Interesting. Did give a good point about faking famous people doing things they shouldnt, but if we haven’t realized by now that if your not there to see it or hear it then dont believe anything that is coming from a screen, and there are programs to detect the deepfakes.
The oceans trap more carbon in their plant life then all the trees. Commerical fisheries have dredged the sea floor that is equal to the land mass of sweden, norway, iceland, england, spain, portugal, italy, and australia. Majority of plastics in ocean is due to commercial fishing nets. Ocean activists are controlled opposition created by fisheries.
Guess Jr. Is on the watch list now. Question anyone who supports the old guard and has a questionable voting record. We need ideas that come from sound reason and logic not solutions from people who caused the problems. Refuse to work with anyone who caused the problems.
Not deadly. Ive made some about a year ago. Depending on what the ppm is depends on how much you will have to mix with water and drink. Real bitter. Higher the ppm the less you have to drink. You got to consume the right amount to get it in your blood stream where it is most effective. Took me about an hour i believe. After dosage felt a bit different from normal but not like an alcohol buzz. No vomit, nausea, headache. There are sites that show how to make, test, store, and how much to consume. I’d do it again. Not something i want to do everyday. Not sure if youd need to. Once a week possibly with other proactive measures to do parasite cleanses. Im sure these can ne found online as well. Even active parasite cleanses want you to wash everything everyday. Eggs can be everywhere. Its a none stop thing.
Guess the only other option is that the EO gets over ruled just like the student forgiveness loan. Only congress is allowed to issue money. Executive order cant. Since the fed does it that itself is against the constitution. Hopefully some lawyers have paperwork waiting to file when it goes into effect Dec 3. Right now they are just doing a “test”, which should be pretty oblivious based off the FTX results. Another thing people can do is bet that some companies are going plummet and take a bet on that and rake in some money to then transfer to gold. “Shrug” im stocked on food. Have gear for hunting and fishing. Unless their gonna heat track people who are wondering around in the woods you can just say good buy to the current world.
Lesson here is to state that it is a koran or torah verse and then say the bible verse. Most people will say, “now i want to share with you a verse from the bible….” Got to change up that playbook.