Pinecurtainprincess2 2 points ago +2 / -0

“the media is our greatest tool.”

Ooops, that isn’t going to work out.

We are the news now!

Pinecurtainprincess2 9 points ago +9 / -0

Warrior Woman.

Everyone knows, when we see children harmed, there is no limit to our rage/capability/ruthlessness.

She’s in the fight, and every woman, regardless of party/privilidge/pigment can get behind that.

Millstones will seem a desirable alternative.

Pinecurtainprincess2 2 points ago +2 / -0

Dunno how to post a link, dunno if credible….military.com says it was “someone” who twice opened fire on an entrance…..AND SA Tx police are investigating?

Pinecurtainprincess2 3 points ago +3 / -0

Is patsy goof already deceased at this time stamp? I am taxed to correlate all your research and I’d love to show this to a group of ladies tomorrow. Red pill brunch it is!

Pinecurtainprincess2 6 points ago +6 / -0

The MSM this am all about Israel preparing to be attacked. They are pushing SO HARD; seems totally desperate from up here at 40k ft. From my view, I’m enjoying the movie, but I’m really gonna want to read the book. NCSWIC

Pinecurtainprincess2 6 points ago +6 / -0

During the interview, I tried to imagine the SHEER TERROR felt by the DS as they spoke. From one second to the next, there was NO WAY to censor whatever was going to come out of his mouth.

Picture them: half gone bottle of (really good) booze in hand. Listening, THINKING, writhing as they wring their nasty, nasty hands.

They know they have mocked God’s gift of life, they have hurt and maimed and lied and cheated and so much worse. They know NCSWIC.

He’s just THE Master Troll and like a cat, seems to enjoy “playing” his enemies into oblivion.

I love him.

Pinecurtainprincess2 8 points ago +8 / -0

How many mornings have I opened GAW, read through some “Hot” posts and SPIT MY COFFEE out at something like this. Note to self: GAW perhaps safer in evening. (Watched 3 times.)

Pinecurtainprincess2 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wasn’t there something Q said about them being able to be arrested when not in session? I pray they are out of their job and ON THEIR WAY TO GITMO!

Pinecurtainprincess2 3 points ago +3 / -0

Have had an unusual number of old friends contact me. I believe everyone is frightened on some level and desire reassurance from trusted friends and family. I’m ready. I’ve studied hard, filtered, digested, reconciled and prayed a lot.

Pinecurtainprincess2 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think they pretty much are already? Saw “Unplug the Drug” sticker yesterday. Could NOT be happier. Shoulda named the streets in HW after the sin; LUST Blvd. GREED Ave. PRIDE Rd, etc.

Pinecurtainprincess2 2 points ago +2 / -0

She knew. She’s incompetent. She can’t POSSIBLY win (really, just STOP with that)

Somethings gonna give.

Everybody stay prayed up.

Pinecurtainprincess2 2 points ago +2 / -0

She does not represent the American people, I pray the world sees and understands that. She is no one to us except a co-conspirator that’s probably going to twist in the wind.

Pinecurtainprincess2 2 points ago +2 / -0

And I (probably) happen to be invested in the company that makes the test kits? Hate this woman with all of my being.

Pinecurtainprincess2 5 points ago +5 / -0

Where’s Barron? He named him with others there, but no sign of him. Empty seat top right of box.

Pinecurtainprincess2 8 points ago +8 / -0

What an amazing, brave, brilliant young man.

no doctor, but fwiw, I’ve learned watching consumers SUFFER with kidney stones that energy drinks are POISON, should have skull/crossbones on label.

You ARE what you eat. Never hear that anymore and at this point we’re about 4 generations deep into the people who have only known/consumed processed factory food.

Hospitals. No thanks. The only person who can fix you is you.

Pinecurtainprincess2 7 points ago +7 / -0

And I just HAPPEN to work for a nifty little firm that will provide the testing supplies AND, I can write the regulations for you too!

I SWEAR, after she left DC, her NEXT GIG was an “air purification system” (read: continuation of the Vid hysteria) with marketing targeting SCHOOLS for HVAC improvements/upgrades. Again, our MONEY this bitch wants for more scarves.

Oh my Lord, I get so mad some days. At “them”. At normies. At sheep. At myself for being asleep too long. Grrrrrrrrr.

Pinecurtainprincess2 11 points ago +11 / -0

The people behind him are the stars he said. They look like AMERICA! All ages, races.

Pinecurtainprincess2 2 points ago +2 / -0

Your pain is heart wrenching and I’m sorry for your continued loss. Cannot help but think that if we have any human associations, we should ALL brace ourselves for this type of reality. My only child took vax to keep job.

Pinecurtainprincess2 3 points ago +3 / -0

This makes me feel totally overwhelmed by the scope of the evil pitted against us. It also makes me proud to know I know what he’s talking about. Since 2017 baby! NCSWIC.

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