NotInFormation 19 points ago +19 / -0

Yes, but also because Democrats are hideous racists at heart.

NotInFormation 1 point ago +1 / -0

Had what must have been the WuFlu since it started immediately after a work colleague and his Chinese wife came back from China and, even while the left screamed at 'racist' Trump and dismissed masks and told people to hug Chinese, I had all the symptoms later identifying the CCP-virus.

Since then: nothing. No colds, no flu, nothing. Regular exercise, ample sunlight thanks to remote work, and no contact with regular overseas travelers...

NotInFormation 2 points ago +2 / -0

He was and is a boyslut; back when the left was digging dirt on him all sorts of sleaze was uncovered, which CAifornians didn't care about.

NotInFormation 2 points ago +2 / -0

This would be more impactful if it wasn't word for word the same crime by relation the lefties tried to use before.

Arnie is still a loser, but that's on him as a RINO who used his time in office to cozy (quite literally) up to the left, crumpled under pressure and now like so many betrays his true contempt for freedom.

NotInFormation 1 point ago +1 / -0

Same thing I wrote elsewhere: back when he wasn't being an asshole, people lambasted leftists who made the "dad was a Nazi" screed.

Today, I put no blame on Arnie's dad for Schwarzenegger's actions now. His Naziism stands on its own. No ducking behind heritage for this one, steroid-boy! (Arnie, not OP)

NotInFormation 1 point ago +1 / -0

Bolshevik Revolution (that they were actively doing)

Answered your own question. Like all the other divisive personal attacks (racist, sexist, homophobe, etc.) these are created out of nothing by Communists to deflect and stop criticism of Communist behavior.

NotInFormation 2 points ago +2 / -0

245, but the general point stands.

NotInFormation 1 point ago +1 / -0

In 1977 I saw "The Prisoner" with Patrick McGoohan. The TV show is surreal and sometimes goofy (a deadly weather balloon filmed in reverse?) but all the methods of control described here are described in those episodes.

How many episodes? "A single season of 17 episodes was filmed between September 1966 and January 1968."

Nothing new under the sun. The Awakening proceeds for each of us ... and yea, 44 years watching the clown show is a long time.

Be Seeing You.

NotInFormation 3 points ago +3 / -0

I have no idea why this is on a gaming site, but it's a nice concise writeup of the pre-industrial workweek (the real one, not RPGing):


NotInFormation 1 point ago +1 / -0

Bing has similar plus "is we getting meme" ... ditto DDG. Correlation between what gets created out in the net and what the spiders pick up for search results.

NotInFormation 6 points ago +6 / -0

The never-Trumper RedState is an authoritative source now? Never mind this phone or not, they're off my trust list indefinitely.

by BQnita
NotInFormation 5 points ago +5 / -0

Work out, achieve achievable goals, learn self-defense (doesn't matter if it's gun-fu or MMA or what). Build personal security and build on that. That calms the 'monkey brain' or 'monkey mind' that wants to rule from the subconscious.

Above all else accept Jesus -- the temporal world can't touch you once you have the only true assurance of life.

by BQnita
NotInFormation 4 points ago +4 / -0

The movie resonated (and endures) despite the tranny freaks that wrote it, because they wrote of this truth of all mob thinking.

The mob always thinks like a school of fish or a herd of cattle. The dissident is always hunted.

The sad thing is that, so often, the people who write these insightful stories revert into the worst offenders themselves. Consider Firefly -- entirely about the poor bastards who lost and just want to be left alone -- and Joss Whedon, now in the top ranks of screechy reeeists.

Honestly the W 'brothers' never got off that camp -- even the original is laced with insanity. "Switch" was originally written as a male/female in/out of the Matrix (forget which was which, who cares) and the dossier Agent Smith holds on Neo/Anderson has his birthplace as "F U, USA." (upside down but more than legible in slo/pause), just to name two.

NotInFormation 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why did they give us the Internet

Wrong Question. "They" didn't give us anything; we built it ourselves. "They" built a network for the purpose of letting elite academics communicate and "we" started sending email, using newsgroups, inventing protocols to sit on top of the stack, inventing systems of communications to use those protocols, and private enterprise flourished amidst freedom.

"They" then consolidated power by state-corporate partnerships to gather data and devour or quash competition; so that the monoliths all now act in unison and spaces like this are islands of thought under constant assault.

NotInFormation 3 points ago +3 / -0

As a kid I was a huge fan of The Prisoner. Few understood why. Future proves past, I guess.

(see The Prisoner episode "Change of Mind" if you want the 54-year preview edition of today's news...)

NotInFormation 2 points ago +2 / -0

Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action.

NotInFormation 1 point ago +1 / -0

Now do Clowns In America and 2018.

NotInFormation 1 point ago +1 / -0

What's the design on the mug Gen. Flynn has on the desk?

NotInFormation 2 points ago +2 / -0

The would be royalty has been trying to put the cork back into the fount of liberty since the day Christ set us free. In more recent history, they’ve been trying to undo the American Revolution since it happened.

These are good finds but absolutely not the root of the problem. “Great Awakening” is not a satirical reference.

NotInFormation 1 point ago +1 / -0

IMO no. Too many other drops refer to Clowns In America, but don’t stop thinking obliquely.

NotInFormation 4 points ago +4 / -0

This morning I was mulling over the name of this new party. I've read many suggestions -- Trump party, Lion party, MAGA party, America (or America First) party.

I like the For Q party. Sums up my feeling towards the uniparty...

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