NotYourAverageJim 1 point ago +2 / -1

Yeah I'm of the mindset that he was funded by the rothschilds. Thats why "They never found his body" and the net result of his time in the history books was the creation of Israel.

deleted -7 points ago +1 / -8
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NotYourAverageJim 1 point ago +3 / -2

Israel loving companies got the USA to here. Rumble loves Israel. Checkmark it off the list and move on to the next non-communist company who loves America and CHRISTIANS.

NotYourAverageJim 1 point ago +3 / -2

Hilarious that he wasn't smart enough to just bring a crow bar. The entire logic mechanism breaks down in droves. That's how you know its 100% fake and gay lol

NotYourAverageJim 7 points ago +9 / -2

You can tell the dude wasn't an Ohio native. He literally used a "Nail gun" to storm the FBI office. LMAO. I know guys in Ohio with 30 round clips and binary triggers. I knew immediately this was a bullshit story lol. If someone from Ohio came in their to clean out the FBI office there would have been a lot more dead people. You already have to have very little will to live to live in Ohio anyways so I immediately knew that some Rando "waging war" with a nailgun was bullshit lolololol.

NotYourAverageJim 0 points ago +2 / -2

I'm sort of surprised he even mentioned it. He's usually against anything that is against israel. Terrorgram is super against Israel. The reason he wouldn't join gab is because they refused to condemn anti-israel sentiments.

NotYourAverageJim 0 points ago +3 / -3

Why would there be? We've known this shit for 2 years. We know the mechanisms....... we have had the proof. The media isn't going to all of a sudden start paying attention to this. Unless they start dropping the dime with some actual proof on some people being pedo's. Until then I really don't give a fuck anymore lol.

NotYourAverageJim 8 points ago +10 / -2

IF only we had a military to protect us from domestic terrorists like HIllary Clinton. Oh wait, thats right, they're too busy planting the faggot flag and caring about skin color to actually protect and serve AMERICA.

NotYourAverageJim -1 points ago +1 / -2

The rest of the world can create a room in their house with no smart devices. The reality is though that Cisco and Linksys routers can map the inside of your home using radio waves so there really isn't any getting away from the surveillance.

NotYourAverageJim 0 points ago +2 / -2

bunch of freemason's on that list. Wait until they die and find out that the "Light" they were following was Satan and his control over the physical world.

NotYourAverageJim 0 points ago +2 / -2

I'm not calling for violence, I'm preparing for violence. It's an inevitability at this point. It's either going to be an FBI agent at your door or a mob forming outside of it.

NotYourAverageJim 1 point ago +3 / -2

Connect it to your wifi at home

Thats how you get your public IP address revealed and also your GPS signal triangulated based on signal strength from the tower's its connected to. Bad idea.

NotYourAverageJim 1 point ago +3 / -2

Yes I agree. Anything sensitive will be said in person, away from smart TV's, smart thermostats, computers, cellphones, and landlines

NotYourAverageJim -1 points ago +1 / -2

It won't be until Epstein is pulled out and shown to the world during the trial will people really wake up and pay attention. It's coming though

NotYourAverageJim 0 points ago +2 / -2

Covid-19 does not exist. The symptoms exhibited were merely fodder caused by aerosols or others to get people vaxxed. Hard to take clandestine serious while he still pretends the PCR-created virus still exists. It's only had the genome sequenced by one company, illumina ( go figure illuminati homage I'm sure) and they provided the sequence to pfizer and moderna et all to create the "vaccine" which is basically just a bio-terror weapon that will destroy your immune system slowly over time. The 4th industrial revolution has been about destroying the useless eaters. The people who don't contribute and sit on their asses and just eat and consume are being replaced by a population that is independent and can stand on their own and build the new future.

NotYourAverageJim 1 point ago +3 / -2

I’ve been praying for these animals to be brought to justice

NotYourAverageJim -2 points ago +1 / -3

LOL After all the alternative history and research that I've done I still find it funny that people think the Nazi's are the bad guys. The news media and television told you that Nazi's are bad and that alone should be enough for spurring an investigation into the topic while using your own discernment.

NotYourAverageJim -1 points ago +1 / -2

NASA in Hebrew means to deceive. Moon Landing is fake, there's fucking birds in the pictures of "Mars". Astronauts helmets filling up with water on livestreams. SPACE IS FUCKING FAKE. CHRIST IS KING

NotYourAverageJim 6 points ago +7 / -1

I think the save the children topic would be more prudent for bringing people together. All of the emails between Hillary and Lynn Rothschild make me sick.

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