Narg 4 points ago +5 / -1

An aside: The "Died Suddenly" trailer that Steve Kirsch highlights in this substack has obliterated my faint concern that Stew Peters might be controlled opposition.

That trailer, all by itself, is the biggest red pill on the jabs and on the mass-murdering elite that I have yet seen. Awesome, terrifying, incredibly effective.

Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

So, time to make sure the air filters in the underground bunker are fresh.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Gee, I dunno. Should Variety be banned?

by BQnita
Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

And lawsuits! And waking up the normies. Helping elect MAGA to office. Fighting voter fraud. Being positive examples. Prepping for hard times and helping others do so. . . . and plenty of other things.

Narg 10 points ago +10 / -0

Q might make use of an AI but I don't believe Q is an AI; there are reasons that AIs make obvious (and non-obvious) mistakes when dealing with human issues as opposed to more narrow areas with hard boundaries and rigid rules.

Narg 9 points ago +9 / -0

I'm always amazed at how much I enjoy a good movie (or book) quote. Yes, I am (easily) entertained.

Narg 9 points ago +9 / -0

That's . . . that's just crazy enough it might be true!

OK, probably not. But fun to contemplate anyway.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

If the plan involves reverting to the stone age, count me out. Not that Trump or his team would be that insane.

Pre-industrial humanity KNEW how to live in a pre-industrial world and had the infrastructure to make life possible in that time (horse-drawn plows, blacksmiths to shoe the horses, non-electric versions of every industry then existing, etc). Even in the actual Stone Age, people knew how to shape flint for spear tips and other tools; they knew how to build and maintain fires without matches, they knew how to hunt and gather, and so on. And still they had short lifespans (even in the 1850s in America, average lifespan was 49 or so. -- From something I read years ago, so no sauce on that one. Or this one, from another forgotten source: for most of human history, average lifespan was as little as nineteen years).

If the grid goes down long enough or destructively enough (EMP, for instance) that it can't be restarted -- a very real possibility -- the psychopaths working to kill most of us will have their work done for them. It won't so much be suicide culling the weak but violence and a lack of food and clean water and medical care and insulin and sanitation causing death almost everywhere.

Not happening. Or if it is, we're wasting our time on this board.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

A World Lit Only by Fire: The Medieval Mind and the Renaissance - Portrait of an Age

That's what we're headed for if enough of the supply chain goes down -- a world where the grid is down permanently, or at least for decades, and where electric lights are gone along with everything else that runs on electricity or depends on something that does.

Restarting, fixing, or recreating the machines that make the machines that make the parts of the grid and everything else we're used to won't happen overnight. It won't be a push-button job -- it will be the work of lifetimes, especially since many of the people who know how to do such things will be gone.

The easy-to-grab foundations for industry (oil that literally oozes out of the ground, easily-mined near-the-surface iron and other metals and minerals needed for industry, among other things) are harder to come by now. Computer chips are made in staggeringly complex fabs that cost billions of dollars, and which rely on an intricate and sophisticated supply chain. Knowledge of HOW they're made (assuming it even survives) is nowhere near enough to actually GET chips manufactured. Etc.; go down a list of industries and imagine starting them up again after they've sat idle for years and the supply chains they require are as wrecked as everything else.

America was born in a world lit only by fire; commercially successful electric lighting was a century away. But people knew HOW to live in that world and had the tools and infrastructure appropriate to that world.

We don't.

So here's hoping it doesn't come to that point.

Narg 5 points ago +5 / -0

So far as I know, and Kanye's words suggest this, Kanye HAS NOT done things he can be blackmailed with.

The fact that he speaks out against the Cabal and gets cancelled and insulted and so on BUT NOT INDICTED FOR ANYTHING and we're not even hearing false rumors about crimes he supposedly committed seems to support that.

I agree without your point "don't do shit that gives people dirt on you to blackmail you with. My point is both parties are bottom feeders and one party is just smarter than the other party and using them to feed on" but if Kanye is in that group, I'm missing it entirely.

I don't follow or know much about Kanye other than what I've seen recently, so it may just be that I'm out of the loop here.

Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

Nah, FU buddy, both you and the blackmailer should go down for your crimes. I am sick of hearing this whiney ass bitch no matter how much money he has

Either you are missing something here Saline, or I am. Kanye is saying that OTHERS are unable to speak because THEY DID THINGS that will get them indicted and convicted if the crimes are revealed, and they are being blackmailed using those crimes. Kanye is pointing out that the Cabal controls people using blackmail and that this is widespread among "celebrities".

Kanye HIMSELF is not in that situation, he says. And by speaking up against the Cabal so directly he is making a good case that he's speaking the truth.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

"Ain't nothin' more peaceful than a dead man, son."

~ from a MAD Magazine parody of The Rifleman TV show.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Worked fine for me just now . . .

Cause of death was Heart attack; have to wonder if it was natural heart disease, the jab, or the White Hats? This guy was Obama's SecDef.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Great meme, and made me laugh. Truthful + funny is an excellent combo.

Narg 16 points ago +16 / -0

Red-pilling the way it NEEDS to be done . . . Gently, gently, gently. At first, anyway.

Narg 12 points ago +12 / -0

Ooh . . . Really crystalizes the criminality of our political class.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Halloween costume of the year!

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