You can of course get some reaction from high doses but if you watch the videos you will see how difficult it is as the liver has to produce a chemical that allowsVit D to be utilised . most of it will be lost. Compare that to the steroids my doctor never worried about doling out to me for years. Good luck my friend, God Bless.
he is, i suffered from terrible eczema my entire life, skin ruined by the disgusting steroid cream that the quacks dish out, his advice took away all my symptoms in an easy natural way. I have never felt so good to sleep and wake up without the debilitating itching and damage that it causes.
God bless him
I love this woman, true patriot, and veteran, destroyed for speaking truth and still never backs down from calling the ballbags out. Great to see the British public supporting her by making her stand-up shows-sellouts up and down the land.
What is this nonsense? The legend of King Arthur is to obfuscate Britain's real history, the real King Arthur and the frauds who have occupied the throne ever since.
Evidence of the real Arthur and ties to Christ were discovered by the brilliant researchers Wilson and Beckett, who discovered his burial mound with a huge solid silver cross marked Arturus Rex.
Their works on the translating of ancient hieroglyphics into Welsh is amazing as well.
I've seen a few people, usually the ones who begin every sentence with 'the bible says' stating we are being saved by a man who is the anti-Christ. So are you saying Trump is the anti-Christ? How do you know we are at the right time? Did the bible give a date? I'm not being glib I want to know what your rationale and evidence is.
Happy Birthday Mate