Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Government agencies, including the CDC, were found to have conspired with social media companies to censor a wide range of speech, including posts that provided accurate information about COVID-19 vaccines. As part of that effort, the CDC passed on misinformation to Facebook, documents showed. The agency has also offered misinformation about vaccines in presentations and on social media.

The government likely violated constitutional rights with its efforts, courts have ruled.

The Supreme Court is set to soon take up the legal case that uncovered the conspiracy.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

THAT's good news, if it's policy and not a one-off for some reason. The CDC link above (taken from Kirsch's column -- which -- I can't believe this -- I neglected to supply! -- see below) is dated November 2023.

Link for the column that this post is about: https://kirschsubstack.com/p/no-doubt-about-it-the-covid-vaccines

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's nice talking with you also; important to have contact with good people willing to see what is happening around them (many people who WON'T see things as clearly are also good and well-meaning but . . . it's not the same).

Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

Aversion to emotional pain can completely warp one's perceived reality. That mechanism is MUCH stronger than almost anyone believes. You can see it at work around the world and throughout history; neurosis itself is nothing more than a blanket of emotional repression heavy enough to prevent normal emotional life.

Inappropriate emotions (anger, fear, lust, greed, whatever) -- emotions that would be appropriate in other situations in many cases but are NOT appropriate in the present -- are the most common and visible symptom of neurosis.

Jesus' teachings on Love and on compassionate treatment of children are the most prescient and important teachings mankind has ever received, imo. Widespread proper treatment of infants and children (and pregnant mothers, and newborns) would soon put an end to most human-caused evil in this world; nothing else really will.

Most of the vax-damaged and their loved ones will have great difficulty seeing the reality of what happened from the vax. They aren't actually stupid, but repressed or suppressed Pain makes us ACT and THINK stupidly, as a defense.

It's a mercy, but it does come at a cost.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

So sorry for your neighbors and for you; having friends and neighbors lose their health for whatever reason is painful, but knowing it was probably from malice (and of course there's ample evidence that the jabs are doing EXACTLY what they were designed to do) makes it even worse.

Narg 7 points ago +7 / -0

FEAR PORN? Seriously? This is VAERS data -- known to be greatly under-reported -- and when a spike THIS LARGE shows up from a SINGLE VACCINE, it is telling us something important.

No other vaccine has shown ANYTHING like this.

So sure: the graph doesn't give us details of each case, doesn't prove a particular even was tied to the jab, doesn't give us the age of the person who developed dementia -- so what? All that is important, and you'd THINK that Pfizer et. al, the CDC, etc would be following up . . . but are they? Do you any of that invalidates this data as a signal?

Not everyone (by a long shot) gets dementia after the jab, but don't you think people considering getting a jab SHOULD KNOW ABOUT THIS?

And for that matter, between this and the many other symptoms (including cardiovascular, neurological, immune-related, and other problems, found in the official data from many nations, from insurance companies, and from hundreds of studies), is there any reason such a vaccine should still be recommended -- or even on the market?

Narg 9 points ago +9 / -0

Ah. I searched (using Kirsch's headline) but apparently not deeply enough. It's worth the extra exposure anyway, I think.

EDIT: Oops, I misunderstood: that's a different but relevant thread you posted. I particularly like the graphic it includes.

Narg 5 points ago +6 / -1

Thanks for posting! Great article with an unusual and useful graphic.

And, of course, yet another reminder to never EVER get one of these evil "vaccines".

Narg 6 points ago +6 / -0

DIE is wrecking America in a hundred ways, but THIS is going to do more than almost anything else on that front to wake people up -- even without, I hope, planes actually falling out of the sky.

Narg 6 points ago +6 / -0

Without Q's postings and Trump winning in 2016, imagine where on that parabola we'd all be now.

Actually, I don't see "Gitmo or worse" on the chart.


Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes. EVERY system in the body is affected. Levels and primary areas of damage vary, but the symptoms reported in the literature, in VAERS, and in Big Pharma's own data include problems basically everywhere in the body.

Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

Here's a link to a PDF with the full results: https://www.skirsch.com/covid/Survey6B.pdf

I don't see your question listed. Total number of people in the household, yes.

Number of COVID vaccines the person answering the questionaire had taken, yes.

Total number of fatalities in the household during the time period, no.

On the other hand, some drop-down menus in the PDF aren't functioning for me ("compare against demographic" and "compare against question" -- which might, but probably wouldn't, provide an answer to your question).

Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

Mark my words:

This will become the biggest Red-Pill Circus of the year, with all the known and formerly unknown dirt, depravity, dishonesty, corruption, and malice that Barry and Michael have been hiding with the help of "Enemy of the People" media whores coming to the fore, loudly and everywhere.

This, by itself, would ensure a Trump win in November. Not that he needs any more help, of course, but just sayin'.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Start with this:

The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression, written by a group of European (and mostly Marxist) scholars.


Brave's LEO AI came up with a fairly decent summary:

The Black Book of Communism is a critical examination of communism's impact on society, highlighting its atrocities and human rights abuses. It documents the lives lost, oppression, and suffering experienced under communist regimes, with a focus on the Soviet Union, China, and Eastern Europe. The book provides a comprehensive and balanced perspective on the history of communism.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Upvoted for "Legal Slavery is ALWAYS the Cabal Objective"

Excellent summary of their goals; everything they do is aimed at that end-goal.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes. I think we're seeing the start of it already. I don't know that we're interpreting Revelation correctly (every generation thinks it has the correct understanding of it, and often that includes the belief it will apply directly to THEM), and for that matter I'm not one who believes the humans who wrote down the words and the humans who translated the words got it all perfectly correct.

But needing a "mark" that could be implanted in one's hand or head in order to buy or sell? Aren't we pretty much already there? And those in control of the system that can approve or deny your purpose . . . aren't they basically Satanic or evil or whatever you want to call it?

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Mail-in voting is what turned the three (conservative) West Coast states -- California, which elected Reagan as governor TWICE, plus Oregon and Washington -- into progressive / communist hell-holes.

Narg 12 points ago +12 / -0

Best text-only meme of the day.

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