Narg 8 points ago +9 / -1

Yes, Lenin and Stalin WERE mass murderers, and there is an epic amount of evidence for that.

For obsessively researched and massively documented data, see:

The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, terror, repression (by a group of European Marxists) and

The late R.J. Rummel's Death by Government and his website, https://www.hawaii.edu/powerkills/NOTE1.HTM

Mass murder by government is FAR more common than you think.

Narg 22 points ago +22 / -0

That's certainly true, and no question the difference shows how low America has fallen with Corrupt and Incoherent Biden in the White House, but it's old news by now.

Shattering the Cabal's malicious fairy tale that pits Russia against the West (in service of the never-ending War, cold and otherwise) is the Big Reveal to the normies that could dramatically accelerate the Great Awakening.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

I just visited https://markcrispinmiller.substack.com/p/in-memory-of-those-who-died-suddenly-513?r=m6kl7, which I don't subscribe to . . . and the link to see the entire article was labeled "No Thanks." Odd, I know; I thought it'd be "Continue" (and in some cases at Substack it might be).

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

I just visited https://markcrispinmiller.substack.com/p/in-memory-of-those-who-died-suddenly-513?r=m6kl7, which I don't subscribe to . . . and the link to see the entire article was labeled "No Thanks."

You'd think that would lead nowhere, or just kick you out of the site, but it took me right to the full article. So "Continue" -- in that case at least -- isn't the word used for the link, but "No Thanks."

Narg 7 points ago +7 / -0

Absolutely. And the "pasture" might be on a little chunk of the island of Cuba, oddly enough . . .

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

That might not be the case. I subscribe, but when I visit substacks that I DON'T subscribe to, there is (usually) a link that says "Continue" below the links prompting you to become a subscriber. That takes you to the full article. I don't know if ALL substacks operate that way, but take another look . . . the full article might be available without subscribing.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes. And Cabal-adjacent media is STILL pushing the same hallucination that the "vaccine" is SAFE AND EFFECTIVE, even as the body count climbs.

Every time I read something about the jabs (or about the bad people who insist the jabs are dangerous and ineffective) I am stunned that this gaslighting continues.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Keep waking people up. The rising tide of truly AWAKE Americans is what will both put Trump back in the White House AND provide the clear mandate to do what is necessary to return this country to sanity -- including to indict and convict the criminals responsible for nearly destroying America.

Narg 8 points ago +8 / -0


But really . . . his answer isn't THAT long.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

The decades of corrupted science the Cabal has bought and paid for have had a seriously corrupting influence on millions -- hell, billions -- of people who simply didn't expect they were being lied to by SCIENTISTS.

I know several of the hoodwinked. They aren't dumb -- they're very smart techies -- but they get their information from government and government-approved sources (some WORK for the government), and they aren't red-pilled on this topic -- or on most others, either -- by a long shot yet.

Narg 8 points ago +8 / -0

Beauty contests always seemed a little shallow, silly, and cheesecakey (that last not being entirely unpleasant to my personal sensibilities, I confess).

It's amazing how a few years of Tranny Insanity have helped me appreciate these celebrations of feminine qualities.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Astaxanthan is good stuff; we've been taking it for years. There are MANY antioxidant and other supplements that protect and improve health; astaxanthan may be one of the more powerful ones for eyes, skin, brain, and general health.

Life extension is another good source of this supplement, and they offer it in a highly absorbable formula with phospholipids, and in combination with their Macuguard blend (for eye health) and with a fish oil Omega-3 formulation.




Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Eye-catching, as a good meme should be.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Playing for Keeps / Elle King



[>Verse 1]

You prayed to have your name scattered on the lips of the young

Now, you claim that it's you on the tips of their tongue

And if you're proud of what you had to kill to get your thrill, well

I bet it stings to give up everything and realize that they don't want you


It's a lonely road where the forgotten go where your misery finds its company (whoa-oh-oh-ow)

It's a long way down to the sacred ground where the reaper's playing for keeps Whoa, whoa, whoa-oh-oh-ow x2

[Verse 2]

The hollow sound is ringing where your heart used to be

Have you found that your admiration will never set you free?

Get your lies prepared, you're next in line for judgement day, now Aren't you praying, aren't you begging that you're anyone else?


It's a lonely road where the forgotten go where your misery finds its company (whoa-oh-oh-ow)

It's a long way down to the sacred ground where the reaper's playing for keeps Whoa, whoa, whoa-oh-oh-ow x4


Narg 8 points ago +9 / -1

Wow! I've seen this pic before but never noticed that.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Great post; I love seeing the desperate lengths [they] go to to deny reality and the depths to which [they] will sink to gaslight the public.

BTW, here's the link without all the tracking crap:


The link is to an ad, in this case for a book. From the description at the link:

The official publication for this brand-new edition is March 19. But as a friend of Mayo Clinic Press, you can order your copy today and receive 20% off.

An investigation of the nocebo effect—the placebo effect's evil twin.

“The nocebo effect” is a phenomenon best summarized as the occurrence of a harmful event that stems from consciously or subconsciously anticipating it. The most recent and massive demonstration of the nocebo effect was found with the claims of COVID vaccine side effects, where a significant portion of these side effects were not actually caused by the vaccine. Instead, they were the result of our negative expectations, the so-called nocebo effect.

What a relief!

All the death and injury, plainly shown in official VAERS data and in many OTHER data sets from around the world, including the huge uptick in myocarditis, stroke, heart attack, horrific neurological symptoms, immune disorders, not to mention the epidemic of sudden unexplained death -- even among the young, fit, and healthy -- and the insurance company data about the sudden, historically unprecedented increase in deaths, the celebrities and doctors and athletes dying right in front of our eyes sometimes, the airlines having problems with sudden employee deaths (and pilots with heart problems), military doctors describing the widespread harm they've seen from these "vaccines", the hundreds of scientific papers shining light on the MECHANISMS and actions for this harm by the various COVID vaccines, the stroke my favorite dental tech had shortly after her COVID shot and the death from Turbo Cancer another tech told me about (of her 35-year-old friend, a mother of two) -- it didn't ACTUALLY happen; most of it was "the result of our negative expectations."

Damn. That's really good to know. I was worried there for a while.


Gaslighting the public to keep this whole Democide hidden and to allow and ENCOURAGE the continuation of this on-going crime against humanity is -- well, I'll let you decide what it is.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

No vax for us, no colds or flu or other illness.

LOTS of supplements and distilled water, and we only buy organic to keep our pesticide / herbicide loads as low as possible (also, don't want GMO corn, etc).

When we DO feel something coming on, we add a few things; typically, Oregano oil, Nature's Way Sambucus Elderberry Organic Syrup -- or the kids version, with half the dose of extract per teaspoon --, an extra dose of Lactoferrin, extra mushroom extracts, and so on. Whatever's coming on goes away before it really gets started, in nearly all cases.

I hope you and yours are back to good health soon.

Narg 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'm not usually a fan of shitposts, but I really like this one.

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