Thank you, Fatality. I feel the same way -- I suspect most of us do -- and this is STILL the place where I spend the most time on the web. Honest, intelligent discourse, a wide range of knowledge, skills, and perspectives WITHIN the bounds of pro-freedom and decency, and interesting souls to interact with.
I am especially grateful for the mods and whoever else might be working in the background to keep this place functional and minimally distracted by trolls and dimwits.
I love you all, frens, and again: Thank you, Fatality, for giving us your thoughts in this post.
I think Reagan was totally instrumental and critical in a time period where the Soviet Union had to collapse
Good point, and I'll reconsider my assessment.
the monumental size of the Trump phenomena tops everything.... This is a completely historical time period
Absolutely! This is a truly EPIC time, and has the potential to revalue the world in a way we can scarcely imagine even now.
Exactly, SOGWAP.
You've identified two necessary elements:
The work Trump, Elon, and the rest of the team of insiders are doing, which must be "hardcore and radical." Yes, not flimsy, partial, or mild, but revolutionary. The corruption, rot, and evil must be completely ripped out and safeguards put in place to help ensure they never return.
AND, the Great Awakening itself, which will make the citizenry co-enforcers of the Constitution and of honesty and decency -- not only in government but in every sphere of life.
You can easily confirm that the situation is even WORSE than that:
Up until April 5, 1933 -- when Franklin "Internment Camp" Roosevelt took Americans' gold away using Executive Order 6102 (we were allowed to keep up to $100 worth of coinage, plus jewelry) -- you could exchange a $20 bill for a one-ounce $20 gold coin.
$20 = Once Troy ounce of gold (minus a small amount called the seignorage, which paid for the minting of the coins, and is ignored in most discussions).
What's it cost to buy THE SAME GOLD COIN today? (Or a similar coin or amount of gold?)
Answer: $2,919.80 (per )
2919.80 / 20 = 144.99
In short, a $100 bill today is worth far less than a ONE DOLLAR BILL was in 1933, at least in terms of the amount of gold it buys. That isn't far off for many other things either, such as groceries or housing.
Interesting analysis. I hope you're right. Bibloop.
I only tuned in for a minute or two here and there (I don't watch sports at all but was curious to see one of Elon's rumored half-time ads, which apparently didn't show).
I caught the start of the Star Spangled Banner and hit MUTE after about ten seconds. Egads.
Everything I saw seemed overdone, unnatural, over-acted, and for that reason a bit creepy.
Again, I just saw bits and pieces of various acts; I missed most of what happened during halftime and didn't watch the game at all. But what I saw wasn't anything that made me interested in watching more.
Frozen assets won't make America Great Again.
But they WILL deter future scumbags, at least for a time, which is enough to make the action worthwhile.
Plus, I'm pretty sure Trump plans to use much of the confiscated wealth to help set America right financially, especially in regards to those who have had their lives destroyed by the dirtbags whose wealth we're confiscating (ppl who lost everything in NC, HI, LA, etc for example. I have no idea what the details are, but apparently Trump has already got things moving in NC for the victims who FEMA has ignored).
A friend just sent me an email with this book recommendation;
Good Nature: Why Seeing, Smelling, Hearing, and Touching Plants is Good for Our Health
I haven't read it, of course, but just scanning the description and comments at the Amazon page is a reminder ('cause we all already know this, really) that being in nature, keeping plants in the house, physically handling organic soil, and so on strengthens the immune system and improves health in many ways. There's plenty of scientific evidence for this, and while the effects aren't always dramatic they definitely are worth seeking.
The Twitter / Nitter link post suggests to view the list of side effects, adding that:
You will need to follow a few links but the information is available
After about ten minutes of chasing links and menu items, I still couldn't find it. I eventually found this:
That page is an excellent example of obfuscation via multiple methods (detail overload, burying the more pertinent and important information many pages down in the document, and actually leaving out what I'd consider the MOST significant information altogether).
This Pfizer document reminds me of an article about the FED that I encountered 20+ years ago (and which is still on the Web) that completely ignores the basic truth of the "Federal Reserve" -- that it's a vast counterfeiting operation designed to suck wealth from the American people for the benefit of a psychopathic, war-mongering, power-hungry Cabal that has been a parasite on the world since long before 1913.
Instead, the article covers, in excruciating detail, the Byzantine labyrinth that the institution uses to make creating oceans of dollars out of thin air and then charging interest on those dollars -- which isn't actually mentioned in so many words -- seem like an honest but insanely complex and VERY important thing to do. It's so complicated that I doubt one reader out of a hundred understands what they just read.
From the first screen (of seventeen; each is a separate web page):
>In this article, we'll visit the mystical world of the Fed and talk about terms like monetary policy, discount rates, and open market operation. We'll find out just what kinds of tasks fill Ben S. Bernanke's day, and see how his and the Federal Reserve Board's decisions affect our everyday lives.
It's a long list, and what's shown at the Twitter/Nitter post above is a only a small part of the overall list of nastiness that has befallen COVID jab victims.
4 post(s) found containing "PRECIPICE".
You must show them. Only at the PRECIPICE will people find the will [strength] to change and break the system of control [be free]. -- from #4685
You must show them. Only then, at the PRECIPICE, will people find the will to change [to participate]. - from #4641
Important to understand. ONLY AT THE PRECIPICE [moment of destruction] WILL PEOPLE FIND THE WILL TO CHANGE. -- from #4407
We are at the PRECIPICE. [SWAMP] FIGHTING BACK Remain CALM. We are here for a reason. Patriots are in control. Q. -- #2254. <<--- THIS ONE IS FROM 2018, suggesting we've BEEN AT THE PRECIPICE for some time now.
Note: the formatting is better at the link at top of this post; each SENTENCE is generally a sep. line. And the first two especially are much longer than shown here.
I've always thought of "the Precipice" as something along the lines of a near-brush with nuclear war or another 9/11-level false flag, but OP's post suggests that it might be the combination of widespread financial distress from years of Cabal and Democrat fuckery to the economy, plus the overwhelming and rapid on-going revelation of rampant corruption, theft, and malfeasance in the use of government funds: that essentially, most of the government is nothing more than a vast criminal enterprise that is stealing our wealth and harming us in many other ways.
Nice post, mmtwo. I turned off the sound after about the 20th "fuck!" but by then it was clear what she was talking about, and I think her anger and pain are pretty common right now.
. . . shivers up my spine.