Promise2NotBeADoomer 4 points ago +4 / -0

@dogwithbigears I think that's what it is going to be. JR is def connected to George. Feels like a huge PR thing. Or leading up to announcing he is running for some sort of political office?? (Simba avenging his dad?)

Promise2NotBeADoomer 2 points ago +2 / -0

NOT AT ALL ON TOPIC: But has anyone ever watched the Robin Williams movie "Hook". This reminds me completely of how the real "Wendy" was honored at a dinner for rescuing dozens of lost boys (orphans).. and one stood up to thank her and then at least 100 more did and she had no idea that her "orphans" were the ones all throughout the guests at the dinner. It just reminded me of that scene so strongly! I'm going to look into Mr. Winton more.. this is a story that maybe needs some digging!

Promise2NotBeADoomer 3 points ago +3 / -0

Maybe that is George's point (I will mention, I am highly skeptical of George still), BUT.. if this is a photo that cannot be found anywhere else on the internet, could it be their way of showing the Q community that they are for sure inside Trump's circle?? Clearly that is what they have been trying to get across with the location posts. The fact they use a specific TIME in the post (as opposed to timestamps) and that time correlates directly to the post 2144, and it also appears that all the photographers/press are on one side while the angle from this direction could be someone NON PRESS, ...a family member? friend? advisor?

Promise2NotBeADoomer 5 points ago +5 / -0

I can do that. I'm very fresh to all this and don't know the ins/outs extensively.

Promise2NotBeADoomer 1 point ago +1 / -0

You are right, I posted this prior to the story developing and I agree with you. A happy place. The only reason I thought could be something more was the original reporting had read multiple people dead and made sure to mention it was at a gunshop. Otherwise i would have just chalked it up to just your garden variety shooting. There was a headline days ago that read MASS SHOOTING in PHILADELPHIA. (Ended up, 8 ppl minor injuries, but I assumed gang related or something to that context because of ongoing violence in that area; I didn't read up on Louisiana, ha)

Promise2NotBeADoomer 5 points ago +5 / -0

Media is ALREADY burying it. (Are we like fortune tellers or what?) I wish I would have looked sooner to see if they had it as a BIGGER, more noticeable headline prior to knowing the details that the "good guys with guns" prevented a LARGER scale catastrophe.

Promise2NotBeADoomer 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm gonna pop over to MSNBC and CNN and see how "their" headlines are reading (if any), but Fox has "SHOOTING SPREE STOPPED". Lets see how those other compare for shits&giggles.

Promise2NotBeADoomer 32 points ago +32 / -0

Yeah, now I bet it will get buried since it goes against their narrative. But never under estimate the amount of spin MSM can stink up a story with.

Promise2NotBeADoomer 1 point ago +1 / -0

Those files are crazy. I read through most of them one night. He was involved in the mob through and through. People would come up missing; everyone around him magically won court cases or had them dropped; and BIG ONE...

Her brother was charged with raping a 13 year old girl along with I think 10 other young men.. he was the ONLY one who was found not guilty; and after that charge he was charged with perjury in that case due to conflicting statements from ALL of the other men compared to his.. and he was found not guilty in that one as well. Wonder who owed daddy some favors? She was born into this.

Promise2NotBeADoomer 1 point ago +1 / -0

SUPER HILARIOUS HOW THE COMPLETELY NON-BIASED MSNBC TITLES THEIR ARTICLE: California investor who donated nearly $1M to Trump inauguration sentenced to 12 years in prison (They don't bother to mention he also donated to Clinton, Obama, etc until paragraph 3 conveniently).


Promise2NotBeADoomer 2 points ago +2 / -0

It’s a pretty fair assumption considering there’s plenty of pictures of Obama and Clinton with “dignitaries” over there.. so DS? I’m gonna say, yuppp

Promise2NotBeADoomer 1 point ago +1 / -0

What is "Old Cucks Decaying for 1000", Alex?

Kidding. This is freaking weird. Also, Turtle needs added. Mitchy had a black eye (and hand, and lips not too too long ago, if memory serves me).

Promise2NotBeADoomer 14 points ago +14 / -0

I do too, and we are getting a glimpse at how the left will try to spin it, so that gives us time to prepare for that narrative & do our own DEBUNKING for once.

Promise2NotBeADoomer 2 points ago +3 / -1

That's pretty funny, haha! This is actually the first WINTER we've had in a few years.. we'd get one or two snow storms but the snow would be gone before you could blink. I'm not a HUGE fan of the snow, but I love living in place with all four distinguishable seasons.. this is the first winter in a while that there's been at least some snow on the ground basically every day. (Trying to remember what that groundhog did with his shadow this year.. hahah).

Hope your brother and sis in law are doing okay; although I suspect their bodies are a bit more used to this than their neighbors, at least.

Promise2NotBeADoomer 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yeah, that's kind of my thoughts; (totally goes against my user name, i know this), but maybe its just something as simple as that. A true friend, patriot and conservative media ground breaker has died.. maybe he felt a PR tweet or statement was not nearly enough to honor Rush? Although it was a bit of a frenzy, considering he hit up three media outlets.. so could be more to it.

Promise2NotBeADoomer 9 points ago +9 / -0

YES!!!! This might not be BIG enough for some, but it's an excellent WE THE PEOPLE moment, IMHO. Constituents are not settling for those they voted for acting in complete disregard of their base. We need people who REPRESENT us in the political sphere, not people who claim to. It may look like the party is folding in on itself, and in a way, I guess it is.. but my angle on it is that it is re-shaping, renewing, becoming modern yet back to basics and people are FED THE F* UP. It's no longer universally acceptable that "well, politicians lie. Politicians sweet-talk." It has too long been a complacent fact that no one cared enough to push back on.. times are a changing though, folks.

Promise2NotBeADoomer 14 points ago +14 / -0

Without actually looking into this, knowing the fact that Trump did three interviews today.. that should be enough ammo to keep MSNBC, CNN, NYTimes and WaPo satiated for at least a few weeks worth of Trump bashing headlines.

I hope he does keep a lower profile, because it drives them nuts, makes them fumble, & implode on themselves. It's deliciously manipulative and I do NOT HATE IT.

Promise2NotBeADoomer 8 points ago +8 / -0

Poor thing, she wasn't special enough..HA

Promise2NotBeADoomer 9 points ago +9 / -0

I've been thinking endlessly about all of you; it makes me sick when people say that Texas was ill prepared. ILL PREPARED for a BLIZZARD? You don't say??? If this crap happened in PA, that's called being ill-prepared. I don't even know how you would prepare for this type of weather event somewhere like Texas- how you'd get your hands on enough plows, generators, salt/ash, etc.. it's just not needed there, EVER.

Will be thinking of you all!! <3

Promise2NotBeADoomer 1 point ago +1 / -0

I believe that. No matter how enraged the right is, violence and hostility and societal disruption is not in our wiring. I'm not saying we are pussies, there's just very few that will truly act radically , even though the left loves to paint us as FRIGGING TERRORISTS!!! Yet they are the ones with the molotov cocktails, burning shit down, gunning people down acting like legit TERRORIST cells because they have no basement, no bottom to what they are willing to do. The higher road is not the fun one.. but you make a good point, if the right wing couldn't even rise up, the likelihood normies will is far less. (because NEWSFLASH MSM, we didn't plan to attack the capitol you numbnuts).

But you never know what will happen when the falsehoods around us start to crumble.. the anger we have felt over a lengthened period of time is consistent, like a heartbeat.. what the rest of the world right/left/and in between will feel will be a JOLT, a defib paddle to their sleepy brains, so to speak.. who knows, but I guess we shall see.

Promise2NotBeADoomer 2 points ago +3 / -1

. I am not a HUGE fan of his, but I listen to his podcasts because they do provide lots of decent starting points to start digging for more info. He highlights the craziness and absurdity of the left, which can be translated into memes and factual info to use as redpills. He always gives lots of "compare and contrast" "us vs them" type info- doctored headlines, narrative switches, hypocrisy. I get why people aren't fans, but I disregard his walk on the optic tightrope and find the meat to what he is saying. I think we need to realize that not EVERYONE is going to be as fully on board with everything, and that still doesn't make them the enemy. I find his podcasts more relatable and shareable to my liberal friends because of his softer edges towards liberals..I don't like that he was so quick to denounce any and all election fraud, but he's a decent bridge.. I understand if I go down in downvote flames for this opinion. Still love you all.

Promise2NotBeADoomer 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yes, if there is a supposed "threat", there should be no problem providing proof for the Senators and House members who are asking for it; plenty are inquiring as to why there is a continual presence there...so they give an answer. I could provide an answer too, "they are there because aliens plan to invade sometime between spring and early summer", but I'm gonna need to provide some actual, verifiable proof of that, am i not? Time to show the goods as to why they have militarized our beloved Capitol Hill. Not just an answer- time to show the intel, documents, etc. This whole Q-Anon crap is utter bullshit, nothing more than trying to get ahead of the narrative for when it all crumbles on these fools... and then they can try to blame the "bad, bad Q people!".

NOTE TO THE LEFT: YOU are the ones looking MORE and more like a cult. You cancel ANYONE who thinks differently instead of just respecting that people can have partisan views and still maintain their professionalism. (Cults still try to make the "rest of the world" seem like a wicked place, yay or nay??). You have more pedophiles and disgraced humans in your ranks than conservatives ever will; and you try your best to hide it. GROSS. (Cults still have "misguided" notions, don't they??) You are so brainwashed that you voted for a POTATO HEAD, bumbling, old as the hills, dementia ridden corpse because of your FEELINGS, throwing your country to the wolves all in the name of craving normalcy. (Cult's still do brainwash, or is that not a thing?). You claim to be accepting and tolerant and just the bees-knees, but the second one of your own cloth step out of line or think for themselves they are THROWN OUT; any person of color dares to mention conservative ideals, they are an UNCLE TOM, a traitor to their race. If an LGBT+ individual questions your philosophy, they are clearly still in the closet or a grifter of some sort. If they are white, well, they either must denounce their white-hood and repent for their evil whiteness or they are labeled a "nazi or white supremist" and even then they are just "white apologists", never truly cleansed of the utter disgrace of their lack of pigmentation (Cults still toss out any "members" who start to question things, am i right?)

Yeah, I see how the Q community are the evil ones. Ya'll are just peachy, good ole guys and gals. Gag me

Promise2NotBeADoomer 1 point ago +2 / -1

I don't know, I wonder how many normies will be that upset. Theoretically, they ALL should. No one, regardless of WHO you WANTED to win, should want an election to be fraudulent. It literally breaks the very foundation our country is based on, creates massive mistrust of the system, and disenfranchises everyone. So, perhaps NORMIES will begin to rise up, but genuine liberal, alt-left leftists.. NOPE. They are so brainwashed, they won't care. They literally voted for a guy who can't remember if he got his vaccine or not; who is busy playing Mario kart and putting logs on the fire and tucking in at 7pm... they literally voted for a potato over Trump because of their blind and endless hate.

We always knew when murmurs of fraud and seeing first hand what happened on election night, nothing would be cleared up by inauguration.. that way, when details start "leaking".. it truly is a "oops, we will do better next time".

Promise2NotBeADoomer 17 points ago +17 / -0

Agree! Sickened by Twitter, but also expected.. the mass exodus and canceling of thousands of conservatives voices on that platform have left nothing but the left.. hateful, intolerant people.. a gaggle of trolls at every corner.. anyone that celebrates the death of another human.. regardless of their beliefs, I question if they can truly be labeled a good human being.

Promise2NotBeADoomer 3 points ago +3 / -0

I searched high and low a few weeks ago for another video where Trump supporters were cleaning up the mess in the Capitol after.. and could NOT find it anywhere. The MSM made sure to show black custodians cleaning up.. and some Senator (forget his name) to push the racial narrative, but I could not find the other video anywhere. Anyone have that?? I think these are good red pills because they work two fold..

  1. they show Trump supporters in a truer light.. kind, patriotic people who were just as sad to see the Capitol riots as the left was.. protesting is one thing; going as far as it did is another and not OKAY. Even though I truly feel this was a set up and let get out of hand on purpose.
  2. brings attention to the fact : “why doesn’t MSM show these videos?” What reason do they have for showing certain videos but not others? Hmmmmmm...
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