PewPew82 3 points ago +3 / -0

come on Big Mike. This is all you have to say. Did you not see the shape of the umbrellas. 😆

PewPew82 3 points ago +3 / -0

I remember reading that JE was in a cell with a muscular ex cop who was from up state NY. After JE was found dead, the media claimed the ex cop was moved before.

When I read the up state NY part all I could only think of HRC hit.

PewPew82 3 points ago +3 / -0

February 10th 2022 on the Q Clock has the drop OP posted.

PewPew82 9 points ago +9 / -0

for all we know he did announce. You think the current administration would tell us the truth.... They currently are claiming that this is the largest invasion since WWII. I think they forget about all the wars the US has stuck their nose into since WWII.

PewPew82 3 points ago +3 / -0

I had read somewhere that Stern had a mother son combo on his show and he had the mom use an adult toy in front of her son. 🤮

PewPew82 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not sure if its a good thing, but when Obama/Biden gave Ukraine 1.9b for humanitarian aid, Ukraine put it in a banked owned (or ran) by the same guy who owned Burisma (Hunters honey hole). That bank lost the 1.9b. USA ended up giving Ukraine a second 1.9b. Months later, the owner of that bank became a commander (or something to that nature) of a large army in his home territory. They had all kinds of weapons and armored vehicles that they never had before. This is the group of solders that took on Russia and more or less stopped the last take over.

Take note that this info is strictly from memory from watching a Glenn Beck chalkboard special over a year ago. It around during the 1st Trump sham impeachment

PewPew82 2 points ago +2 / -0

And those kids are supposed to be our future. I hope you delivered a bunch of testosterone to that campus.

PewPew82 1 point ago +1 / -0


This is the media doing what the media does. Trying to keep division between us Americans. Don't let them drive a wedge between us.

by BQnita
PewPew82 1 point ago +1 / -0

Is it possible that RED 2 is referring to 5G and Air Traffic Control ?

PewPew82 2 points ago +2 / -0

20 years ago I only bought Carhartt products for winter wear. 15 years ago, I changed industries and no longer needed their products. I just bought a new Carhartt jacket a month ago. I was pissed it wasn't made in the USA. This makes me even more pissed.

by 369Q
PewPew82 1 point ago +1 / -0

I added all the drop #'s with date and time for each missing the signature into an excel doc. I sorted them by time thinking that maybe they would tell a story if placed in order 00:00:01-23:59:59. They didn't. I even tried running them backwards. Still didn't make any since.

I planed on using just these drops with the clock platform but I have not had the free time to get them all organized. Its possible that it will group the drops together, which might actually tell a story.

PewPew82 17 points ago +17 / -0

I know I am on their list.

White Male under 40, owns firearms, a home, a dependable vehicle, has a job (40+ hrs a week), goes to sleep before the nightly 11pm indoctrination on local TV station, pays taxes, and eats meat for dinner.

by 369Q
PewPew82 5 points ago +5 / -0

Awhile back I decided to dig on why are some Q drops are not signed "Q" at the end. Q said that signatures are important and left is right and up is down. So it made me think that maybe the lack of "Q" at the end of a drop meant something.

There are 599 drops (or 13%) without "Q" or "Q+" as a signature. 33 drops with Q+.

Maybe you should use your magic number thing on those drops.

PewPew82 1 point ago +1 / -0

I came across his recipe while trying to bring a bit of normal back to my house. My son was upset because there wasn't any county fairs due to our governor shutting them down for the wu-flu. I made a few fair style dishes that month. This corn dog recipe was the only one that I truly liked. The only thing we changed was the type of hotdogs and I didnt make ours spicy.

I have made it once since when my son was bragging to one of his buddies that spent the night.

I also made his crunch wrap (tacobell inspired). It was good, but mine came out a bit to greasy for my liking.

PewPew82 1 point ago +1 / -0

Every firearm I have bought in the past 10 years came with a padlock. I also had to sign a form stating I received the lock and intend on using it. I keep my firearms in a safe, but I do keep a couple of the locks in my range bag incase I decide to go the range at bass pro. I hate their zip tie crap.

PewPew82 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just wait until all the people who depend on the child tax credit realize that the $300 a kid per month they have been getting is actually their tax return money.

I bet there will be an influx of used cars for sale Q1 due to them not getting that $6-$10k return they get every year.

Those repo men are going to be bored this summer.

by penisse
PewPew82 2 points ago +2 / -0

this video is fake. The original video showed Pedo hand off a mask or something similar.

go to 7 seconds on this video and the vile is poking through the backside of the kids hand.

PewPew82 1 point ago +2 / -1

I do it at times too. Happens when I'm bored. I didn't realize I was throwing a DS gang sign until people on here started complaining about Trump doing this. Gotta run so I can get my inner Gangsta on!!.

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