Holy shit that is mind-blowingly brilliant!
They always show up here and seem to attack the first and most potent posts about this topic in any given thread. Notice lack of downvotes on follow-on comments. Some sort of bots? Agents Provocateurs? Intel Agents? (If you watch the vid, this prospect gets pretty spooky indeed)
Love WF, and that's a great episode. Here's another great thing to listen to on a log trip, the most recent Dark Journalist vid on the assassination attempt: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=x--u3jR7fvo
Whoopsie Daisy!
I think you know of whom I speak. The great deceiver. And anyone, in any faith can be deceived and begin to follow the one masquerading as the True God.
Granted, all true. But you are not understanding me. If both groups truly worshipped the same God, there would be no enmity. So who then is worshipping another? And who might that other be? Who is the one who was created by God, but that wanted to be first?
Yes, let's talk about that deity some more. Who is he in the Canaanite religion? Who were the Canaanites again?
Jews deny the divinity of Christ. Christians believe in the Triune God of Father SON, and Holy Spirit. Therefore, NOT the same God.
Thank you for bringing this to the attention of this forum. This is key.
Unfamiliar with Gnosticism?
Jews deny the divinity of Christ. Christians believe in the Triune God of Father SON, and Holy Spirit. Therefore, NOT the same God.
It's certainly the opinion of many, but not all. Anyway, the point is any culture has the inherent right to defend itself and repel invaders. The porovidence of their respective deities is somewhat secondary as it is endlessly debatable, and can and will be skewed to disfavor any opposing forces from within the perspective of any given group being opposed.
You're awfully quick to assume Judaism and Christianity have the same God... this is the inherent problem with monotheisms.
If they would simply adhere to their Hippocratic Oath, we'd be fine...
Anywhere on Earth to anywhere... else on Earth? Not to anywhere in the Universe, right? If the former, then Elon's talked about using the Starships that way.
Vigano for pope! Meme's away! Make the pope dope again? Surely someone can top that...
DEW we wanna talk about how they set the fire?
It may be partially that people are lazy, but I'd say it's more that they are brainwashed into believing the narrative and therefore are repelled from doing any research, because "it's obviously wrong!". But also, the people doing this just relentlessly go ahead and implement all their shit without our consent or even knowledge anyway. Examples: Geoengineering, aka chemtrails, GMOs, the jab, yadda yadda on and on...
Ordo ab Chao...
That's the thing; so many of Q's famous lines can be interpreted in more than one way. NCSWIC for example. What is coming? If you don't spell it out specifically, it's always a true statement. It's like saying "tomorrow is coming." "These people are stupid", or sick, etc. Who are "these people"? Us, or them? And on and on...
Ask Blue Cross.
Now this makes all kinds of sense in so many ways! It just rings true and fits the current events so precisely, from the assassination feeling somehow "staged" yet not, to the other attempted assassinations that "failed" with other leaders around the same time, to picking Vance, to the Netanyahu visit, the lack of anyone connecting this to Israel or zionism (until now). And you have the downvotes to bolster the veracity of this hypothesis! Those same zionist shills who lurk here, no doubt; they strike again! My two cents anyway.
Thanks frens! I think based on the feedback I will file this in the LARP bin.
Totally agree.