NoApologyTour 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not really. I think they’ve realized that it’s in their best interest to live in a country that can feed itself.

NoApologyTour 2 points ago +5 / -3

Maybe you should just do it without announcing that you’re going to do it?

NoApologyTour 8 points ago +8 / -0

If you study the history of Marxism and their communications, they can’t focus on truth or accomplishments. Even lying isn’t sufficient because people would naturally catch on. Their primary tactic is mocking their opponents and opposing ideas. This creates a social barrier where people will self censor so that they can avoid the humiliation of being publicly mocked.

NoApologyTour 2 points ago +2 / -0

We clean often, but have bins of old film, tapes, and slides that haven’t been seen in decades. We’re at the point where even viewing something on 35mm or VHS is becoming difficult.

NoApologyTour 10 points ago +10 / -0

After an extremely rainy May and June, it’s been pretty hot and dry here in Alberta the last 4 weeks. That probably didn’t help things.

This, on the surface, really looks like another Maui scenario. If it does however turn out that this isn’t intentional, then the blame will be squarely on Parks Canada. These people are batshit crazy, and have appropriated the Park system to be their socialist haven. They regard humans to be a nuisance (especially the locals) and won’t take appropriate actions to prepare and defend against these types of events, which for every townsite across the Country will be 100% inevitable with their current “let nature be” approach.

NoApologyTour 8 points ago +8 / -0

Jasper was legitimately one of the most beautiful places in Canada

NoApologyTour 2 points ago +2 / -0

They need to get through the conversation first. After that the Democrat executive committee will have the power to make unilateral decisions. Expect them to leverage Kamala out of the position and replace her with Michelle Obama in late August.

NoApologyTour 1 point ago +1 / -0

That’s just the salary. Add in bonuses and stock options and it’s reasonable to think that she may have averaged $3-5 million per year if she was there for a decent amount of time.

NoApologyTour 1 point ago +1 / -0

First of all, it hasn’t happened yet. I don’t think they’ll let her have it if there’s any possible way for them to avoid it.

Secondly, if she does become President, take pleasure in knowing how much Hillary would be seething over this, as well as how this epic embarrassment will further accelerate the destruction of the Democrat party.

NoApologyTour 2 points ago +2 / -0

The vote on the 25th would also immediately install Kamala as president and make her the presumptive nominee for November. I’m convinced that they know how unelectable she is and have a plan to remove her once they’ve gotten Biden out of the way. They have a very tricky minefield to navigate if they want to get their way. This involves removing Biden, but getting through the convention and allowing themselves to appoint the nominee after the fact.

NoApologyTour 2 points ago +2 / -0

That used to be the Democrat Party.

At no point in its history have the Democrats been the party that maximized individual freedom and merit. This is an unbelievable level of cope.

NoApologyTour 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’m convinced they’re going to swap Harris out for Big Mike. They just can’t let her run. She’s not likeable or charismatic, and she definitely can’t run on policy or their record in office. She’ll be exposed in the first two weeks of campaigning.

Biden’s endorsement and her being the current VP present the Dems with a big problem. They can’t push her aside for a white male (Newsom), and Hillary’s ‘elect me because I’m a woman” shtick just won’t work. There’s no other candidate even remotely popular or competent enough to run in the general election.

NoApologyTour 2 points ago +2 / -0

I can’t imagine the build quality on those things. I bet it’s rock solid.

NoApologyTour 1 point ago +1 / -0

He’s not exactly on the ball, but he has correctly identified that for the leftists, their politics have become their religion. They’ve tied their morals to their political ideology, and this dictates their lives. Everything they experience is viewed through the lens of whether that thing is politically correct, or if it helps their cause. Facts and reality take a back seat to propping up the narrative of their pseudo religion. To break free of this mindset, they literally have to deconstruct their morals and their entire identity. This is why it’s so hard, or even impossible for some.

NoApologyTour 17 points ago +17 / -0

Why would Kim Jong-un insult me by calling me "old," when I would NEVER call him "short and fat?" Oh well, I try so hard to be his friend.

NoApologyTour 2 points ago +2 / -0

He’s a candidate for president. Considering the nations history, he should be getting full coverage through the election. Clearly they’re not fulfilling this obligation to him or RFK.

NoApologyTour 5 points ago +5 / -0

Exactly. Even if they were acting incompetently the odds would be next to zero. I can’t imagine this wasn’t a set up.

NoApologyTour 8 points ago +8 / -0

Think about the thought process of watching a civilian crawl across the roof with a rifle and setting up his shot, but not taking action because you haven’t been authorized to.

This whole situation sounds wrong. What are the odds that the SS wouldn’t cover a building 150 yards away, and that the guy would happen to be there on all days, and that the agents on duty wouldn’t take a shot.

NoApologyTour 2 points ago +2 / -0

It looks like he’s way too short to be him. Plus he doesn’t sound like him at all.

NoApologyTour 2 points ago +2 / -0

“Highly volatile and based on thin air” = US dollar

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