Sorry the video did not show but hit Be inspired and it will. This woman is going to awaken a lot of people.
It is highly likely Jesus was born in the fall not winter. December 25 is a high holy day for Satanist. Knowing exactly when Jesus was born is not important in our salvation but it, like believing the 1st chapter of Genesis, shapes our world view.
Thanks but I have known for a long time that Jesus loves us all. By the I am just standing for FREE speech and that includes speech I do not agree with.
Why are you bothered by something like that? The Bible plainly declares the earth is round and so does Q. Those that believe that means flat and not a ball have a right to express that at least in a free society. You my friend sound as liberal as those who want to squash free speech that we talk about here. I encourage you to focus on real issues not one that does not affect your freedoms.
Haha so much for the rules. You sound sort of scared of whatever it is you read.
Satan's goal from the beginning has been to separate us from God and destroy the human race. The next step is AI implanted in our brains. You are not crazy.
We are full-time rvers and spend our winters in Yuma AZ and this has been the wettest, Windiest and coldest winter we have experienced here. Locals say the same.
Jesus being God who came in human form to live the life we can never achieve, sinless. Then he willingly went to the cross as our sacrificial lamb which had to be perfect. If you want I would be glad to help you with your questions.
Let's chat. I do not have all of the answers. God is not offended by question. Just look at all of the questions King David had.
You can contact me with any question and I will not shut you down. I believe our creator wants us to ask hard questions.
Please feel free to contact me for doing an online study.
I hold a Bible study weekly and one of my rules is that we will openly discuss what we study without being critical of what members say or ask. I believe the main essential is Jesus is God, he created us, he died for our sins, he was buried and resurrected 3 days later, he ascended to take up his Heavenly throne, and he comi g back to judge the nations. I am open to answering any questions and if I do not have the answer we will study the word together to find one.
Lucifer and the other fallen angels manipulate human dna before the flood and crew is trying to do it again but this time through nano technology.
That should be Revelations 20
I believe lucifer could only deceive people if over the course of generations he is able to confuse the history. Look around us today does it not appear that the world is deceived into believing all that science says, that UFOs are from other world, and then all of the evil that is in the world. WW1, WW2, now a possible WW3. Just thinking outside of all that I have been taught by schools and even the church.
My question is how will Lucifer deceive all nations after Christ's 1,000 year rule on earth? The only way that can happen is if Satan has his rule completely erased. Jesus is the only way to salvation but everything else is debatable.
Consider this, what if the 1,000 year rule of Christ has taken place already and we are living in the period where Lucifer deceives the nations even Gog and Magog?
His mom should be arrested. This poor child has been used to promote evil.
Since all angels, whether good or fallen, answer to God Himself it is my understanding of the Bible we call upon God to send us the angels to protect or bless us.
My suggestion is you get on your knees and ask the Creator God for his favor on your financial situation. He has always answered when I needed help.
Here is what God has to say about the subject.
I would say a C but the MSM and Blue states are helping to wake people up.