PlayingGoFish 1 point ago +1 / -0

Swim in the floods - Patriots in control. Chirp Chirp Chirp. I ain't worried about it right now.

Swimming in the floods, watching the world collapse... all is good cause patriots are in control. Nuclear war, death to humanity... I ain't worried about it right now.

Chirp Chirp Chirp...

Watching everyone die, is pretty fly... cause patriots are in control. All is good and planned... much easier to destroy the whole world then arrest a few sick individuals.


PlayingGoFish 3 points ago +3 / -0

Stale popcorn - bought way to long ago that is rotten and gross.

PlayingGoFish 5 points ago +5 / -0

There wont be another election to run in anyways if he loses.

PlayingGoFish 3 points ago +3 / -0

We cannot move forward with another election until 2020 is fixed.

Who cares about Diddy? This is another rabbit role distraction.

The only thing that matters is fixing 2020.

PlayingGoFish 2 points ago +2 / -0

True - we need super natural signs. Not man made to wake the world up. Keep praying.

PlayingGoFish 4 points ago +4 / -0

Not a shill but curious... Why are the electronics working to record this? Doesnt the electronic pulse knock out electronic devices, even outside of the blast radius?

PlayingGoFish 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you dont vote illegally your ass is getting deported.
What difference does it make to them?

They came here by breaking the law. In order to stay here they will be breaking the law by voting for Kamabla.

They will be voting for Kamabla and Kamabla will be cheating anyways.

The riggers are gonna rig and there is nothing that will stop them from rigging.

PlayingGoFish 3 points ago +3 / -0

Your first mistake is thinking you need to make peace with evil. We are not to be peaceful to evil or condone it. Jesus came and flipped tables. David was a warrior and went up in force to all the evil around him and God said he was a man of his own heart.

What makes you think we are to be here and be accepting and loving of evil? We are here to defend God and defeat evil no matter the cost.

Quit with the thought that we must allow evil to walk all over us. God gave us the power to walk on snakes and scorpions.

We have the most powerful God and no one understands the gifts he has blessed us with. It is time to destroy each of these demonically driven individuals with force.

PlayingGoFish 2 points ago +6 / -4

Bingo. Don't know why all these critical thinkers are now believing what the MSM wants them to think.

If the tech was created for exploding batteries, it's probably in every production line out there. Not just isolated and recent for a single attack.

Remember you are the enemy of the DS. The DS created all these terrorist organizations to do their ground work.

The real target is you. Israel may have just backdoor attacked what was already available to them.

PlayingGoFish 0 points ago +4 / -4

And how many other explosive batteries are out there? No one knows. But your phone could contain one.

PlayingGoFish 2 points ago +8 / -6

Yes, yes it does.


There has been plenty of investment done in battery technology. Explosive batteries were used in this attack.

How do you know if your battery is not an explosive one? You don't!

But you can trust the MSM telling you what you want to hear. Now go follow orders and get the vax.

PlayingGoFish -3 points ago +5 / -8

It was the battery that exploded. If you really think that other devices don't have explosive batteries you probably believe the media saying you should get the vax as it's safe, that Epstein suicided himself etc.


PlayingGoFish -4 points ago +9 / -13

That may be what they did or they may be thermal overloading the batteries.

Either scenario, they just weaponized the largest mass IED event in history where people became their own suicide bombers.

We spent 20 years fighting in middle east wars to target hundreds of lone wolf suicide bombers - now we have a country who is doing the same in the largest terror event in history.

PlayingGoFish 4 points ago +7 / -3

Computer? Or are you using a carrier pigeon to get this message here?

PlayingGoFish 2 points ago +3 / -1

Look, they will cheat again. Trump always gives them a chance to do the right thing, even if they have been caught red handed and should be facing execution.

Right now, Trump is warning the cheaters to not cheat or there will be EXTREME consequences.

What that tells me is that they will cheat and steal this again. But somehow this time will be different and Trump will get back what is stolen and they will be prosecuted.

So, you should fully expect Kamala to be crowned the winner by the MSM and the cheaters. Another round of insanity where we all get beaten down to oblivion with the lies. Then and only then will the truth come out and it will be undeniable.

So cheers... but dont expect any truth to come out until maybe 2026 after endless investigations and over turning of the fraud.

Think 2020 election but this time there is actually standing and we have to be patient and wait on these slow moving courts and congress to do the right thing with the info that is released.

PlayingGoFish 1 point ago +2 / -1

He has to be the victim and take all the slings and arrows. My guess is it goes down to its all time lows (~$10 ... ) before anything comes to fruition.

If the black hats don't stop him, then the boomerang comes and we see it rise.

PlayingGoFish 4 points ago +4 / -0

Ukraine has been receiving billions of our tax dollars for decades.

Biden threatens to withhold our tax dollars from Ukraine if investigations pursue into Hunter.

Uranium one, Burisma yada yada yada.

Biden and probably half of congress funnel money into Ukraine and then back to their bank accounts.

Ukraine operatives were part of J6.

Supposedly a man who looked like the first assassin of Trump was also on the Ukrainian front lines.

This second assassin is most definitely a Ukrainian asset.

All signs point to Ukraine is a deep state opp... and meanwhile Putin is fighting them off and the deep state is trying to kill Trump.

About time for the MSM to go after Trump again for Russian collusion.

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