Olddogg 1 point ago +1 / -0

“Hezbollah, in a defense move, told all their supporters to go low tech. Pagers, walkie talkies and such.”

Most likely the reason for the op. Shut down communication.

Olddogg 4 points ago +4 / -0

Between google and amazon that’s already happening.

Olddogg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Very plausible explanation. Bet they don’t tell anyone how they did it, could be used again.

Olddogg 3 points ago +3 / -0

A woke one. Many of the real ones have left because of that.

Olddogg 1 point ago +1 / -0

I started out a little emotional and attacked the messenger. Thankfully I quickly came to my senses. Always better to keep emotion out of the discussion but this one is a hot subject I guess. All good. Unfortunately too many get benefits that never paid into the system. Nothing new there.

Olddogg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Take Social Security and Medicare away from retired people? Some of us paid into it for 50 or more years, we have skin in the game. Better to get rid of the programs that focus on illegals or DEI or other woke crap. Pissing on retired citizens is not a good idea.

“Edited to remove personal reverence”

Olddogg 1 point ago +1 / -0

He thought he was a girl but raped a girl. Get it? But what you said is true, I was just making a lame joke.

Olddogg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Portable Solar would give you some lights, charge your phone and maybe run your fridge enough to keep food for a short time. The setup that works for a whole house would entail a large group of solar panels, usually but not always mounted on the roof, a large number of lithium batteries 8-10 or more, solar battery chargers, inverter (at least 3000-5000 watts) and other misc components needed to convert the solar electricity and protect the batteries. A fairly large investment but can be done. A gas or multi fuel generator is simpler to setup but depends on the fuel source to run. NG or propane are a good choice. Propane has the plus that you own the tank and fuel in it but in an extended emergency it might be hard to refill the tank. NG aid great, unlimited fuel, as long as the gov doesn’t shut off the supply.

Olddogg 5 points ago +5 / -0

So the mother is a lesbian and the skirt wearing son, (who raped a girl), must also be a lesbian. Messed up world we are living in.

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