OldSchool2 3 points ago +3 / -0

It makes for a VERY nice "Dead Man's Switch". You would have thought, with the focus that has been on him for the past 5 years, that they would have "accident" him away by now. He has to have some great content.

OldSchool2 1 point ago +1 / -0

crazy and single aunt suzie, I saw your picture in a bunch of memes today. I guess it could be worse, she could become a stipper or only fans site. Like that stinkie hippie chick in san jose who got popped in the face.

OldSchool2 1 point ago +1 / -0

Along with many many hours on the "carousel". She works at the shelter and posts prolifically on topics around catt food and boxed wine.

OldSchool2 1 point ago +1 / -0

Someone needs to photoshop something in those hands. Suggestions below and in the thread:

Ice cream cones Double sided dildos Horse teather

OldSchool2 6 points ago +6 / -0

Rachael Dozeal has joined the chat... ;-)

OldSchool2 1 point ago +1 / -0

I know two different people that applied for a city job and a firefighting job that claimed "black" on their ethnicity several years ago. The firefighter landed the job. The city job candidate took another role outside of that job.

During the interview they asked him and he stated that his uncle is black. There is nothing on the applications that says to what %. The only areas that I know that go that detailed as the American Indians and a lot of that is due to limited due to revenue sharing with members as well as their standards to what % = membership in the tribe.

Use the system against itself. I would recommend ANYONE who is a first time buyer in those target cities to apply and then sue the living shit out of them for discrimination if they push back. As others have said, your dna will reflect a certain % as black. This will force them to say what % of Black DNA consituites who is black, they'll never go and open that pandora's box.

OldSchool2 2 points ago +2 / -0

Seems that we have a quick cure, keep it out of the media and these plagues disappear. /s Pridepox was dropped from the lexicon as soon as it was labled to a pretected class.

OldSchool2 1 point ago +1 / -0

That would truly be funny if master-beta-r came down with the penis pox. Speaking of which, it seems thata lot of these people who has supposedly gotten sick or died, truly did get the vax and boooostered. Life is going to be rough for a lot of people whne the reality that this was and is a poison comes to light.

OldSchool2 6 points ago +6 / -0

Danny Bonaduche has entered the chat...

Women's skin is different and no amount of plastic surgery or treatments can change that.. full stop.

OldSchool2 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am in the mood for some Chili...

OldSchool2 4 points ago +4 / -0

Valid, but it is not like we have not been jumping up and down telling people to think and research versus blindly listening to the msm or being forced by their employers. In response to our simple inquiry to rational thinking and due diligence, I watched as our leadership and talking heads publicly wishing death upon us, forced vaccinations, take away our kids, death camps.

People can feel empathy for what others have done to themselves, but you cannot shoulder the pain, we have and continue to try, that is all we can do. Pray for them, but move on. You are correct along with what others have said, it's going to get worse before it gets better, I am thinking as well.

I sleep sound and will continue to do that knowing I have done all I can, within reason. I am saving my energies for what is next, if they are willing to brutally kill and maim all of these people, what is next.Not dooming and glooming, just highly accute to what comes after shit like this. They're setting up part of the narrative already with Trump, blaming him for the vaccine and related deaths and injuries.

Stock up on supplies and be prepared.

OldSchool2 1 point ago +1 / -0

No negative connotation implied. I am right there with you. Change Agent implied to me time to get the change going which ties into the statement. There has to be ramifications to what has taken place or else the same actions will continue.

OldSchool2 4 points ago +4 / -0

Absolutely the same. Everything I needed to know about fox was learned on election day 2020 and cucker telling everyone to leave hunter alone (after the personal emails between those families).

OldSchool2 2 points ago +2 / -0

Never in a million years thought of that, but damn, that sounds really good. I think I need to head to the kitchen real quick.

OldSchool2 3 points ago +3 / -0

Mid Terms were being pushed by msm, with the npc stress and focus level soo high on the scamdemic. To wag the dog and clear the decks while trying to save face on the bio labs viris and the scam, ukraine boogie man was released.

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