10th Mountain Division is also reportedly having Troops being deployed to the Border. Unknown how many of them though
Rumors are the 82nd Airborne is also in the lineup for deployment
Trump is the main show. Vance and his family will likely fly under the radar until 2026-2027 when the Right starts looking for Trumps replacement.
And I’d imagine the fact they no longer have a monopoly on the religious right is still a sore spot for many on the Christian Right. So they’ll probably willfully ignore it till it comes time to pick Trumps successor. Because it raises far too many uncomfortable questions on Race. The Meaning of the Constitution and the ‘Religious Freedom’ bit. Because it is once again worth noting. Many of the Founding Fathers were known to be pretty damn far from being traditional Christians of their era.
Though TBH. Usha is probably as religious as the average American Christian. Meaning not particularly religious but she still identifies with the religion she was raised in out of familiarity rather than any true devotion.
TBH. It took about 4 days longer than I expected it would
Just like the people who advocate for killing off parts of the general population.
They always conveniently exempt themselves from that.
The funny part is that like not even 10 minutes later the scanners went off about a guy getting shot on a street corner
There’s nothing saying the infrastructure can’t be used for or by someone else after it’s built.
People can’t seem to help but think in absolutes. There’s absolutely nothing stopping another company from taking over that infrastructure. The AI arms race is here. And it’s not really a race we can afford to loose. Either way the infrastructure for Project Stargate was likely going to be necessary. Even if you don’t trust the names currently associated with it.
So I’m willing to wait and see. Rather than jump because someone decided on my behalf that I should be angry and or afraid.
Hell. He’s probably working for someone himself. Most of the “influencers” in the alternative sphere are bankrolled by various private interests. Most of them couldn’t afford the infrastructure and lifestyles they have solely subsisting off of donations or the proceeds of merch sales alone as they aren’t anywhere near as big or popular as they often pretend they are.
Bot likes, Comments, and Follows aren’t anywhere near as expensive as they once were.
It’ll certainly be a bit of an awkward trip
It seems to be an endemic problem. In that people on both sides of the aisle want everything that comes with being a largely high trust homogeneous society. Without actually being a high trust homogeneous society.
So they’ll find everything else to blame except for the obvious.
You’d think people would be careful about announcing this sort of stuff. Given the rate at which they suddenly feel “Suicidal”
The next 4 years are going to be absolutely fucking wild
Give the Marines an afternoon an we’ll have operational control over the Canal Zone.
It was a Salute the Germans stole from the Italians. Who in turn had stolen it from the Romans. Because Mussolini had his Caesar delusions.
The fact people that seemingly believe it was a creation of 20th century politics is both amusing and annoying.
He also mentioned 35 specifically
Authorizing it under U.S. NorthCom. It appears he’s not going to waste time playing political games with State Governments this term
I do think Trump will start to lead the energy sector away from oil and gas (in spite of the Drill Baby Drill message that he is starting his term with) and towards decentralized, point-of-use energy production.
He might start the move. But an inordinate amount of the Economy is dependent on the Energy Sector and oil and gas. And it’s in damn near everything.
It’ll likely be the work of decades to start scaling back our reliance on oil and gas. And scaling up alternatives. Even if they could snap their fingers and have a viable alternative ready to go tomorrow. You’ll also need to convince people of the switch.
A fantastic new product. Like an at home nuclear reactor using the Enron Egg as a for example. Is great. But if people think it’s a miniature Chernobyl in their house. And refuse to adopt it. Your back at square one.
Might be seeding misinformation on locations. As I’ve heard White House, Rotunda, or an as of yet undisclosed location.
And the Motorcade is reportedly rolling with visible antennas on vehicles suggesting at minimum Signal Jammers and potentially Electronic Warfare Systems.
The H1B thing seems to have killed that career
I am shocked. Shocked! Well not that shocked
In short. The UK. Like much of Europe has essentially planned so much around the United States and the post WW2 Era. That the very idea they might have to chart a Foreign and Domestic Policy that isn’t somehow reliant on what the United States is doing. Is a Foreign idea to almost everyone on all sides of their political divide
Though it’ll be curious to see how European internal politics changes. As an outside observer looking in. They’ve largely been able to function in practice as Parliamentary Republics/Democracies. With little to nothing to serve as a check the whims of the elected Politicians. Even if they are on paper Constitutional Monarchies. Who have on paper the ability to check the power and influence of the parliament.
From what I’ve seen of British Politics as outsider. The House of Commons in practice rules the U.K. And the Prime Minister is effectively a King when his party controls parliament in a majority. Ala Starmer. The Royal Family and House of Lords are ultimately window dressing. To give the pretense of tradition and right to rule to an “Elected” Government that frankly has been as unpopular as our own Congress has been for decades.
So it’ll be interesting to see if the remnants of the Royalty and Aristocracy that still exist once the relevant bad actors are dealt with in Europe try to stage a resurgence to relevance.
Probably quite a few. According to rumor. Similar Caches have been found in several places along the U.S-Canada Border.
With a larger variety of Uniforms including National Guard and Regular Military. On top of Civilian Authorities and Emergency Services.
Allegedly Part of what triggered the shift in tone regarding Canada. As now their shitshow of internal politics and immigration policy aren’t a theoretical threat to American National Security. It’s an active threat. Though they’re passing it off as a meme policy point to avoid panic.
NYPD is also missing a host of Uniforms that were stolen from a Cleaner as well. And the wraps and details to outfit over a dozen cruisers.
Then there’s the equipment that vanished from an Army Reserve Base in California. Including Humvees.
In essence what most outside observers called out by Day 2.
You’d think they’d have their own system for internal communication between informants and agents. That wouldn’t be reliant on a Civilian Company.
Specifically to avoid situations like this
It’s another chapter in the long dance between Organized Business and the labor who actually staff said Businesses.
Big Businesses, and Large Corporations have the incentive to drive down wages and offer less for more. Us the general population have every incentive to want to raise our wages and improve our Working Conditions. Such as reducing competition and supply of workers.
When one segment of the song and dance gets too powerful we get stuff like the Gilded Age. Where most of the general population lives in various degrees of comparative poverty while the Industrialists and Business Leaders have enough money to buy and sell countries in a very literal sense. The Gilded Age is where we coined the Term “Banana Republic” as private companies. Often Fruit Companies. Overthrew Governments in South and Central America left right and center.
Or we get Europe. Where a single Union strike can paralyze a country for months. Because of the amount of influence the Union holds.
Hell. Closer to home a perfect example is Teachers Unions in some States. Always demanding more and more money and funding. While consistently trying to lower the bare minimum standards and any oversight the State Government has over what is actually going on.
I’ll volunteer to give those guns a new home