Totally unexpected given most scientists’ views. Happy surprise!
Wow wow wow. I hope if this happens, at least make it fair! Former teacher here. I served an impoverished population with some students who were very needy, emotionally crippled, etc.
No way can a teacher be expected to overcome family upheaval and economic instability in a child’s life. This change has to at least partially come from stable families. Yes, there are the Ben Carsons of the world, but believe me, those are the minority.
Hope your birthday is HYUUUGE
Beautiful tribute and prayers. Your dad sounds like a rare treasure. Are you prepared to carry the baton?
Note that this is radar from last night. These planes have likely landed. One can still discover their origins if you know how to dig- I just use the exchange.
Deeper explanation of cholesterol and how to interpret results.
Also thinking perhaps the login was to access HAARP (?)???
Was this about weather manipulation? “Bring the rain”? Much devastation was avoided in tonight’s storms due to a “rain shield”. I even witnessed a well known meteorologist state in a lead up video something along the lines of, “This will be an extremely dangerous situation unless something happens to stop it”.
Amen. Let it be, Lord.
Calling out the scum, “You ain’t nothin’ but a hound dog.”
It’s a bone of contention. Hoping there are good explanations.
A gal from my hs days was ranting about this on FB. She is a self-important MD who should know the taste of humble pie. She will benefit from humility 😂
There are good Jews and bad Jews. Even regular, secular Jews will tell you that.
Probably well caffeinated
Love reactions would be popcorn worthy.
Trumpster will drop a surprise audit for every rep and senator 🎉
Or is this moves and counter moves? She is Team Trump, or he would not have chosen her. He nominated Bondi, so perhaps she is fulfilling her role further exposing the corruption. Now the MM is discussing Epstein, priming the Gen Pop for what could follow.
If it’s revealed he is a member of the Q team, could be quite concerning.
Another comment of the day.
Comment of the day
Ew. Those backgrounds were haunting.
Wonderful prayer 🙏🏼
Comment of the day