Nurikee 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thats Jim Hanks not Tom Hanks. Tom hanks borther looks and sounds like him. Jim Hanks does all the voice work for Woody in Toy Story projects for Disney that arent the main 4 movies.

Nurikee 1 point ago +1 / -0

"Former President Donald Trump also shares memes on his campaign socials and reportedly connected with a network of meme creators that support him."

Nurikee 1 point ago +1 / -0

We gave $83 million to India and they have a space program that landed on the moon this year. The fact is the USA uses aid as a bribe to elites to do what they want. I think we need reform.

Nurikee 1 point ago +1 / -0

TRADE SCHOOLS! WE NEED HIGH SCHOOLS TO PROMOTE TRADES! Look at what Germany does for its high school students and trades its great! Also I think we need to adopt a better form of teaching teachers, I forget which Nordic country does it but they have a special college for teachers only and their degree is very hard to get. it makes all teachers take acting classes so that they know how to keep a class engaged. If America is melting pot, lets take the best ideas from the rest of the World.

Nurikee 1 point ago +1 / -0

Focus only on the cool (action, combat, explosions, gettin buff, hanging with bros) for flashy Tik Tok like ads. You don't sell a car by telling people about all the trips to Costco you will take with your wife in it.

Nurikee 1 point ago +1 / -0

Or maybe the Military could just give a signing bonus of a Dodge Challenger or Charger.

Nurikee 1 point ago +1 / -0

This type of video doesnt need to appeal to veterans or older people it needs to appeal to what the current younger generations are consuming. These types of videos would be so cheap to produce and could be done with tanks, infantry, battle ships, special forces, etc. The only thing these types of videos need to do it catch their attention and plant a seed of how cool it would be. Most Military recruit ads since the 80's have felt the same.

Nurikee 1 point ago +1 / -0

Don't forget about the American farmers and other industries that use Mexicans as slave labor untill they pay off their coyote for the smuggle fees. These types of human traffickers should he highlighted more.

Nurikee 3 points ago +3 / -0

This Forum has become a waste of space then. No thanks to conspiracies.win, you have let that website just become IHateJews.com. Everytime I come back to this site Im reminded why I should just walk away from you all.

Nurikee 2 points ago +2 / -0

I understand this isnt a pure political video but this forum is about bettering society through the betterment of ourselves and that path starts with knowing ourselves better. He describes levels of personal consciousness and how they interact with yourself and in society. If you get motion sickness easily be warned tho.

Nurikee 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why are we making this a choice? Hopefully those who know will blast it so far and wide no one will have the choice to not hear it. Wasn't it "darkness to light"? not darkness to grey. Can we not coddle society please isnt that how they were able to get away with this in the past is because the public didnt know or stuck their fingers in their ears?

Nurikee 7 points ago +10 / -3

I would like to point out that anyone saying "omg they used a video game controller haha" doesnt understand that this is and has been common practice for many systems in science for a long while. You can program the buttons to whatever function you need them to be it has many buttons and two joy sticks and the best part is they are cheap to buy and replace and they will always be in stock even 20 years later.

Nurikee 5 points ago +6 / -1

Its going to plan. Players in Government creates a problem so that crony capitalism can rush in as saviors, to the benefit of politicians with power and under the table deals with campaign funders and friends and family business ties or inside trading. And because they created an emergency they can hold up the people for even higher funds than if it was just an everyday issue.

Nurikee 0 points ago +1 / -1

Tbh you have to become extremely invested in time and effort and consistent to achieve these states. There is a reason monks dedicate their lives to these practices. Of course there will always be those few that are just gifted and can do it with ease but there are people like that in every aspect of life. When I was more consistent in trying astral projection the nearest I got was a very pronounced involuntary shaking of my whole body and I could feel fluid pulsing up my spine and a tingling all over my body, I was never able to get there fully and got a bit discouraged with the journey.

Nurikee 0 points ago +2 / -2

The CIA has already proven that these things are very real and they use them.

Nurikee 4 points ago +6 / -2

History of your past lives and all lived experiences from those many lives is stored in your DNA, that "junk DNA" isnt junk, we just don't have access to all of our DNA until we learn how to access it. Drink only water and lots of it, meditate, get close to God, eat only veggi because its grown with light. Access Astral travel, telepathy, remote viewing, healing powers. We are far more powerful than we know or think. You may think this is all nonsense now, but once you start down this path you will have help and will see its 100% real. We are in a very special time where its easier to access this journey. Believe.

Nurikee 2 points ago +3 / -1

If you are doing public service you are not there to enrich yourself or your friends and family. Elected officals or people working for Gov shouldnt be able to hold/trade stock imo, I know its a hot take and many will cry. But in the end you are there to be of public service or not.

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