Oceanside_Patriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

WTF is the FBI chief going to do about it? Nothing. Because Xi's little chinese noodle is in bidens ass. So China can do whatever they want.

Oceanside_Patriot 20 points ago +20 / -0

I used to be a tech recruiter. The whole H1B thing is the most messed up program ever. Aside from it taking away from American opportunities in the tech field. It's basically corporate kidnaping. The sponsor company basically owns the consultant, pays him pennies on the dollar of the consultants true worth then charges the client 5x what they are paying the consultant. They own the consultants for years contractually. They also like to send fake resumes and 1/15 resumes of consultants are actually real. I could write a book on all the evils and horrors of the H1B program. Bottom line...it's a complete sham with very little actual value.

Oceanside_Patriot 5 points ago +5 / -0

Stories like these bring me joy. I am very much looking forward to flu season.

I was recently verbally assaulted by a jabbed demtard. I look forward to when all those who got in our faces are gone or silenced.

I know that I sound like a terrible person, but if you knew what I have been through with the jab fights with family and "friends"and schools... You might understand my anger better.

Oceanside_Patriot 10 points ago +10 / -0

Fuck around, find out EU. Eventually the bear is going to wake up.... and eat you.

Oceanside_Patriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't feel bad for crack heads who overdose...pretty much same thing. Bad life decisions lead to bad results.

Oceanside_Patriot 13 points ago +13 / -0

So many fake maga idiots. They all watch fox news. Just as bad if not worse than demtards.

Oceanside_Patriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

I was trapped in a blue state...I had to roll. I brought my ultra maga voting habits with me. Fortunately, it looks like the so did the rest of the refugees in Florida.

Oceanside_Patriot 3 points ago +3 / -0

Who cares about the jabbed shill? Why waste your time?

It will be gone in 2 years max.

I gave up on the vaxtarded. They love shoving test up their noses and telling us how selfish we are, FUCK THEM. I will dance on their graves.

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