I was combining social and cultural influence (i.e. fan bases and media following) with financial success. Looked at the lists of each industry (sport, entertainment, music etc...) separately.
As we know celebrities are vastly more influential on the propaganda stage than tech billionaires like Bezos. Singers are more influential than the CEO of the record company, and athletes more than the owners of the clubs.
Over the past few days multiple subreddits were going private in protest over "misinformation" subs like r/nonewnormal. Originally admins said they werent gonna do anything because open dialogue is an important foundation of the site (bullshit as we know from r/The_Donald and r/pedogate).
Today it got banned.
I agree, my bad, GAW doesnt let you post multiple photos and I didnt want to create a long scrolling pic.
Heres the post:
My issue with either of these (especially quitting) is they're just going to be replaced by authoritarian people who will enforce these measures.
Once all the good guys with moral and virtue leave, all that's left is the Gestapo.
That's the argument vaxtards are making. "Vaccines arent supposed to make you immune!!!1! They're just there to mitigate symptoms so you arent hospitalized".
Its not a theory I subscribe to, but using their logic against them, if it only mitigates your own symptoms why the fuck does it matter to them if you get it or not?
I disagree, the world already knows about Chinas shitty infrastructure, honestly nobody would be surprised if the dam broke.
It would kill loads of people and cause billions in damages but the regime doesnt care. They're not gonna rebuild these places, they'll just move the displaced or get rid of them themselves.
It's not going to cause a revolution because the chinese people have been neutered to complacency and have no 2A to defend themselves (think Tiananmen Square).
They take face seriously but they also know that it's only the governments of countries that respect the CCP, all the citizens of the world know what a joke they are, and the CCP knows we know. They dont give a fuck what we think, as long as they've still got their grips on the other countries - which they will, even if the dam breaks.
Eh a similar thing happened last year where the water was centimetres from the top but nothing came of it.
Tbh I've lost all hype about the TGD collapsing any time soon, and I also hope it doesnt. The only thing that would change is innocent people get killed and villages/cities destroyed. The regime wont be brought to its knees from something like this. The catalyst needs to be multi-pronged and arguably larger.
Maria Piacesi (sp?). Someone on Ticktock found her and asked here, theres more info too, like shes scared to speak out from backlash. I made a post about 10 hours ago if you check my history.
I mean "Maria Piacesi" was the name of the girl on the C-SPAN video, the ages match up, and they have similar facial features.
Barring her uploading a photo ID or a picture of her as a kid this is as close as we're gonna get. You've got her Tiktok, feel free to ask.
A lot of great responses but mine is far simpler. Trump tweeted out a hype/promo video a year or so ago and as the words were fading at the end of the video a letter transformed into a "Q" and lingered, for maybe half a second.
The reason this was so huge for me is because as an editor/videographer, I know graphics like that are 100% intentional. It's impossible to accidentally add the effect and put a brand new letter there, it's not how video editing works. Every frame is meticulously looked over multiple times, and even if something was overlooked it's an omission rather than addition.
I wish I'd saved the video, if any other patriot has it please link.
Technically its Bulgaria as the most corrupt EU country, but Greece isnt far behind (going by the corruption index by the UN which is corrupt in itself).
To be totally fair every country is corrupt as fuck, it's just the bribery is more blatant in Eastern and Southern countries.
When the audits started happening I messaged b My betting company and asked if (when) fraud was discovered, and the results were proved to be wrongly certified, if we would get paid.
I was told no, and that once the results are certified theres nothing that will change the betting results.
Only way I can think of is litigation after the fact.
There was a nurse in Germany that got caught giving saline solutions to all patients instead of the jab. I think she got arrested.