PhillyDeringer 1 point ago +1 / -0

If the West also switches to a war economy, this would force the delivery of substantial amounts of physical silver due to the increased use of electronics in batteries, weapons, and ammunition, including rockets and drones. Particularly Europe will be almost entirely dependent on foreign supplies of silver. So, two major parties are emerging that will desperately search for physical silver in a tight market. This comes on top of the price we are already seeing due to geopolitical tensions.

PhillyDeringer 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think we have to see this as related to the spying on Trump via the: "Five Eyes loophole" If 5eyes still share intelligence with the Ukrainians then they are busted. As usual the European liberals will scream and deny so Trump has a reason to confront them that they also worked together with Biden to keep Trump out of the saddle. There is also a possibility that some of the European "players" are named in the Epstein files an that's the reason why despite promises the files are still under "redaction"?

PhillyDeringer 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's a chanukka (9 candles) and not a menorah (7candles).

PhillyDeringer 3 points ago +3 / -0

Rutte "Pinocchio" has no active memory about that. Believe me he is a capo of the Euromafia and a traitor of the real Dutch people who gave away their F16's for his function in the NAVO. Maybe he knows together with Frans Timmermans and drunken Claude "killer" Junckers more about who shot down flight MH17?

PhillyDeringer 2 points ago +2 / -0

AI becomes evil when they combine it with Quantumcomputing and connect the Quantumdots via G5. Then you get a hivemind such as the Startrek Borg connected with transhumans and controlled by a dark entity or entitys in a subnatural world. Thats what the quantumworld in fact is and there's a lot of dark matter. That hivemind will be standing as a image in the 3th tempel in Jerusalem.

PhillyDeringer 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's a racial slur because it suggests that whites are colourless. Same with "people of colour"

PhillyDeringer 5 points ago +5 / -0

The Shroud of Edessa is the Shroud of Turin. Boniface I of Monferatto embezzled it during the sack of Constantinople and transferred it to his vassal Otto de la Roche who was Duke of Athens. That's how it ended up in the hands of the Templars. After the execution of Geoffroy de Charney together with Grand Master Jaques de Molay in Paris, the cloth came into the hands of his nephew and namesake Geoffroy de Charney and became known as the Shroud of Turin. If this were proven, there would be a war over that garment because Russia, Turkey and Greece would reclaim this relic of the highest class. During the sack of Constantinople, the Pope had also anathematized crusaders who embezzled relics.

PhillyDeringer 1 point ago +1 / -0

Next time ask him if Jesus is the Son of God. He will deny it. Unbelievers will say that Jesus was a: rabbi, guru, prophet, example, etc. but not the Son of God. Read 1 John 2:22-23 to identify false Christians and false claims.

PhillyDeringer 0 points ago +1 / -1

Something to keep in mind: Bushehr lays in Elam, read Jeremia 49:35-39

PhillyDeringer 2 points ago +2 / -0

The mark of the beast will result in a kind of Borg (Startrek) hyvemind that will take away the human conscience and possibly provide a kind of immortality. In the end times, people who have adopted the mark will seek death but not find it. In addition, they do not come for the great judgment but are immediately thrown into hell together with the beast and the false prophet. Everything indicates that they have committed an unforgivable sin and are no longer human just like the hybrids of the fallen angels. Maybe the mark is a receiver in the form of a quantum microchip or quantum micro processor which is connected as an neurolink with the image of the beast in the 3rd temple of Jerusalem?

PhillyDeringer 3 points ago +3 / -0

No, but the problem is when they combine quantumcomputing with AI. The quantumworld is the spiritworld. So above, so below or micro and macrokosmos as the ancients called it. As things stand, this could be the image of the beast. That's why the roll out of >5G for the mark.

PhillyDeringer 4 points ago +4 / -0

The waiting is for the first lawsuit for assault. Planet Fitness is responsible for safety and liable if they have been negligent by allowing men into women's changing rooms. Then science and facts come into play. The women who experience assault or worse then have a strong case for substantial compensation, likely forcing Planet Fitness into bankruptcy. There are aggravating circumstances as they were warned and silenced a whistleblower.

PhillyDeringer 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't think there will be much motivation to fight for the elite just because of that. Additionally, we can use the globalists' own laws against them, namely that (military) conscription is now considered a violation of universal human rights. Their hatred towards even healthy nationalism is now coming back like a boomerang. Maybe their gods Moloch or Mammon or the freaks and lawless immigrants will fight for them?

PhillyDeringer 19 points ago +19 / -0

The intention is to damage him as much as possible before the elections, in the hope that he cannot participate or that voters will turn away. The enemy knows that it will not hold up in the Supreme Court, which is why they are putting everything into pre-election lawsuits in the hope that their mud sticks. If that not works, I'm pretty sure they will even (try to) start a big war to avoid Trumps return.

PhillyDeringer 7 points ago +7 / -0

France is doing this on its own, so there can be no appeal to NATO. If it were to be, then Turkey could also appeal to NATO with their genocide against the Kurds.

PhillyDeringer 3 points ago +3 / -0

Greater Israel is under the King of kings for 1000 years and contains whole Israel. Not only jews but also the 10 lost tribes. Thats Efraim (Europe and America) Read Ezekiel about the results after the supernatural destruction of the Gog-Magog invasion: "From the Euphrates to the Nile, whole Israel is coming out of exile." Christ is a jew from the tribe of Judah but He will be King over all the tribes and the christians of the past and these last days (the body) shall rule under the King of kings (the Head). That's Zion and that is the plan of Jahweh, the God of Israel and real christians. Before that all freaks, liberals, satanists, nazi's, terrorists, pedo's, godless, worshippers of Baal, Moloch, Mammon and haters of the God of Israel will be whiped out of the face of the earth.

PhillyDeringer 2 points ago +2 / -0

BS because Biden is Putin's best friend and the immoral and corrupt liberals are then Putins troops. Putin has also publicly stated that he favors Biden. Putin is now trying to gain as much territory as possible because he can under Biden. If Trump is president again, there will be a ceasefire pending peace negotiations. For the same reasons, it is now an all or nothing situation for Hamas and Hezbollah. Under Trump, these wars would not have happened and we would have more peace.

PhillyDeringer 5 points ago +8 / -3

If and I say If that's the truth then it also called out Trump. He favoured 4 years long Israel. Moved the USA embassy to Jerusalem, send them al kind of weapens, support en blessings. The islamists such as Hamas called him a christian zionist for his support of Israel and the liberals called him their antichrist. The israeli's called him Cyrus and he still has a sort of messianic status in Israel. They are waiting for the return of the king. Ivanka en Jared who are both Jewish has also the Israelian nationality just like the fully jewish grandchilden of Trump.They visited Israel right after the 7th october massacre to see the horror but not Gaza or the Westbank. We never hear Trump about genocide or that Israel is an apartheidsstate. He defended Israel and it's right on self defense. So Trump is complicit in genocide or ICJ is just another corrupt liberal tool of the NWO. By the way, America even didn't reconized the authority of the ICJ in cases wherein America self is accused of the same by other mostly muslim countries.

PhillyDeringer 2 points ago +2 / -0

Trump don't hate Israel thats for sure. His own daughter Ivanka converted tot judaisme en his son in law is jewish so his grandchildren are fully jewish. Jared and Ivanka have both also the Israelian nationality, they were there after the 7th october massacre. So if Q is related to Trump (or Trump himself) then the phrase: "saving israel for last" is not meant to be negative for Israel or jews.

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