I don't trust anyone who plays Balls on Chin with another man.
Much appreciated!
It's like the retarded brother of ranked choice.
Oh goodness...you just had me having flashbacks to grade school...that was maddening!
And of course they had to throw black people under the bus. How in the world can people not see that these are the most racist pieces of garbage on the planet?
Not really his color is it.
I don't wish this on anyone, BUT...if there's a country that can help educate the world as to what these people actually want, why not let it be France.
They loose it too much and it might just fall off! No worries folks, I'll be here all week.
Joo don't say.
Sorry to piggyback you Mr. Sauce, but does anyone have a link to actual good sauce on this? I need to share this with someone and neither of us use X. Please only good sauce for this mission. Thank you frens.
I wan't with you but then I got to the ending. Absolutely love it.
Better be praying for Ratcliffe and Trump, even if you aren't normally a praying fren.
But she sure is a cheating.....oh wait.
Yes, this is a WEF puppet being replaced with the controlled opposition WEF puppet. Same shit different day.
Much appreciated fren, I like the sauce.
Between the horse head, the gaping hole, and all those nasty tattoo's how can anyone be turned on by this freak of nature?
Well, how did you make out last night? The storm coming for us was the Southern late pop up storm. It started out strong but fizzled before it got here about 2am. I'm glad too because I fell asleep when I was supposed to be on high alert. We got a new roof because of the hail several years back and took advantage of the situation to put class 4 hail shingles on. Our insurance went down 33% after that, even with the claim. Check with your insurance and see if they offer a discount, some do and some don't. It might be worth switching to an insurance company that does give the discount if need be. Hope all is well.
The white caps were rough that fateful day on Lake Texoma. Went to catch some large Striped Bass and always take all our guns with us to fight off the alligator gar. Terrible day for humanity.
Oh I bet she does....she's probably heard it a few hundred times over the past 4 years or so.
Their stupidity and lack of awareness shows no bounds.
Who wouldathunkit?
Did a lot of people die? Yes Were their 6 million that died? No Was it only Jews that died? No Did they have a chance to let Jews into other countries to avoid this travesty? Yes Did the S.O.S leaders allow this to happen so they could use it as a weapon against the goy? Yes Did they use the 'holocaust' to direct our attention away from the 4X number of dead whites and Christians at the hands of the Bolsheviks? Yes, absolutely. Is the 'Star of David' a real thing? Yes, but it's not a God given Jewish symbol...the Star of Remphram is spoken about in the Bible as a symbol for the S.O.S and baby murdering fake Jews, and that's exactly what their 'Star of David' is and always has been. I believe that is why Hitler made them wear those particular patches and it became their main symbol. Most 'Jews' aren't Jews at all, simply name changers who started out in Khazaria aka Ukraine. The more things change, the more they stay the same. Lucky for them, in the end God will give them another chance, but they better pay attention this time or it's over and done.
Wait 2 moar weeks.
I would get out of the city asap and on to some property that could sustain myself and my family, but this should have been done years ago. My life will be spent hanging out in the boonies. We sold off several hundred acres and paid off our house and the rest of our property, put a ton of money back for paying taxes so we can keep it, investing in pecan orchards, barter items, building items, solar items, good heavy tents, water filters, shallow well equipment, and of course we've been stacking silver since 2007. We're set up for success for ourselves and those who are willing to work hard, keep their drama to themselves, and defend our way of life. Plenty of deer, hogs, squirrels, rabbits, fruit trees, gardens and dry food supplies to last a lifetime. Unfortunately, we have no defense system since the boating accident of 2019, but I think we'll make due.
I'm guessing they don't have several heavily armed farmers sitting at the entry doors like the churches around here do. If you walk into one of our local churches, and you see a few men looking more towards the door than the preacher, then know they will happily put a bullet or ten in your gray matter.
I'm not sure what it was, but I know damn sure it wasn't whatever they claimed it to be.