Watch all parts and come to your own conclusion
I would get right first and foremost with Jesus Christ before anything else. Read Romans, and focus on Romans 1.
Second, you have an autoimmune disorder. You need to look up fasting/autophagy to repair your immune system. Literally, any autoimmune disorder is a choice to live with immunosuppressants to enrich big pharma, instead of the cure fasting. Search Pubmed fasting and autoimmune.
Thirdly, get right with Jesus, because our physical bodies are temporal in nature and will be destroyed. Physical suffering is transient compared to spiritual suffering.
Make the dog fast, fasting starves the cancer of glucose and insulin growth factor. Recycles the immune system so the body can recognize and destroy the cancer.
Absolutely no food for 2-3 days at a time. No juice or anything with carbs or protein as well. Good book to read is “tripping over the truth”
I survived the military mandate purge! I try to redpill surgeons, doctors, nurses, surgical techs, etc whenever I am doing a case with them. Many are no longer willing to get any more clot shots or paxlovid.
I also try to steer these highly trained personal away from medications to cover symptoms but treat their disease through fasting and diet changing. Have had success with many, getting them off their medications and as a result taking money away from big pharma. You would be surprised how little physicians know when it comes to non pharma treatments or why they're sick in the first place.
What does the rocket hit? What about operation fish bowl?
I disagree, I believe we leave on a flat earth surrounded by the firmament. There is a reason we fake space and had operation fish bowl. How past the ice wall (Antarctica) we can go, no one knows, as it is heavily blocked for us to venture forth. The earth is God’s footstool, wouldn’t make sense in “space”. A lot of proofs out there if your willing to actually look at the evidence and not the shit google doesn’t censor.
I am a flat earther, many govt docs reference a flat stationary earth, as recent as an army 2017 document. Look up operation fish bowl and dominic… also look up videos of rockets hitting the firmament/dome. Don’t diss something till you look at evidence for both sides, I use to be a glober till two years ago.
Says it fake in the comments, why is this upvoted?