Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Can't fit all of Quantum theory into a short comment, but yes, entanglement is damned interesting.

In any case, I wasn't saying that 'events are made probable by conscious observations" but rather that the probabilities of the future are made SPECIFIC by conscious observation collapsing the probability wave (or whatever language you prefer).

As for the effects of combined consciousness of millions / billions of people, in terms of observation or even of will and desire, I don't know what to say. It seems possible but I haven't seen anything that nails it down to more than conjecture.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Interesting. I hope you're right.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

My perception is that China (the CCP) is significantly more evil (forced organ harvesting, maximum surveillance and censorship, etc) than Russia is under Putin -- who is a thug, but a thug who acts as though he actually cares about the Russian people, much as with Muammar Gaddafi and Libya.

So I'm less sanguine about China invading and taking over Taiwan than I am about Russia fighting to get rid of active assaults (bio- and otherwise) from Ukraine and possibly annexing the Russian-population areas there.

Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

Replace every cell with nanobots? You'll have an extremely powerful (and probably quite unstable) supercomputer, but not a conscious being.

If the current idea that consciousness emerges from the functioning of the brain were correct -- where the brain is thought to be like a classical computer -- then a computer could be conscious. But then consciousness could be copied like we routinely copy computer programs, which is classical information. Yet we know perfectly well that our experience is in constant evolution and is private, knowable only within ourselves. Moreover, the meaning we feel always exceeds any symbolic description we may produce to describe it. Therefore, even the owner of the experience (described by quantum information) can only translate a portion of its experience into symbols (described by classical information).

From Irreducible: Consciousness, Life, Computers, and Human Nature by Federico Faggin

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Actually, today's "hundred" is the new ONE DOLLAR BILL. It's worth LESS than that, actually. Check the prices of things in the early 1900s to see what I mean.

Gold is now ~$2400 an ounce. It takes 120 of today's twenty dollar bills to buy that same $20 coin.

KITCO spot gold price SPOT MARKET IS OPEN Will CLOSE in 16 hrs. Jul 24, 2024 1:00 AM NY Time Bid/Ask

2,417.70 2,418.70 Low/High

2,404.60 2,419.20

Until 1933, a one-ounce US $20 bill WAS THE SAME AS a US $20 GOLD COIN by law. Anyone could go into a bank (or a hardware store, for that matter, if they had enough cash on hand) and exchange one for the other.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

It absolutely does, because the future is never more than probabilistic until it arrives, and for that matter unless a conscious being observes what's happening the system remains in a probabalistic state. The famous, and dead-simple, double slit experiment shows that, among other things. Furthermore, this is what allows for free will.

Quantum mechanics tells us a different story [than does Classical physics]. It claims that the behavior of the elementary particles is fundamentally probabilistic, and it recognizes that the act of observing the world changes both the observer and the observed, even if by only a little. Quantum mechanics was soon followed by a more sophisticated theory in which each elementary particle was no longer considered as an independent and separate entity, like an object, but as an excited state of a quantum field -- a property of a field. . . .

I think that modern physics has decided in favor of Plato. In fact, the smallest units of matter are are not physical objects in the ordinary sense; they are forms, ideas which can be expressed unambiguously only in mathematical language. -- Werner Heisenberg

(from Silicon by Federico Faggin; an interesting autobiography from the man who invented and designed the first microprocessor and who is now studying consciousness; his newer Irreducible: Consciousness, Life, Computers, and Human Nature focuses more on that last topic and is excellent.)

The future does not solidify into a particular PRESENT until it is consciously observed, and it is within the probabilistic limits that we can choose our actions (free will); this is WHY, despite what Classical Physics tells us (that every present moment is precisely determined by the previous moments and every future moment is precisely determined by the present configuration of particles and energy), we can choose our actions. "We" -- our consciousness, not the mush of our physical brains -- can exercise free will, and that is only ONE reason why the future is no more EXACTLY predictable than is the weather.

Narg 5 points ago +5 / -0

what's the purpose of all this?

We fight. They fight. Somebody wins. Somebody loses.

What's the goal?

The FIGHT is between compassion and hatred.

Between love and cruelty.

Between Good and Evil.

Between emotionally healthy human beings and Satanic power-mongering psychopaths and their thralls.

Between Freedom and Slavery.

Between Paradise or Hell on Earth.

Seems important.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

"Patriots are in control" is true, I believe, in a STATISTICAL sense.

But momentary reality isn't always the same as a statistical forecast, no matter how precise the forecast -- because NO forecast can ever be precise, and the further into the future you look, the fuzzier things get.

Basic physics.

Narg 8 points ago +8 / -0

Trump could / WILL win the 2024 election regardless of whether Johnson "puts him in" as VP and then steps down, so I think it will remain crystal clear that The People have chosen him.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

I've always thought that Trump's about-face on the lockdowns was probably due to heavy-hitters in the Cabal letting him know what they were planning if he continued to oppose their lockdown plans.

NCSWIC doesn't mean the enemy has no options or moves, or that they aren't still capable of game-changing moves -- as we saw just recently, although their assassination plans backfired in the worst possible way (for them). The end draws ever-closer but the inherent chaos of reality means that details will continue to surprise us.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm thinking yes.

Not sure when, but I don't think we've heard the last from Q.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Anything is possible, including things we KNOW are wrong (but that might turn out not to be). The history of science shows that clearly.

But I can't say I believe Looking Glass or anything else can give 100% certainty of events in the future, especially days or more in advance and where competing human wills are involved. Nor do I believe in divine revelation to the Q team as a reliable tool for planning.

But yes, I could be wrong.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Looking Glass or no, peering into the future can only give you probabilities, not certainties.

Some probabilities are very high -- "The sun will come up tomorrow" for instance.

But at the quantum level, everything is probabilistic until the present arrives, and even THEN only if consciously observed. There are plenty of other, macro-sized events that can cause (for instance) a Black Swan; the dinosaurs of 66 million years ago were wiped out by one. A twister unexpectedly swerving into your small town is another; China's XI having a (reported as probable) stroke today will perhaps become one, if it brings a sudden change in China's behavior.

All of those things were clearly possible, but none could have been predicted with certainty. With enough information they could have been, at least in theory, foreseen as probable.

The probabilistic, quantum nature of reality means that NOTHING can be predicted with certainty.

Trump's skull was missed by such a tiny amount, from a bullet fired far enough away (reportedly 150 yards) that perfect accuracy would be nearly-impossible even from an expert marksman and even assuming no sudden wind gust, meaning -- to me, anyway -- that even if "Looking Glass" saw Trump alive later in the future (and that even assumes that Looking Glass is real and works as we hear it does) it couldn't be anywhere near a probability of 1 (meaning certainty). Trump's survival of the attempt could NOT have been predicted with more than hazy certainty at best.

I can't imagine the White Hats, or any decent person with control (however tenuous) over the situation, would allow Trump to be put in such a situation.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just because Patriots are in control does not mean the 'enemy' is controlled

True, and obvious. Of COURSE the future isn't predictable in a fine-grained manner, else weather forecasts would never be wrong. Yes, the "enemy" always has other plans than what we think and for that matter, plans change.

But THIS is a big deal -- the Secret Service was seriously hobbled by DEI hires and who-knows-what-else, a major Trump event was allowed to happen without the usual security sweep and setup (which WOULD have secured the roofs surrounding the venue, for instance), and local law enforcement plus SS agents apparently ignored attendees screaming that there was a shooter on the roof, until it was too late.

That all suggests a lot more behind-the-scenes planning and action than anything that should have escaped notice of the White Hats. A major security lapse like this suggests that the White Hats aren't nearly as much in control as we thought.

Just my take on it.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Having control over the game board does not mean you have control over every action and reaction

True, and obvious. Of COURSE the future isn't predictable in a fine-grained manner, else weather forecasts would never be wrong.

But THIS is a big deal -- the Secret Service was seriously hobbled by DEI hires and who-knows-what-else, a major Trump event was allowed to happen without the usual security sweep and setup (which WOULD have secured the roofs surrounding the venue, for instance), and local law enforcement plus SS agents apparently ignored attendees screaming that there was a shooter on the roof, until it was too late.

That all suggests a lot more behind-the-scenes planning and action than anything that should have escaped notice of the White Hats. A major security lapse like this suggests that the White Hats aren't nearly as much in control as we thought.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

consider every possibilities and take into account the fog of war.

Always good advice.

I'm open to new information and prefer knowing the truth to shoring up my presuppositions. We'll see what we see as new info comes out.

Narg 6 points ago +6 / -0

Unless this is quickly followed up by MANY other indictments and arrests -- YES, let's take Menendez up on his suggestion to "go after the rest of us"! -- I'd say this is too low-profile to fit 3716 / 3717's assertion that the "First indictment [unseal] will trigger mass pop awakening." (italics added)

It might fit here, though, IF things start moving soon: "FIRST ARREST will verify action and confirm future direction."


First indictment [unseal] will trigger mass pop awakening.

FIRST ARREST will verify action and confirm future direction.

They will fight but you are ready.

Marker [9].


Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Given that the bullet missed Trump's skull by an inch or less and that had Trump NOT turned his head a fraction of a second earlier he would have been killed, I don't for one second believe this situation was orchestrated (or "redirected", whatever that means) by the White Hats. NO possible benefit would be worth loss of Trump's life.

Are the White Hats using the situation (now that it's happened) to our advantage?

Of course.

Is the corrupt MSM and every other Cabal-adjacent mouthpiece spewing lies and distortions about the event and the situation generally?

Of course.

As for the "Impossibility of a real security breach" -- that can NEVER be literally true, but yes Trump's security has been top-notch until recently. With the Biden Admin controlling the Secret Service, with DEI hires replacing seasoned agents, and with obvious instructions that countermanded normal security procedures (like, say, securing obvious sniper positions within easy target distance of the President) -- it is clear to me that the White Hats were somehow NOT in charge of the security at this event.

Matthew Murphy, retired Green Beret and Special Forces sniper, agrees:


The attack was "heavily planned, coordinated, and with people on the inside making it happen"

Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is a great substack column! An excellent introduction to McGilchrist's work (and plenty of earlier work by others, really, including Janov/Holden's 1975 Primal Man: The New Consciousness and other work by Janov that will probably remain too emotionally aversive for mainstream scientific acceptance for, oh, forever).

I especially enjoyed the gorgeous image (illustration) of "the iconic Mercedes Benz ad [that] characterizes left brain as 'Realistic…' and 'I know exactly who I am.'”

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0


Ashura (Arabic: عَاشُورَاء, ʿĀshūrāʾ, [ʕaːʃuːˈraːʔ]) is a day of commemoration in Islam. It occurs annually on the tenth of Muharram, the first month of the Islamic calendar. For Sunni Muslims, Ashura marks the parting of the Red Sea by Moses and the salvation of the Israelites. Also on this day, Noah disembarked from the Ark, God forgave Adam, and Joseph was released from prison, among various other auspicious events having occurred on Ashura according to Sunni tradition. Ashura is celebrated in Sunni Islam through supererogatory fasting and other acceptable expressions of joy. In some Sunni communities, the annual Ashura festivities include carnivals, bonfires, and special dishes, even though some Sunni scholars have criticized such practices due to the overlap with the Battle of Karbala.

By contrast, for Shia Muslims, Ashura is a day of mourning as they annually commemorate the death of Husayn ibn Ali, grandson of the Islamic prophet Muhammad and the third Shia imam. Husayn refused on moral grounds to pledge his allegiance to the Umayyad caliph Yazid ibn Mu'awiya (r. 680–683) and was subsequently killed, alongside most of his male relatives and his small retinue, by the Umayyad army in the Battle of Karbala on Ashura 61 AH (680 CE). Among the Shia, mourning for Husayn is viewed as an act of protest against oppression, a struggle for God, and a means of securing the intercession of Husayn in the afterlife. Ashura is observed through mourning gatherings, processions, and dramatic reenactments. In such ceremonies, Shia mourners strike their chests to share in the pain of Husayn. Extreme self-flagellation, often involving self-inflicted bloodshed, remains controversial among the Shia, condemned by many Shia clerics, and outlawed in some Shia communities. Ashura has sometimes been an occasion for sectarian violence, particularly against the Shia minority.

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