As if no one could tell that haha it's like when an article was written about the mansion and they said secrets of the mansion like broken furniture and ripped/stained mattresses(oh boy did we already know haha). Don't forget about the tunnels that go to certain other homes
Apparently he does own a mansion, private residence Yellowstone club in Big Sky, Montana
O'Biden works for Obama who works for Killary. She couldn't win on her own and became apart of the Obama administration which was supposed to get her the 2016 win but it didn't work out for them. Ain't seen much of killary these days, too busy "training" Harris so when O'Biden steps down. As he did say the first time they had a problem, he'd move aside for her
I see Adam sandler's name and all I can think about is him covering for weinstein when he assault Terry crews in a room full of people. He wasn't funny in his stand ups so how did he get to "happy madison" status...... with friends likes these who needs talent
BC Canada is trying to convince the world that 90% are vaxxed and the 10% of the unvaxxed are compromising over half the bc population..... hahaha herd immunity used to be a thing now it's all or nothing works hahaha
I once read an article where they busted a human trafficking ring and in one sentence they called them victims and the next they were saying they were child prostitutes....... just floored me. I think it is so if you see names linked to it, your not thinking pedophiles.... no one wants to call it what it is. Then they would have to admit to covering it up horrible crimes against children. Where have all the real journalists gone?
The EUA isn't void because they and fauci refuse to publicly say that it works for covid. They say there is no science to back it up and everyone else is the "moron". And their words are "LAW" and the doctors and real scientists proving it works, are dangerous conspiracy nuts, spreading "misinformation". SARS-cov1 doesn't have a treatment, cure or vaccine and it just disappeared...... they won't make that mistake again. Sars-cov1 lasted from 2002-2004 and this one will go for as long as they can
The only exemption the kids have for masks (at this school) is if they've got behavioral problems or special needs and can't put on by themselves.
I can find maybe 2 articles about this for today and a live stream from 2 months ago?........ different or same one?
The EUA was no good as long as there was pre existing approved meds on the market, ex: ivermectin. The EUA is what gave them the power to do what they wanted
Rfid chips come in passports issued after 2007. For prevention of identity theft (so they say), all info and biometrics programmed on the chip. Identity theft has never been higher. The passport book must be opened to be scanned by the scanner. All debit/credit cards with tap, chipped. Everyone is already too late for that now. They know all about the radiation, hence the latest fashion. Hats, sweaters, backpacks ect, all have Wireless radiation protection. People have been to "balls deep" in their phones and now....... I'm more worried about 6g. Some countries were talking about 6g roll out before most countries even have 5g
That's why they tried impeaching Trump every step of the way, so they could steal the election and prevent him from ever being president again butttttttt Biden's Whitehouse stage and constantly blaming the last administration for 2 years just shows he's not the people's president and he has no accountability Let's go Brandon. #FuckJoeBiden #NotMyPresident #ImpeachBidenNOW
It's funny cause if fauci got his way back in the day, the world would've been locked down till they had an aids Vax...... spoiler alert: they still don't have that aids vax
Once I read and comprehended the EUA, saw what was banned within 2 years of the plandemic, watched the 2015/2010 Gates TED talk, checked the trial numbers for the chosen Vax company of the countries choosing and watched people around me experience what they call "normal Vax side effects", while taking into account the time it was developed in, the fact that MRNa vaxs don't work, my personal Vax injury history and the mandates with the phrase; out weights any potential risks, with the constant flip flop, fauci aids play book is the covid play book and watching him receive an award from Elton John, on behalf of the aids association, it's all pretty clear. Hope this helps a little bit. Best of luck to you on saving a marriage.
Christopher's network has increased significantly over 2021. He is estimated to be worth between 1m -5m$. Great teachers salary.......
Robert titcomb is Obama's "bestie" from college who was busted back in 2014 for destroying a prostitution sting, in Hawaii. Being besties with ppl like them means you get the "titcomb treatment"; 500$ fine or 30 days in jail........... fucking joke
Thank you for posting
Didn't Colorado already do this in July of this year (2021)?
Is the I.D from Hawaii too? Lol
Ding, CNN is done, Ding, CNN is done lol
I would love for him to be next but as of right now, he said an Era is ending and not that he was leaving........ Hopefully he is just buying his time till it can't be covered up anymore
Thank you for posting
Peter. G on yelp: Not a whole lot here to see. No one else visits.. Makes it the perfect place for a suicide; Clinton-style. Okay, I said it.. 08/27/2021
I agree with Mr. G First openly gay mayor who happened to b demoncrat