It doesn't matter if you and I believe this but the nazi's believed in it till the last day. Hitler said for the man after him= antichrist. The waiting is for the dissapearence of millions of christians. Hitler was the short lived 7th king but he is also the 8th king, read Revelations.Learn about the Dutch nazi Herman Wirth (from Ahnenerbe), very actual these days in the Ukraine because of nazi Azov and the mentor of Putin called Aleksandr Dugin. Two headed eagle . Also a name to remember is Karl Maria Willigut (also Ahnenerbe). He created the black sun, the mark of Satan, a black hole. It's sucks light.
Thule gesellschaft was also in contact with the watchers aka Nordic aliens. They are the reason why the nazi's fanatically try to exterminate the jews (and after that the christians) till the third generation. Their (watchers) children are the demons roaming the earth or in hell, read Henoch. Why? Because Jesus is a jew and He said He will come back on the Olivemountain for the jews.
Figuratively speaking, she represents the whore of Babylon just like Hillary Clinton does.
Before operation Z a 100 ruble note was worth $1,30. Then it fell to $0,72 on march 9th. Now its $1,70.
Take no risks and send first B.J. Blazkowicz in the dungeons of Azovstahl. Who knows what they were creating down there? I won't trust the MSM who say these are moderate or liberal nazi's and therefore good nazi's.
Gog is not the antichrist and his coalition will be buried near Hamona. The God of Abraham, izaak en Jacob will destroy them and the whole world will know that He is with Israel. For Russia the best strategy is to cut off the (potential, think Levithian) energysupply to Europe and for Iran is Jerusalem the price. The sons of Jafeth participating in the coalition are the forefathers of the Turkish en Mongolian tribes. They are already in the Russian Army just like Gomer via the Vikings and the German Order. Mercenaries from Libie, Ethiopie/Sudan?
In most countries it is the case that anyone who has knowledge of a criminal offense is even obliged to report it to the judiciary. Anyone who has seen the film is witnessing a criminal offence. How is that actually arranged in America?
3amók (Latin: zamok) means lock or castle. They Latinised the first letter 3 to Z but also to the number 3. In fact it means: lock (1st.Z) Zelinski (2nd.Z) up in the dungeons 3rd.Z). It's a sort of Russian version of lock her up, I hope.
Is it possible that ten days of darkness refers to the invasion in the Ukraine and a possible end of it? Scare event maybe refers to fire in nuclear plant to provoke Nato? If Putin is not a white hat or gone rogue and this is the time, he will go south to the middle east to become part of the Ezechiel 38 coalition together with Turkey and Iran. In verse 39 you can read the end. Trump knows this old prophecy for modern times very well.
Lightning strikes right into the cup of destruction of the statue of the great harlot of Babylon.
Prince Bernhard von Lippe-Biesterfeld was also working for IG farben. Because Dutch Shell was working on synthetic fuel for the Luftwaffe, he was send to Holland There he met the later Queen Juliana of the Netherlands and became grandfather of king Willem of the Netherlands.
The liberal synagoge of satan will even erect a monument to make the most drama out of it. Mark my words.
A high priest of Satan's synagogue. He denies Christ as Son of God (Almighty) and thus is an archbishop of the coming antichrist. It often happens that these kinds of heretics are also pedophiles. In this way they are doubly useful to their dark lord.
For me, more of an episode of Black Mirror that just won't stop.
Good to hear. Because of his testimony, I now know for sure that Trump is a true Christian.
The Thule society was in 'contact' with the Watchers (Aryans aka Nordic aliens) who 'ordered' the Nazis to murder the Jews down to the third generation as a condition for the establishment of the Aryan-German 3rd Reich. Without Jews, the prophecy of Christ's return on the Mount of Olives cannot come true and the antichrist would indeed have won. However, Hitler was the seventh short-lived head from which the antichrist (eighth head) arises. Revelation 17:10-11
Even the Nazis themselves still believe that the spirit of Hitler will be resurrected. In this context, the holocaust, SS castle Wewelsburg and the suicide of Hitler at Walpurgis must be seen.
They want China to know that there are US nuclear attack submarines in the South China Sea to back Taiwan.
I think it was Robin the hooded man. enter text
What it all cackles is irrelevant. What is interesting is that it thus believes that Q and Trump are the same.
Mark Rutte's nickname here in Holland is Pinokkio.
Pompeo means west Taiwan.
Knowingly will be the keyword. No excuses for these crypto-nazi's such as: "wir haben es night gewusst".
I only discuss my medical matters with my doctors who are covered by the obligation of confidentiality. Don't you have a similar law in America?
Just like Europe (Artemis) riding the "bestea Neptuni Quinotauri similis" (Zeus, Neptunus), here in Europe. The beast from sea or quinotaur, the mythical ancestor of the Merovingian and Frankish dynasties.