OXRanger 2 points ago +2 / -0

The damage is done. A large portion of the population is vaccinated with a prognosis, by some, of death within 5 years. God Bless Brook Jackson; it is time to unravel the lie and punish the evil perpetrated on the American people and the people of the world.

OXRanger 4 points ago +4 / -0

"Frat" is a derogatory term used by the ignorant or left to diminish these organizations. Fraternities, like the people who make them up, are diverse. The goods ones demonstrate a true brotherhood where all are inclined to work toward the common good. There are also those who contribute toward meriting the derogatory allegation. Young people, as well as the rest of us, should choose wisely when making a decision to become part of such organizations. After all, college students exist to further their education.

OXRanger 3 points ago +3 / -0

IMO, the case will not make it to the courtroom before the election, if there is one. The lawfare against Trump is imploding along with the Biden administration.

OXRanger 1 point ago +1 / -0

New coins will incinerate in your pocket. Just like ones tax dollars; you will get burnt.

OXRanger 2 points ago +2 / -0

The liberals in power lie about everything; Werfel has no creditability; nor the IRS. The agency needs to be shut down.

OXRanger 3 points ago +3 / -0

Which trial would you suggest we all spent 25 hours a day reading? NY, FL, GA, NY. . .more to come. The documents case is dead. . .Smith was not properly appointed; SC considering the immunity issue and we now have heard of documented collusion by NARA, the White Hut, DOJ and Smith. This will not get to trial before the selection (or EPIC FAIL attempt).

OXRanger 4 points ago +4 / -0

Mayorkas too clever strategy is backfiring. Senate failure to hold impeachment trial pulled back the curtain on what we now know is a politically motivated invasion of the USA. Praise the Lord, pass the ammunition. We all need to be on guard as it also is clear the Deep State cannot win in November, nor will they be able to effectively cheat sufficiently..

OXRanger 3 points ago +3 / -0

After all is done; the swamp is drained and the USA in MAGA mode; the statues of Lady Justice should include a noose in addition to the blindfold and scales.

OXRanger 1 point ago +2 / -1

Anything used in excess is dangerous. In moderation all can have proven benefits from alcohol to marijuana to cigarettes. Previous articles have indicated nicotene is 1) not addictive, 2) has health benefits and 3) prevents and eliminates COVID and the Spike Proteins in the vax.

OXRanger 2 points ago +2 / -0

That'll cause a run on Popcorn or in Joe's britches. Timings right; too late to charge him for masquerading as dead.

OXRanger 1 point ago +1 / -0

Identify as an illegal immigrant and they will give you a credit card and NY City apartment. The things they don't teach college students.

OXRanger 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just wait until it figured out it's far cheaper to deport them than keep them in the US.

OXRanger 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hypocrisy, a male in a female bathroom disrespects the privacy of all the females. They should be thrown out. Better yet, do your business somewhere else that does respect the only two genders.

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