Interesting how the Irish or Ireland peoples or Eirn peoples aka Aran,Aryan who came from the east same as lots of us indo european Aryans. Our homeland somewhere in modern IRAN/Aryan to pheoncia, from there most likely sea voyaged to Ireland.
And yes muslims defiantly wanna take the West and they will try and we will stop them.
Ok so jesus which can't even be his name spoke Aramaic, in Aramaic the word god is Ellah.... I understand what your saying but it's hard to get over this fact.
Why would the Zionist wanna kill trump?
Supposedly launched from Finland, but yes could defiantly just be Ukrainian.
Would be interesting to see the list of a leaders/ dictators who disarmed everyone and when in there terms they implemented it
Tbh the Olympics where always a pagan celebration
Interestingly Satan aka lucifer is litterly the angel of light, and lucifer being the son or star of the morning light thing is very confusing. Jesus is the light I thought?
Everyone should no when a state makes a mistake it will and should never admit its mistake. The preservation of the state is more Important than anything else. The disclosure will be separate anything that is considered a state secret will be under wraps. A
No more popcorn left, surley were seeing lots of fog of war and will get a clear picture soon. Such a show
I mean the 6 wild shots part is weird, the close call ear/ headshot and how much of a miracle that he turned to watch a screen at that moment. I shoot I consider my self good aim always was into accuracy and improving I'm not a pro, or expert but 6 rounds of an A R and I would defiantly hit something in the general area body guard or a gut shot anything? Otherwise whats the point. Excuse me if obvious but dosent anyone know if the shot that grazed him was the last shot fired or first 🤔 The show is amazing, I am in awe also like to see how the flip this. I seen tds members already accusing this, " trump set it up as a media stunt"
My ex God bless her would so smartly explain that women have a last minute reaction not to put there lives on the line, it is in them as to not be selfish and protect the child alive or to be. Men have no problem running into gunfire as we know. Salute good women and good men. Cowards will be cowards
I would even count this possible. there has been previous attempts on trump and families lives. this game is best played secretly and both failed party and victim wouldn't ever want it publisesed. Shows weakness, the ruthless world that it obviuously is.. trump could have had this situation/show controlled or even used it to his advantage. Alot of people don't buy that trump is up against a cabal style mafia and believe he is that very threat. Surley shot heard around the world... plan moving swiftly, sympathy coming Trumps way!
The orsini and colona families supposedly
There is many different types an reasons for them, lots of different contracts from different companies from cloud seeding to fertilizing. In australia our soil and water is so lacking of mineral content it makes sense they have to spray it in the sky. Problem is like all things the additives needed like emulsifiers Are usually made from something toxic. The sun is so hot here that blocking sun at certain times of year is probably for survival. No doubt so evil intentions are also being camoflaged by these good intentions
The wahhabists and many other muslims, aswell as many Christian Arabs and Semitics where Jews previously. Arabic/ Sephardic jew ,(Muslim crypto jews) marries ashkanazi jew creating a powerful alliance.
Although he is a raging lefty roy casagranda, his speech on contemporary Iran really makes you understand the happenings there.
British and all the commonwealth have been deeply infiltrated and pretty much taken over. I mean its pretty obvious here I Australia. Even the marketing for the state governments looks commie
Yes brings to memory the year and a half old Iranian muslim socialist state.
Is that there play book get someone so out of place, terrible at the job so there a laughing stock then replace with a commie
Also there is a good deep state this is really hard to understand.
Althought everyone this forum is quite aware of things and how things probably aren't as they seem, I feel alot should look Into history. Starting with the scottish Kirk and how they called it. "New israel" the connection to knights templars, masonry lots lots more is hidden there. yes I'm a few templars were devil worshippers (baal) and some even converted to other easterners religions. We have been trying to establish Israel for a very long time even napolean tried an failed.
It's beautiful randy.
The Irish are not one group of people the gaelic where invaders for example. Your right about us being Zionists. Any way to counter the Islamic forces we support.