Pensador999 1 point ago +1 / -0

spread that around, more people need to see this. should be common knowledge.

Pensador999 1 point ago +1 / -0

happens, once you finish that, call me back if you too can see it.

Pensador999 3 points ago +3 / -0

and that's how the wold goes kaboom. No great scream of hatred no great war of passion and madness. Only sheer mind numbing retardation, were they should never be.

Pensador999 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thas right them blakks too dumb, let s diminish the require

seriously how is that not offensive? Jokes aside Its positioning them to fail. and criating quite the stereotype which will create outrage on the blakks which will cause them to burn down yet another community which will make them dumber and poorer, and thus dependent on the government Skitzo's rant aside, is actually really in your face if you analyze it isn't it?

Pensador999 2 points ago +2 / -0

by my part i know i don't have the plot in the first place, i have no clue how that's gonna end, no clue were it goes or how it goes. all i know is to trust a plan i don't understand. but heck, it saved me from the vaxx really all anyone can generally do is keep an eye on things here one day at at time soemething happens you react accordingly, and hold the line. not much help, but is all i got. hope counts for something.

Pensador999 1 point ago +1 / -0

please do, it holds the underlining ideology of most crazy crap we are all dealing with, is the root of the tree for the left's insanity. and hopefully will help people leave the cult faster after they know were it came from.

Pensador999 3 points ago +3 / -0

i have no idea, when i begun, and i have to confess when that covid thing begun i wnet along to a point, less than most i hope, but when the "vacines" begun its thanks to q i didn't took it, forever gratefull for that insight, compared to the frogs here i am not even remotely capable, and still have much i don't know. Still, i am glad to be here. and i am glad to have a place to check the news media of its lies. Also glad fo the "conspiracy theores" you lot spread, around here it has a different meaning that term. It means : good researcher

Pensador999 1 point ago +1 / -0

waking people up to understand what we are dealing with, a crazy religion. and the core of satanism and for any christian, watch this. Is proof and guarantee that it has nothing to do with christianity only this time you can say more than just HERESY!!!

Pensador999 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't know what will happen either, i didn't had patience to read the script, I'll have to watch the movies along with the normies, at least i know is a movie.

Pensador999 1 point ago +1 / -0

nevermind the guy was in another country. same trick really. fortunally, most people are aware is all bull.

Pensador999 5 points ago +5 / -0

ok, i'll ask here , is there some kind of regenaration chamber when the bubble of technology burst? I heard it around here by Q, that tech was suppressed by the kabal. and that we have acess to way more advanced stuff than you would think, only not with the people if yes then is possible to recover at least some of the lost. hope i'm not just talking shit.

Pensador999 1 point ago +1 / -0

still hope that the RNA has a cure they might be idiots but they don't desearve death

Pensador999 1 point ago +1 / -0

remember guys he was wearing a hood akin to those from balanciega apparently

Pensador999 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm a little slow sometimes but.... There is a WEF They do have a plan They meet ever year in Davos to discuss that plan They've told us what it is They do call it the Great Reset & use the statement Build Back Better There's a book about it So, what part of it is a theory

There, fixed it signed pensador

Pensador999 1 point ago +1 / -0

smokin' convicted pedos, gets mad rep in the prision though.

but seriosly, i do know that is how it is, whether we like it or not.

and on a note, i saw a great podcast on the new discourses about paraphilia.

maybe we should call them what those are, what we are really facing, Khazarians ashkenazi false jews

the jinos, in united states slang.

those are a worldwide satanic cult.

Pensador999 1 point ago +1 / -0

I mean to say, that they are taking actual cues from people in political positions, that means any and all governamental bodies, all it takes is to be a progressive, and boom, you can silence oposition, silence scandals for your side, demonize your oposition, or the regular joe and jane on the street, and the negative is not the only thing you can do, you can push fake news, you can lie about the oposition, that is an actual fucking art, you can make it that any kind of mistake committed by your oposition even if justifiable. And the government tercerized that to the private sector, via the corporations.

Pensador999 1 point ago +1 / -0

Grey area? How is that a grey area, they took commands from governamental offices, to silence opposition. I'm not very familiar to your laws, that's true, but there aren't any law that clarify that receiving direct orders from the government, make you an arm of the government or a governamental asset? Something along those lines?.

Pensador999 2 points ago +2 / -0

Democrat? It stopped being democrat a long time ago, call it what it is, a progressive, that means commie subvertion machine. Is not just the states, they are going after everone!!!!

Pensador999 2 points ago +2 / -0

makes sense, if twitter did it by itself woud be a individual decision, from a singular corporation but thanks to the paper trail, there is evidence good enough to be called proof, that there was collusion between the state and the corporation to silence speech. creating thus, a clear and direct violaton of the first amendment. but hold on, isn't twitter global? they did the same all over the world, correct me if i am wrong but isn't that an international violation of a sort?

Pensador999 1 point ago +1 / -0

Trump: so, you too?

the comies have no other tricks they just bet everone will be too selfish to give a damn.

Pensador999 4 points ago +4 / -0


all i can do is show you this go read some of that when you can or feel like it if spirits do exist. you dad still lives.

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