PhantomTrickster 1 point ago +1 / -0

I love cream soda though.

But I'll just have one occasionally as the treat and I brush my teeth and it's fine. Besides that I stopped drinking soda entirely as a result of quitting fast food. They went hand-in-hand kind of.

Both are no good for you but fine in moderation but I don't preach about it because I smoke cigarettes and it would be hypocritical or something.

PhantomTrickster 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'd love to see more. Not necessarily regret ones but waking up and stoked about it like her.

PhantomTrickster 3 points ago +3 / -0

#8 I'm not sure who he is but I could do without comparing Trump to Jesus. And based on his bio being a devoted follower of Christ, I wouldn't expect him to make that comparison as he would probably find that to be sacrilegious or whatever. He may just be literally referencing the resurrection of Christ and nothing more since it is Easter weekend and all. Just my two cents I'm sorry!

Edit: Pompeo's tweet on the other hand = pure hopium

PhantomTrickster 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh wow radical vegan that is rough.

Nothing against vegans just the whole title itself. What does it even mean?

He's like...a **fucking vegan

PhantomTrickster 8 points ago +8 / -0

Oh man I'm excited to read this. Just wanted to say that before clicking it. Mainly because I got to see how reddit went on and on about it, just so smug about the whole 'no reasonable people' thing. The same thing was posted twice with like 2 days apart and both times the top comment was "ah the Tucker Carlson defense" also they titled the post "Sydney Powell Admits To Lying About Fraud" I made an account and argued and got shadowbanned apparently. I could see my comments but if I logged out and reloaded they weren't really there. Such a strange way for that website to turn out.

PhantomTrickster 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oh hey! So yeah I definitely should have explained where I got that first quote from, for context.

So if you go to the article linked in #8, not very far down you'll see the words "9% of the signatures" as a clickable link. That'll take you to what they (and I) are referencing.

I used the ctrl+F find-in-page thing and searched....I think the word "handwriting" and found handwriting experts and where they got the 9% and all that. Maybe check that out and reply again? If you don't mind.

I super appreciate the reply though I felt like I was just being a party pooper. When really I just don't like the manipulation of the right and I don't like feeling like I'm stupid and will believe whatever I want to be true or something. I'm only suggesting that some of these sites think that way and use it for clicks. And that it shows through here when you read the thing they are referencing because it's written in a way that is clearly doubt and arguing against fraud claims and suggesting the claims were going nowhere, while the article written about it suggests the opposite it seems.

PhantomTrickster 0 points ago +2 / -2

#8 This is what they were referencing when writing the article:

"First, as Plaintiff admits, that this group of signatures lacks more than one comparator signature does not mean that “the signatures were invalid or fraudulent.” [...] Second, the standards that forensic document examiners use are not the same as the standards used by county elections officials. Forensic document examiners are often used in criminal cases; for example, they may be used to determine whether a criminal defendant has committed forgery or fraud. (...) The standards in such cases—often, beyond a reasonable doubt—are plainly not the same as those used by trained, but non-expert, county officials to adjudicate signature matches in the elections context, where the presumption is that a vote is valid."

Then from the article itself:

"There was also a Republican hand writing specialist who concluded that 6% of ballots had problematic signatures, which is significantly lower than the 8-10% figure reportedly cited by the Plaintiff from handwriting experts in the case."

I don't believe that's going anywhere. Which shows that the article was written to make it seem like it is going somewhere even though it isn't.

Providing false hope for clicks. If so then fuck that website.

If I'm wrong I'd be happy to hear it so please let me know if I'm missing something.


EDIT: The first quote I'm referencing what they linked in the article if you click where it says "9% of the signatures" Sorry for not being clear!

PhantomTrickster 2 points ago +2 / -0

It would be the only realistic explanation for a few things IMO. Especially the strange ways that certain things have just happened to work out in just the right way for this or that thing to happen.

Any time there's more than one coincidence involved with something, we must pay strict attention to it.

I would absolutely believe that everything involved here was a plan with an endgame of A. 100% removal of communist agents woven throughout every industry and B. Full disclosure of anything that has been or could be used to blackmail the US by communist regimes.

Why the whole theatrical performance about it? Well maybe that has to do with the communist agents in each industry (including military) that would get ahead of it and purposefully screw up the plan. It has to appear natural.

Just a thought but it would make a lot of coincidence make sense. Sorry for being a bit vague I just woke up up.

PhantomTrickster 20 points ago +20 / -0

"Many of us voted for him with the belief that there was such thing as a free lunch." Oops

PhantomTrickster 1 point ago +1 / -0

That would be the #1 best hands down. And yeah obviously fuck Epstein forever but if he can be used then use him as a means to an end. Then firing squad.

PhantomTrickster 2 points ago +2 / -0

I know a lot of people have their reasons to not care for it, but personally I get a true and thorough enjoyment out of how crazy he is.

I see him as this rowdy cowboy lawyer on the inside, but then outwardly keeping that sword sheathed, showing his control as well as the strength in choosing to stay grounded....usually.

PhantomTrickster 2 points ago +2 / -0

Regardless of WIN, I still agree this should have happened (because "sweet movie")

PhantomTrickster 3 points ago +3 / -0

Oh yesss bookmarked and saving it for the day.

PhantomTrickster 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is such exciting news. All day today, as I enjoyed our lawyer heros wiping the senate floor with those raggedy-ass racist Democrats, I couldn't help but keep thinking "man all these needs is Lin Wood."

I want to see his rowdy professionalism in action. I hope the Dominion case is televised. Maybe I can go watch in person....I've become a big Lin Wood fan over this time and I feel like I need to go to a live show now lol.

Cheers to the good news! Let's keep it coming!

PhantomTrickster 1 point ago +2 / -1

Mmmmmm I hear you but personally I don't feel confident throwing caution to the wind just from this video tbh. Just aisle vague to trust with such a heavy risk.

Don't get me wrong, it's not like I want covid to be harmful and killing people and such. I'd love for things to feel 'normal' again believe me.

But I dont trust China either though so I'd like to be very sure before I go taking a risk. Mainly as my GF has a suppressed immune system though. I've known this entire time that I would likely be fine.

In fact hasn't that been the sentiment this whole time? Young/healthy you're good to go but let's stay home to not spread it to those with comorbidities?

Playing devil's advocate here because I don't trust anything 100% and I understand the evil of the CCP and won't risk my family to get a political win.

So all I have to go on is "and doctors say that covid didn't make them die faster" which makes it a coincidence. And I can't believe that but I'd like to see more about it.

Especially since being wrong about that would lead to a shitty outcome for other families if not my own.

Now regardless of all of that, it was still used by the left as a weapon in the election.

Two things can be true. Be safe until 100% sure please, since there's a chance it could hurt someone else.

PhantomTrickster 1 point ago +1 / -0

What's the best app to buy doge through? Can't find it in coinbase and it looks like cashapp is bitcoin only.

I believe I went to use Binance before and it had a bunch of verification hoops to jump through so I'm looking for something easier to sign up with. Or at least just without a waiting period of 24hrs+

Thank you

PhantomTrickster 2 points ago +2 / -0

The fact that there would be hashtags being made for that purpose by military intelligence would be a good sign that we are gonna be ok.

PhantomTrickster 1 point ago +1 / -0

One day she will see something that makes her go....o shit. And she'll download Facebook again and pull up that old account and go to your messages and that will lead her into clarity. You did a good thing that won't go into affect for a while. Nice!

Am I a bad person for going along with progressive nonsense in order to get laid? It may have happened once or twice. Oh God I have no integrity...once I did tell myself I would wait for her to be in ecstacy and out of the blue drop 'you know..unemployment is at record lows as is gang violence and human and drug trafficking thanks to Trumps wall' just to see how it would be taken in that state. That time I didn't end up with the chance to find out though. You're a better person than me for sticking by your beliefs despite the fact..

Ah well I was younger then and am much stronger in my beliefs. Ugh I would do it to get sales too I'm the worst. But that's why I quit that job. Hate sales hate manipulation. I'm better now. Life is getting better. Thank God also sorry God.

PhantomTrickster 3 points ago +3 / -0

Ha ha! Oh how things change. While cheesy, it laughed internally a little. Exhaled out my nose. But a few years back this was my grandma's humor and it was embarrassing.

I get why communists target the youth. All that highness is more contagious than covid.

PhantomTrickster 5 points ago +5 / -0

Man now I feel bad. I always say 'Lin Wood sure is one crazy motherfucker' but I always meant it endearingly and like ..in a good way! As a compliment!

Now I gotta say 'he certainly is one level-headed cowboy' or something no I hate that. Ah well.

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