They have the latest iPhone using Safari with Google as their address bar / search combofield. No extensions. So just GW without any protocol gave the error.
I have an older iPhone Safari with an old OS. I have two ad blockers installed.
I hope a mod sees this.
I tried to show some friend this site on their iPhone, but it is blocked by cloudfare with Host Error.
I got it to work. I had to type https:// explicitly before the site address.
I don’t have to do this on my phone. Maybe because I had been here before. Just the way SSL works. I don’t think it’s set up right to redirect non-https to https.
I think I remember Penn Juliette saying something about Trump not liking music. They must pay them to make these little clips. It’s well rehearsed.
Wasn’t that Anthony Bourdain’s corpse they claimed was Epstein?