Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

On behalf of everyone else on this board (I expect), let me just say: I REALLY hope you're right.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

IDK who she's talking about there; that name doesn't show up in a search of the article and I'm not very familiar with the cast at Fox. Some newsreader or commentator who isn't exactly MAGA, it sounds like.

Narg 0 points ago +1 / -1


For those interested in real-time details, this 99 cent app is well worth it. Downloaded it during the Fukushima disaster. Wow, are there a LOT of earthquakes in certain parts of the world.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

There was a 6.4 there at 2:34am -- that was probably the Big One of this cluster.

I hope.

Narg 5 points ago +5 / -0

Laughing my ASS off! And really, it ain't funny.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

As an old Star Trek fan, I approve this message.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

everyone who takes the vax will be normal again in 60 days.

That's not actually what Malone is saying. The spike proteins created in those 60 days (and beyond -- he doesn't say it's ALL gone in 60 days) will have created damage in many tissues around the body. Some of that damage may be repairable. Some, like heart muscle tissue, may not be.

For another, there's more than mRNA to worry about -- PEG, graphene, and so on. Then there are blood clots that may have built up in various parts of the body and which may cause problems down the road. Etc.

Still: if mRNA actually does degrade quick enough that it is gone, or mostly gone, within a few months, that's a GODSEND that we hadn't expected. Very good news for the jabbed.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Every time I watch this speech, as opposed to just reading it, I always have the impression that he's deeply disturbed by what he knows about the evil that pervades Washington.

by BQnita
Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

BQnita: I finally read the page you linked to, and it's GREAT. It includes two videos of Trump touting HCQ and other preventatives and treatments and lists the TWENTY-SIX TWEETS "in which Trump tried to tell humanity they don't need a vaccine, because there are safe and very effective drugs."

Lots more as well. Thank you for posting the stopworldcontrol.com article.

by BQnita
Narg 19 points ago +19 / -0

I think you're probably right, ThebigLMAOski17 (great username, laughing as I type this).

the alternative was to keep the country and economy locked down via federal mandate for years till they could "finish testing" the vax and approve it... and once it's approved they could MANDATE IT LEGALLY

A comment on this next point, however:

This is why he was out there hinting about alternatives... like ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, zinc+vit C+vit D, etc...

THATs true but a serious understatement -- Trump talked up treatments and preventives a LOT and actually held a televised round table (OANN? Newsmax? Fox? I don't recall which network, but my wife and I saw it when it was aired) early in the plandemic where doctors and former patients spoke about HCQ and other preventives and treatments. Scrubbed from the web long ago, as far as I can see.

Trump put real effort into STOPPING the need for either lockdowns or vaccines but the Deep State steamrolled over him. In that first term, he simply wasn't able to countermand the entire Medical / Pharma / Regulatory / Congressional / etc Cabal infrastructure.

Things have changed quite a lot since then, as we all know, having both followed and participated in that change.

I look forward to the next few months.

Narg 5 points ago +5 / -0

Moar information:


Best wishes, DeplorableMimi. My SiL had arthritis years ago -- I don't remember which kind -- and was told she'd not be able to even move her fingers in a few years. She started on 1200mg SAMe/day, got better quickly, and hasn't had a problem since.

SAMe is also great for your liver and, in higher doses (1800mg) for depression.

There are LOTS of other things that also help (see link above). Taking more than one thing is usually more effective than taking just one, in my experience. It makes sense given how insanely complex biology is.

Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

Upvoted immediately for BigHarma. You've got a way with words, fren!

Narg 6 points ago +6 / -0

Nothing "attempted" about it. At this point, enough have died to fit the definition, and a whole lot more are on their way to the grave (although hopefully not all) after having rec'd the jab.

Narg 18 points ago +18 / -0

They can sue NOW because FRAUD VITIATES EVERYTHING, and there is a boatload of evidence already proving fraud by Pfizer and the other "vax" makers, by people at the FDA, people at the CDC, by people at hospitals, by (probably) your family doctor, and by people in government, corporations, and other organizations who coerced and gaslit individuals into getting the jab, and so on.

Fraud, fraud, fucking FRAUD and malice everywhere.

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