Narg 10 points ago +10 / -0

Thanks for posting! Very interesting stuff. Great wisdom has been repeatedly discovered and then lost, including, I believe, long before the examples here. I'd not seen (or rather noticed) these before and appreciate learning about them.

Narg 5 points ago +6 / -1

AND the Pharoahs (well, Tut in particular) inspired the most epic of all musical reviews:


Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes. And that not only harms the environment (and sometimes kills people): it's getting a bunch more costly to ship EVs to market since at least two container ships carrying zillions of EVs have caught fire and sunk in the last year or two.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

I hope the normies -- or a growing percentage of them -- are figuring out that -

  • The MARKET should make choices about what gets bought and sold, not politicians and government bureaucrats. SOME electric vehicles are fine, but FORCING them on everyone as they're working towards is insane. "Everything government touches turns to shit."

  • The push for electric vehicles has to do with controlling and REDUCING the population (can't use cash at public chargers -- only "controllable" credit and digital money; the electric grid can barely handle things NOW and will NOT be able to handle a huge increase in EVs; eliminating fossil fuels will destroy farming, transportation of goods, and greatly reduce the output of many things that require petroleum to produce, including medicines - some of which are actually needed - and zillions of other things that cannot be made, or made economically, without oil).

  • EV's do more HARM TO THE ENVIRONMENT than do internal combustion vehicles (lithium and other mining and refining; battery disposal; coal-fueled power plants to make the electricity for the cars; the added half-ton or more for the battery degrades roads faster, grinds down tires faster, and means EVs actually USE more energy to accelerate than non-EVs do).

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

I like how you think, WeAreThePlan.

You are spot on: The Biden Crime family is a three-ring circus of depravity, crime, anti-American sentiment (and action), and incompetence.

Very entertaining. A movie NEEDS to be entertaining if it's going to keep people's interest and if the events of the movie are to stick in people's minds.

Biden? The man can't walk up a flight of stairs without screwing things up. His frequent word-salad pronouncements are legendary. Sniffing children? Extorting Ukrainian officials to kill an investigation into his own crimes? Repeatedly using his office to kneecap America in various ways? Getting rich in office (during his whole career) by selling us out? What a character.

Hunter? A one-man carnival of crime, incompetence, and disturbing XXX behavior. Imagine one of the Trump children doing ANYTHING this guy is famous for. Hell, imagine your OWN children behaving the same way. "Memorable" to say the least, and not in a good way.

Combine all that with, as you point out, an easily gathered and understood chain of financial and other evidence of outright criminal behavior, and you couldn't ask for a better set of characters for this movie. Proof is that everyone, including hard-core Dems, knows Biden can't beat Trump now even with a full-court press on the cheating.

When everything is laid out clearly in court, on X and other media, and (reluctantly and slanted for sure) in the mainstream press, the public pressure to clean up America will be incredibly intense.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, I've looked into his past.

Yes, it appears he was (and perhaps IS) deep state to the core.

Then again, Trump was a Democrat for most of his adult life, and spent much time hob-nobbing with them.

As I've said twice in this particular comment chain, I have no way of knowing what his true intentions are. I don't know what's in his heart or in his mind.

I am comfortable with that sort of ambiguity because that's how the world actually is: probabilities in almost all situations, not the comfortable certainties we expect, crave, and imagine in our own minds.

You could very well be right about Vivek -- I am NOT arguing with you. But I have to say, as time goes on, I'm feeling more and more than he's either JOINED the White Hats sincerely (whether forced or just having decided on his own) or that he's been a sleeper / mole for the White Hats from the beginning.

I'm perfectly ready to be wrong, although of course I hope he's actually one of the good guys. But maybe not.

In the meantime, the redpills he's dispensing to the normies are definitely helping OUR cause, not the Cabal's.

Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

To redpill the normies. He's giving TRUMP'S answers to the questions at the debate, standing up for MAGA in Trump's absence.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

No bet; as I said above: I don't have any way to know what's in his heart.

He might be a snake in the grass; he might be completely on our side.

Once again: only time will tell.

Narg 11 points ago +11 / -0

Trump says good things about him; I don't have any way to know what's in his heart, but I suspect he's on Team Trump and with the White Hats now, for whatever reason (pressure from the White Hats? He was always a White Hat sleeper? Something else?).

As always, only time will tell. But for how he's helping the Great Awakening and I'm happy for that.

Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

And the rest of us demand crackdown on the UN to Fight Tyranny and Democide.

Also: Human-driven "climate change" is horseshit. Not only is this fake "crisis" being used to consolidate control over as much of the planet as they can grab and to help kill off most of us "useless eaters", but the blizzard of propaganda against CO2 -- an important life-giving atmospheric gas, more of which HELPS PLANTS GROW BETTER and which is at a very LOW point right now, compared to most epochs in Earth's history -- and against other supposed problems is obscuring REAL problems like chemical and plastic and radioactive pollution that really SHOULD get more attention.

Narg 12 points ago +12 / -0

So obvious, yet hidden from most normies by the cacophony of bullshit from the Cabal.

A perfect meme.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Exactly. It can't be stopped. We're either fucked or we're not; too soon to know for sure but I'm not comfortable with the situation, I'll say that.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

That's quite profound.

Psychopaths (for reasons of dysfunction in the frontal lobes) and sociapaths (for reasons of heavy repression of certain types) are cut off from their fellow man, incapable of much (or any) deep empathy, adrift alone in the universe, with no deeply-felt connection to others.

They're in Hell, basically. In solitary confinement, which is actual torture and insanity-producing.

With no connection to others, life really IS futile, because connection with others is the deepest and most important imperative of the human soul.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Here is why, imo, one is blessed if persecuted for being righteous (and it's a quote from Jesus Himself):

17:21 Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.

It's not the persecution per se that makes one blessed -- not at all! -- it's that one IS RIGHTEOUS, meaning that one is open to, part of, and carries within oneself the Kingdom of God, which is also called Heaven.

Such a person is blessed whether or not anyone is persecuting them; the persecution is irrelevant to that. Persecution happens because there is evil in the world and evil's nature is to bedevil and harm the innocent and the righteous.

Reducing the amount of evil in this world is what the Great Awakening is all about, and imo it was also the primary Earthly task that Jesus was consumed with. Whatever else you can say about it, "saving souls" REDUCES THE AMOUNT OF EVIL in THIS world.

Narg 5 points ago +5 / -0

It's a tough decision, deciding whether to engage with people on the web who MIGHT be trolls but MIGHT be sincere people who are close to a tipping point and who might start to Awaken with just the right truth-push.

On the one hand, trolls are there partly to keep you wasting your time trying to change the mind of a brick wall, which prevents you from USING that time effectively.

Also, frequently engaging with trolls takes a toll on you; it's exhausting and discouraging.

But helping an honest person Awaken is among the most positive things one can do.

Tough, very tough to decide how much energy to devote to the task when you can't really know WHO you're interacting with: Troll or Soul.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0


Includes diet and lifestyle advice along with suggestions and details for a number of supplements.

Best wishes for your wife.

EDIT: If she's had the COVID vax, it would be worth looking into Nattokinase, bromelain, vitamin K2, NAC, and other supplements known to help counter or lessen the impact of the spike protein or other effects of the vax.

Narg 6 points ago +6 / -0

That's exactly what I think every time I read about Tesla's wireless electricity transfer idea. If it's putting out enough power to run a traffic-jam's worth of EVs on your commute, is all that electromagnetic energy not impacting human (and other) cells?

Narg 6 points ago +6 / -0

When I encountered that sort of thing with Leo, the new AI chatbot in the Brave Browser, I was first horrified (and actually a bit frightened; it seemed evidence that we were just going to be buried by the ever-encroaching corruption of tech) but then had another thought:


So did ChatGPT in the example above.

The information asked for wasn't just ignored or not spoken of; the AI CONFESSED that it was unable to provide it (i.e., had been programmed to not provide it).

Users are seeing confirmation that Big Tech is censoring real information, just because it is "controversial", meaning Big Tech and those controlling the tech don't want the public to learn about that information. And they're leaning what that information is (Q drops, in this case), giving them reason and a starting point to seek it out.

It's another step on the path to the Great Awakening, imo. As with everything else they do, the Cabal's oppressive actions ultimately create a pro-freedom reaction.

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