That was so fucking fake 🤣
Fuck these people, fuck the permademic b
I moved to Austin in 2006 for a job and within a few years saw the liberal cancer being deployed, I moved in 2012 and never looked back.
Ive read that Italians have higher rates of those sv40 cancer cells (they were in polio vaccines 50 years ago) and they were among the worst hit by covid and it might have even started there. Makes you think this could have been planned for a long time
He sounds like the other Q that pretends to be Q but was exposed as a shill, his name escapes me right now
This guy claims he was a member of the space seals or something and that he's an alien and all sorts of shit. Beware
Paid provacateur. I never heard of him until that fake insurrection and I'm all over trump and q social media
Lmao, I don't even care or feel bad anymore.
The veil is dropping
Makes my suspicions that pro sports are all corrupt and fake even stronger to be honest
Damn, I totally forgot about that dude. I used to read his updates all.the time in like 2008ish
They don't have anything like that setup as far as I know
That used to be my go-to but it's not working for me anymore
Are there any decent upload sites to use these days?
I haven't uploaded anything in years, is there a good host to use?
Here you go...
Here's an example of a vax card just to see what they look like in real life
Blank vax card, print it out and fill it out, problem solved
No idea, I tried earlier band it didn't work lol
Yes, thanks!
One of the first pics of Biden in the fake white house had a switch missing in a hall right outside the oval office. That sold me. Why would anyone remove a switch, drywall over it, and repaint?
It drives me fucking insane
Were built to handle the sun and vitamin d production actually acts as a sunblock. Blocking the absorption of vitamin d is horrible
Q posted about this I think #1105 but somewhere in the 1100 to 1120 range
I see "the great awakening" as more than just the US and election fraud/corruption. I think many different facets of corruption and lies are coming together all to be revealed at once. It's going to be biblical aka armageddon. Not the death of the planet, but the rebirth of it and alongside hopefully, the human species.
I hope it's like the red wedding episode of GoT