PepeTheHorse 5 points ago +6 / -1

Lost me at "green" semis... can we cut the crap on the bs grift fantasy of green lies?

PepeTheHorse 3 points ago +3 / -0

RINO Larry has already sung praises for moore... It's all theater.

PepeTheHorse 2 points ago +2 / -0

All media, etc.. is in overdrive saying "MAGA is done"

Umm why don't they show any coverage of his rallies?

PepeTheHorse 29 points ago +29 / -0

If "white privilege" were a thing, why'd pocahontus (warren) identify as indian?

Wouldn't that also apply to mixed folks? Kind of the likes of bubba smollette etc.. who go all in on their victimhood.

PepeTheHorse 2 points ago +2 / -0

This, and they spent $700,000 to invest in ammunition earlier this year...

PepeTheHorse 5 points ago +5 / -0

They found benzene to be in a ton of other products too. And that have no real plausible explanation to the source of contamination

PepeTheHorse 1 point ago +1 / -0

Who makes all the public relations posts for these woke places? Why are they all in lock-step unison over whatever the current thing is?

PepeTheHorse 3 points ago +3 / -0

Symbolism... The DNC used it in their 2020 campaign logo D 2 America

Everything they do is pretty satanic

PepeTheHorse 5 points ago +5 / -0

Razorfist has an excellent rant on the blackpill.


PepeTheHorse 1 point ago +1 / -0

They have the depp/turd drama distraction to be hypnotized by

PepeTheHorse 1 point ago +1 / -0

Interesting, the only acct's I have followed are "verified" but constantly get spammed with followers when I have posted nothing nor retruthed... So it's likely rife with bots. Comments section's are filled with anti-Trump lefty shills.

PepeTheHorse 17 points ago +17 / -0

So they celebrate Route 66, but nothing for Christmas, or Easter... and only did a tiny black ribbon for 9/11.

Fuck google!

PepeTheHorse 8 points ago +8 / -0

Blanks would certainly explain the need for the hammer he "used" on the glass... Not an expert on building glass, but most certainly tempered. But is it laminated like a windshield to prevent falls?

There was a clip from Tosh.0 in 2010 where a reporter couldn't break a vehicle's window in a junkyard: from a segment where they were trying to show how easily windows break... He hit the window several times before it let his fist thru - sending him to the ER

PepeTheHorse 6 points ago +6 / -0

If it was indeed a false flag, the "media" had to memory hole it. They NEVER revisit to admit false or misleading "news." Their move is to be the first to report on anything to drum up maximum emotional reaction, then hammer on it - then drop it and move on to the next hyped up bullshit. That's how propaganda works, overwhelm with confusion from every possible angle.

PepeTheHorse 38 points ago +38 / -0

That mandalay bay reeks of a glow operation. So much shady shit surrounding it. Weird vehicles and shady people days prior. Supposed vehicles and people fleeing the hotel night of. LEO drills prior. Crowd attendees had their phones confiscated and returned wiped. Virtually no video footage out there, and the tiny bit that made it out was removed. Overlapping gunfire ("deboonked' as echoes?) Missing laptop hard drive. Oddly staged photos of hotel room. Dude was likely executed.

Distance was exceeding ballistic efficiency range, ie: "ice-picking" is what anyone with front-line experience would call it. Could it have been all blank rounds, and crisis actors?

The whole event could have been fear theater propaganda to push anti-gun narrative.

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