Follow the children.
In the words of Joe Biden, "you ain't black"
God Bless Donald Trump.
There’s a storm comin
Sniff sniff
Is it safe?
Is what safe?
Is it safe?
Wait till I tell my big brother on you, you will be in big trouble
The problem with predicting what a compromised asset will do when you have the secret video of them is the shelf life of your control. It’s just a matter of time when these perverts have to act out again and get caught for real, relegating your video to shite.
Crowdstrike is handling all the cybersecurity so everything is “good to go”. (Sarcasm)
Google will just change the definition of election interference
This is what Trump was trying to tell the Black journalists, Illegals taking black jobs. And while they were more concerned with trapping our President with “what are black jobs”, they missed the point that illegal immigrants are getting an unfair share of the pie.
Look at all those democrat operatives in the crowd. JB couldn’t get numbers like that.
But I like where your head is at
I would say that those on the other side have very similar feelings about where we all are and what comes next. The media has stirred everyone into a frenzy. Anyone that feels safe and comfy are too stupid to know better or believe they are immune to consequences. All citizens of our United States (if not the world) are the in the same boat and being victimized by corrupt business leaders and politicians. This war is being fought at multiple levels and domains but we are not on fire yet and I believe we still have a pretty good chance of coming out of all this with a hopeful future.
I try to resist being a victim by encouraging myself to stay strong. Thats all i can really do for my family.
Weeks and he still cannot answer any questions about what happened.
They gave him a break for a couple weeks because they didn’t think he would be around much longer
OK, which one of you left the bag of cocaine in the conference room?
Looks like she had her face stretched
Kamala Kielbasa
Everyday at 6:00 pm EST
A better alternative is to stop using the secret service
The only government official that has done less than Harris is Buttijuice from transportation.
When the government is finished wringing your neck for ever ounce they can use, they toss your carcass on the "bring out your dead" cart