OneOff 6 points ago +6 / -0

I totally agree. Btw I must be really tired because I initially read your name as Tampon Anon and had to do a good double take.

OneOff 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you for giving a different perspective. I agree that not all of it is a giant conspiracy.

There is ALOT of bullshit going on though, which deepens peoples emotions and thoughts on the matter. Especially in a situation where you have no control, like waking up in a hospital.

What you are saying seems reasonable. It is still nothing I want to experience. Especially these days with the total corruption and complete lack of transparency in government and big medical.

OneOff 14 points ago +14 / -0

I would like to know more details, like what hospital was it? I know he said Flagstaff, but I am assuming there is more than 1 hospital there.

Where was the car crash? If he was fine besides some scratches, like he claims, then he has the right to refuse treatment. They would have him sign an AMA and be on their way. Was it fire EMS or a private company?

If his story is to be believed, then it all seems to have started with EMS. I have a hard time believing they are in on it like the hospitals are. I just don't see the benefit or incentive for them.

Very interesting though. I do not doubt it, he seems sincere. Just some things need clarification in my opinion.

Either way, his story is horrific and really makes me want nothing to do with anything to do with the medical field. There is absolutely no trust there anymore.

OneOff 5 points ago +5 / -0

I am sure most of those are bots or manipulated at the very least. It is the inorganic communist cesspool of reddit after all.

What is sad is the people who are still on there thinking it's a legitimate, progressive website. The ones that don't see that it is just social programming and propaganda. But I believe those people are getting fewer and fewer.

OneOff 3 points ago +3 / -0

Can you point me to that. Or at least which brands (assuming any of them are safe).

I just know I would rather drink bottled water than the tap water out here. I am not at the filtration or distillation level yet.

OneOff 5 points ago +5 / -0

I tend to agree, although the mysticism to the profound looking glass does have a sort of allure to it. I think it applies more to a strategy or idea then an actual object shrouded in the esoteric.

Although I have heard that no matter what they tried, the black hats could not see passed a certain point of time, or marker. That could also just be a form of fan fiction adding to the allure of the existence of such a device.

If I were to bet, I would put it on your number 1. It has mostly already been handled and they get all these predictions right simply because they are doing a slow release of what is already done.

Just my opinion. Really, who knows about anything anymore? Other than God wins, we win.

OneOff 4 points ago +4 / -0

I agree, I went into 3 stores maskless yesterday. All in a heavy "no mask no service" area. People just acted like I wasn't there. Although the cashiers always seem to be nicer when you don't wear a mask.

I only caught 1 person actually looking at me. It was a cashier at the check out stand next to mine.

But I could tell the look was, "I wish I could rip this ridiculous fucking thing off my face too." Instead of being angry that I wasn't wearing one.

The sad part is, there were only 2 other people in those 3 stores without one.

It was so much different a year ago. I would get dirty looks at the very least, let alone told I needed one.

These people seem battle torn and defeated. Just going through the motions now, instead of being militant with their fear.

OneOff 1 point ago +1 / -0

I am sure with the help of dominion, like everywhere else.

OneOff 1 point ago +1 / -0

That is pretty eerie. Definitely direct orders that we can all agree on.

OneOff 5 points ago +5 / -0

I really hope there is a cure for them. I don't think Trump would be encouraging it without there being a way to reverse the damage.

OneOff 1 point ago +1 / -0

I am saying we should ignore these divisive posts. People have their own opinions based on their own experiences.

I haven't seen all the racist stuff that was claimed before the original thread. Meaning, I don't see a need for these threads to begin with. It didn't stir the pot, it became the pot.

Noone is out there calling for genocide due to skin color. If they are I am sure they are banned appropriately.

People were mad because it fit right into all the other anti-white gaslighting that has been forced upon us for years now. Maybe choose different examples instead of making it seem like only white people can be racist.

I respect everyone until they give me a reason not to. I don't hate anyone for their skin color alone. But I also don't want whites to be eradicated, like the globalist wet dream is.

The only us vs them is the people against the demonic globalists. If people can't handle someone else's opinion, whether it be bigoted or not, then they should get thicker skin and move on with their day.

OneOff 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oh yea. I don't believe any of the numbers thrown at me anymore. I think they just pull them out of their ass to appear strong and to try and coerce who they can. That is why their intimidation is getting stronger. Because what they say is not working.

I have even started to question the whole 8 billion people thing. I mean, they lie about everything, why would that be the truth?

For your second point, I know they were counting pretty much whatever they wanted as a "covid death." Cancer, heart attacks, motorcycle accidents, etc. That's why when you look at the data there was no rise in global death rates during this "super scary scamdemic." Sorry I don't have sauce for that. I have seen it several times though.

I also know that if they bust down my door and try to hold me down to inject what I don't want in me, all of us are gonna die. I think they know that too, that's why they rely so much on psychological warfare and trying to isolate people from each other.

OneOff 14 points ago +15 / -1

I agree. It was made to gaslight and cause problems. I don't really see the rampant "racist" behavior on here.

It is just to divide us and keep us from the more important things we should all be focused on.

The immediate butt-hurt responses just fueled it.

Everyone should just ignore it and move on to business as usual.

OneOff 4 points ago +4 / -0

I agree with your comment. Some companies may be getting incentives. But I know my company is afraid of being fined, I assume by OSHA.

It is obvious the majority of us will not comply. There have been meetings where HR strongly encourages it, they even offered a couple hundred dollars to take it.

Then they went on to say that they are holding out as long as they can, and us clean bloods will have to wear masks. Which noone does, unless HR stumbles around. Ironically the only people who wear masks around others are the ones who are poisoned, for the most part.

They have said that we have to do tests, but the tests cost so much per test and ultimately they have to do what is right for the company.

Made me think that they are threatening to make us pay for the tests, if the costs reach a certain level. They have only tested people who are sick, they haven't mass tested everyone every week, like they threaten.

So far you can tell they are hesitant. I know they know they are outnumbered. If they get rid of us, they won't have a work force really

But my point is, they just want it all to go away as well. They are more afraid of getting in trouble, as opposed to getting incentives themselves to get everyone poisoned.

OneOff 2 points ago +2 / -0

My thoughts exactly.

OneOff 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have dealt with alot in my years. The only "thing" I strive for now is the unending light, peace and love from the creator.

But we are dumbed down, intentionally left in the dark to be persuaded. Humans have alot more power than the dark side wants us to know.

Just because someone tries to be more in tune doesn't automatically mean it is for selfish reasons and devoid of the creators love.

We are all at different parts of the journey. Some more developed than others. There is absolutely a line in the sand that I can recognize and stay on the right side of.

Loving your neighbor and helping people can be more then just a physical action. To fight the good fight, some people have to go deeper.

OneOff 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks. I tend to agree with all of that. Just from my own experiences that brought me to this point.

I understand what you mean by "not blurting it out" to keep it private. Keep it as more of an abstract thought then developing it intelligently.

OneOff 6 points ago +6 / -0

I agree. I think there are many different things going on in terms of UFO's as well as paranormal/cryptid encounters.

People tend to lump it all into 1 category and blanket stamp it as this or that. But I think there is alot more to it then that.

Yes, absolutely be skeptical. Especially when it is known how the DS will obfuscate certain things, or just straight up lie for control.

But there are also those reports that I don't believe fit the criteria and probably have a completely unrelated truth behind it. That people just discard because they only see from their perspective.

Noone knows what the whole truth is behind these types of paranormal phenomenon. Is it made up, fake, spiritual, demonic, inter-dimensional, legitimate?

I think all of those are true at certain points. People have to look at it case by case and sort them. Instead of just dismissing everything as this or that.

OneOff 3 points ago +3 / -0

That was some of the most moronic shit I have seen recently. There are points where some of them almost start to realize, then back peddle immediately for fear of "sounding like a Trumpster" and losing those precious internet virtue points.

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