,,,was convincing the world that covid exists.
"How do you shoot the deepstate in the back? What if you miss?"
Also, Kevin Spacey is a sick fag.
Well then, the US military gonna be pissed seeing as how it's currently run by trannies and fags.
Ask Hunter Biden.
I'm all for blacks taking 2 weeks off. Crime would plummet nationwide.
A lot of people got attention for the first time in their lives because of Covid. Albert is one of those people.
“It’s evil white men experimenting on kids. I learned about it on Stranger Things.” - TwitterZ
Who is they in this instance? Please don’t say FBI.
So, they’ll be replacing the players as well I assume?
Lol. There it is.
Theoretically......How about we scoop up one of these loons and brainwash them into a MCE at __________.
In 5 words, Jew is big mad that white man's guns are in the way of their enslavement.
It's nice of them to all gather in one easily targetable location like this.
Another side-effect of too much soy.
They'll agree to it and when the time comes "technical difficulties" will arise.