apply to people who have taken the jabs won't be known until more time has passed, but I have to believe it will improve the odds for good health.

Best wishes for your family.

Narg 8 points ago +8 / -0

It WILL happen again. And again and again after that. The tipping point IS coming.

Narg 7 points ago +7 / -0

Trump as Speaker would put him right in line for the Presidency when Biden and Kamala get removed (via Brunson case or something else).

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not a newbie, but never poked around in Settings either. So THANK YOU for posting this.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sounds like you didn't scroll all the way down to the Save button. Nothing changes unless you click that.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you! And damn, I just saw that within the last week or two. Actually made me laugh.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't remember Q specifying 8 years for the plan, so I did a search (several, actually) at https://qresear.ch/q-posts; didn't find anything about the length of the plan. (Mention of the Cabal's 16-year plan to destroy America IS mentioned, however). I suspect you have a particular post, article, video, or whatever in mind -- and I certainly might have just missed mention of the 8-year plan in my search.

I've always thought the fight against the Cabal would play out over a longer period of time, both early on (for planning, setup, getting the players nailed down and in place, etc) and during the main execution phase, which -- as with the planning in any war -- must be subject to change, to accommodate the unexpected.

Having said that, like you, I have the impression we're nearing the final stage of both the Great Awakening and the start of what I HOPE will be a multiple lightning-strike endgame by the White Hats against the Cabal. Even in the best scenario, there will be a mop-up and getting settled phase that could span many years. How long to undo the damage from the "vax", from malicious "education" of entire generations, from the economic devastation done by the Fed and Congress, etc?

It may be pure hopium that the endgame is near, but it really does feel that way to me. I'd love it if the take-down of the Cabal and initial rebuilding of America were finished in the next two or three years.

Narg 10 points ago +10 / -0

Here's what WOULD awaken nearly all of them:

CNN, NBC, CBS, the NY Times, and every other currently corrupt and Woke MSM outlet suddenly telling the truth.

95% of normies would wake up in a day. All it takes is for the censorship to END -- in the media the Normies trust and have been using for years.

We've got Elon running Twitter now, so we've begun the process already. I'm hoping / expecting that the rest of the MSM will somehow be enticed, coerced, or tricked into reporting the TRUTH or bought-out or seized (there's an EO for that . . .) by people who will also turn the organizations around.

Twitter changed direction mighty quickly (thank you, Elon!). The Awakening has begun its Quickening phase already, despite the overall percentage of Awakened still being small. I really believe the turnaround of public awareness -- for many things -- is about to expand very rapidly.

We'll see.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

I suspect it started, or at least the planning for it started, the day after Kennedy got shot in Dallas.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think we're seeing a typo, not anything sinister.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

US population will have dropped to 50 million by then. I hear that page (or that prediction on the page) has been scrubbed, and I don't have time to look for it now, but I did see it with my own eyes a year or more ago.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Funny how with most politicians, their past shows them up as liars or worse. With Trump, HIS past shows that he's been steadfast in support of the Constitution and America First as far back as you care to go.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0


Microstamping is a laser-engraving process that imparts an identifying number and characters on a primer, case head or body of a bullet when the cartridge is fired. The intent is to associate a spent cartridge case and/or bullet to a specific firearm, and thereby link the owner of that gun to aid law enforcement in its crime-scene investigations. Micro­stamping bullets, while technically possible, has proven totally unreliable and costly. To this point, microstamping has been primarily focused on the handgun category.

It is interesting to note that the laser-engraving technology and equipment is proprietary. It’s patented and owned by a company called TACLABS, which was founded by Todd Lizotte. He is the only source for this technology. Hence, the entire gun industry would have to purchase the microstamping equipment from TACLABS with no option for competitive sourcing. Knowing this, it makes sense to me as to why this technology has been pushed so hard and why there have been wild claims about its effectiveness.

The physical application of microstamping to a firearm is to laser-engrave a number and other identifying characters on the firing pin’s (or striker’s) head. The technology is also used to engrave what appears to be a gear shape around the perimeter of the firing pin’s tip. This “gear code” serves as a type of bar code to identify the firearm. All of these marks need to be transferred to the primer via the firing pin’s indent. You can imagine how small and fragile this marking is.

A small circular plate that has the same numbers and characters etched into it is embedded into the face of the breech on the slide. When a round is fired, recoiling thrust is supposed to power the transfer of the microstamping to the cartridge’s case head.

A third method is to laser-etch a marking — like a UPC or barcode — in the barrel’s bore that is transferred to the bullet. Proposals have also been made to sequentially micro­stamp individual projectiles, too. As I learned, this is an impractical scheme from a production standpoint. It would also be unreliable because of the rifling’s engraving and the in-chamber environment. Plus, someone would have to create an unmanageably large database.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Water distillers are worth having; they range from $125 or so and up. Top-notch, American-made units are available from Pure Water Inc for -- yikes!, I just saw the current price, "on sale" for $750, a definite increase. Thank you, Federal Reserve and Team Biden. We've been using them for years though and they're much more reliable than others we've had.

Narg 8 points ago +8 / -0

Brunson vs. Adams! Fast-tracked at the Supreme Court, when it could have been ignored (as most incoming requests are). Great interview, btw: Greg Hunter interviews Loy Brunson.

Yes, this could happen, and soon.

Or not, of course. But . . . damn! I think it really might.

Narg 4 points ago +5 / -1

Yes, the list assumes events will move along at today's snail's pace -- a rapid snail, to be sure, as things are heating up -- but by definition when a tipping point is reached, things start moving more rapidly.

THAT's what I'm expecting for the coming year.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well, good point. It's not a solid source, could be BS, but on the other hand isn't hard to believe since we DO know that many pilots are vaxxed (many were required to be) and Sudden Death HAS happened to at least a few pilots in the air -- and of course sudden death, fainting, and other rapid-onset disability has happened to a great many people post-vax. So as with anything, keep some skepticism, but again: certainly plausible.

Narg 9 points ago +9 / -0

Brunson case won, acted upon, 388 federal parasites removed, and then a decades of Tribunals and trials for the other criminals, right down to . . . well, everyone who committed crimes. And a renewed Constitutional Republic, with once again a SMALL government and this time stronger controls against corruption and government growth.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

AI has no common sense, because it's not a human-embodied intelligence learning from moment-to-moment living in the human world AND because it models left-brain attention WITHOUT a way to experience the world cohesively (and without empathy, without understanding connections and the whole, and much else) as the right hemisphere does.

AI is a useful tool but NOT a replacement for human consciousness, especially not in situations like driving a vehicle on public roads. "Full autonomous driving" by computer will be a dangerous failure for a long, long time.

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