PitBoss711 2 points ago +2 / -0

Anyone scoffing this just doesn't know what they're talking about. Masks like these have been used for years. They were effective then, but the ones now used by the government are much better than the ones available to the public...


Here's another one...


PitBoss711 9 points ago +11 / -2

If Massie and Chip Roy would only swallow their pride and endorse Trump.

Roy especially owes Trump supporters an apology for some of the nasty things he said..

Without that, it's hard to forgive them both for trying to divide the party.

PitBoss711 4 points ago +4 / -0

The only position Larry Fink should have is on his hands & knees in a GITMO cell.

PitBoss711 2 points ago +2 / -0

Cole Emhoff

Good thing they didn't name him Jack.

PitBoss711 3 points ago +3 / -0

Trump beat Cankles in 2016, and he'll beat Cackles in 2024.

PitBoss711 2 points ago +2 / -0

Is this Anon insinuating that Joe Biden has been dead for awhile, and what we've seen is an AI generated Joe Biden?

If so, I have a hard time believing that AI Joe debated President Trump on live television.

PitBoss711 2 points ago +2 / -0

You seem to be ignoring what I said about the water tower shooter missing Trump's head altogether, and why I thought that was a possibility,

And if you can watch that footage and see all the rounds hitting in that sea of people, then you have extraordinary vision.

But you believe whatever you want to believe and I'll do the same. Have a nice evening, and best wishes to you.

PitBoss711 2 points ago +2 / -0

And his ballot is already in the mail.

PitBoss711 3 points ago +3 / -0

According to who? The FBI? The Secret Service?

If they admit there was a water tower shooter, then they admit it was a planned assassination and not the act of a lone gunman. So, why should we believe their claims?

PitBoss711 1 point ago +1 / -0

Read my post above again. This was referring to the water tower shooter...

I would think it's possible that he missed the target altogether and Crooks' bullet may have clipped Trump's ear.

If there was an open window shooter and Crooks missed, then yes ... it's possible.

However, I'm convinced there was a water tower shooter as well, which is why I would be interested in bullet tracing results.

PitBoss711 2 points ago +2 / -0

And remember, Joe doesn't write his own tweets. 😏

PitBoss711 2 points ago +2 / -0

That depends on the skill of the shooter. The water tower shooter was supposedly in a crouched position, not lying down. Nor did he have a surface to steady his rifle, except possibly the railing. I'm no marksman, but at that distance and considering these disadvantages, I would think it's possible that he missed the target altogether and Crooks' bullet may have clipped Trump's ear. If they were able to retrieve most of the spent slugs, it would be interesting to see if they were the same caliber and all shot from the same gun. If not, then how many different guns? I just think it's silly to discount the possibility of a water tower shooter when the indications of a set-up are so strong.

PitBoss711 8 points ago +8 / -0

You're assuming it was a "random camera on the water tower all day." Plenty of people in the crowd that day, and most with cell phones. Is it so unreasonable to think that someone saw it and filmed it?

I'd say the possibility of a sniper on the water tower is more believable than one soy boy shooter. Wouldn't you?

PitBoss711 5 points ago +5 / -0

Josh Hawley said he was even run off the property yesterday.

PitBoss711 3 points ago +3 / -0

If by some wild chance we see a Harris/Clinton ticket, you can bet the plan would be for Harris to bow out not long after taking office and hand the reigns to Killary. That is if they're successful in pulling off another rigged election.

PitBoss711 8 points ago +8 / -0

Beginning January 20, 2025. 😊

PitBoss711 5 points ago +5 / -0

Saw a Twitter post today claiming the Trump campaign had video ads already made up and ready to distribute for Harris, Clinton, Newsom, and several other potential candidates.

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