Possiblezombie22 19 points ago +19 / -0

People who live in fear become irrational and stupid. These are the same people who avoid processed foods but turn thier nose up at a mom who doesn't think vaccines are safe or healthy for a kid. I was never against immunizations but now it makes me question a lot of things.

Possiblezombie22 9 points ago +9 / -0

Minorities are taking over majority white countries and attempting to claim the land for themselves and if you speak out you are racist/ bigoted. Ireland is swiftly being taken over by africans to the point in 5 years Ireland and the Gaelic language/traditions will be history. The USA is so bogged down by the paid shills of blm that everything is,was, or will be racist in some form. Case in point: A conservative white woman started a go fund me to save her family farm and after hearing about it a black woman who lived 500 miles away, who disliked this woman over a facebook comment, made a go fund me to attempt to purchase the property to make it "black inclusive" whatever that means.

Possiblezombie22 7 points ago +7 / -0

Nice. Setting up girls to be raped or assaulted by a man in the wash room. And when woman are victimized by these things the tranny defense league will drown out women's voices with cries of "oppression, discrimination, reee" What a bizarro world we've become. It used to be guess the Tranny on Jerry Springer Show now.. These things should be institutionalized like we used to do with crazies, not coddled.

Possiblezombie22 1 point ago +2 / -1

I can't say Im not disappointed. It does feel like a slap in the face to all of us. We're screaming get them, thier right there. But right now its wait and see. Hold the line.

Possiblezombie22 3 points ago +3 / -0

I wanna watch the movie...spoilers always ruin the excitement.

Possiblezombie22 17 points ago +17 / -0

That is a happy thought. An inspiration to all constitutionalist Americans for generations to come.

Possiblezombie22 4 points ago +4 / -0

Its great for pain. Not for a stoner who wants to get high but general pain issues for people who'd rather not be zonked out of thier heads by vicoden or whatever med bs big pharma is pushing.

Possiblezombie22 1 point ago +1 / -0

It would ne hard but not impossible to make us a constitutional republic. Do we need to stop funding the rest of the world? YES Do we need to put the USA and her citizens first? YES

Possiblezombie22 1 point ago +1 / -0

No news is good news. It makes us a bit anxious for the show to start but it would ruin the plan if it was done before the pieces were in place. It needs to be quick and clean.

Possiblezombie22 1 point ago +1 / -0

I will be working so I won't know until it's done.

Possiblezombie22 1 point ago +1 / -0

In both cases prepare for the invasion of the stupid. Protect yourself and your loved ones. If we win the stupid will try to go against the military. Prepare for looting, protests, killing etc. If they win. May God help us all.

Possiblezombie22 1 point ago +2 / -1

This is my guess. GA is your first free speech site. Its not my first rodeo, the shock wears off the more "bad" words are normalized. Why because a true free speech site doesn't censor what someone says nor do i give a rats ass how strangers view me on the net. So I will make it simple for you. These "joggers" will infiltrate and destroy your cul de sac middle class neighborhoods with the help of Biden and his croonies if he is elected. Bidens entire platform is to help people of color so if you have no melanin, you're fucked.

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Possiblezombie22 2 points ago +2 / -0

It has to be either before or on inauguration day. It has to be quick, quiet and done without electronic interference No media coverage to sensationalize Trump as a dictator. No cell service so the traitors can lawyer up or warn the co conspirators . He needs military power to quell unrest from the ignorant masses because regardless of the outcome, fools will attempt lawlessness during the confusion.

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Possiblezombie22 0 points ago +1 / -1

Doesn't matter if an impeachment passes through the house. It still has to go to senate floor and with 8 days left its a show to appease the ignorant.