You claimed that Nazism = fascism and I was curious if you could name one example.
It's interesting how many people know nothing about WW2 except for NPC programmed catch phrases and Bolshevik fan fiction from (((Hollywood))) films.
It reminds me of the NPC brainwashed liberals when claiming how racist and homophobic President Trump is.
A good test is to simply ask them to defend their position... they never can.
About 72% of black babies are born to single black mothers.
I wonder what percentage of those babies are actually loved and cared for.
About 80% of black children in California are functionally illiterate by the time they leave the public school system.
God only knows what black parents do care about if they don't give a fuck about their own children, generally speaking.
What's the ONE worst fascist thing the Nazis did?
??? Do you even know ???
Nazism = fascism.
Why do you believe this, specifically?
What's the worst fascist thing the Nazis did?
You must have an actual reason to believe this, no?
I hope so because I can't name a single successful African nation or community, anywhere in the world where the population, generally speaking, doesn't breed like rabbits even when they're starving.
I'm having a difficult time trying to guess the argument you're trying to make.
Are you referring to the Ministry of Propaganda that German Christians created the 1933?
This department was deigned to promote Christian culture, warn about the dangers of communism and Critical Race Theory, highlight how degenerate the "Bolsheviks" were for attempting to normalize pedophilia and transsexuality as an attack against traditional Christian values and debunk fake news narratives from "Bolshevik" controlled mainstream news media.
The German government considered renaming this department to "Ministry of Christian Culture and Public Enlightenment" because they were concerned the term "propaganda" would trigger westerners because of the negative connotations in the English use of the term, however Hitler decided to stick with the term "propaganda" because he preferred government departments to focus on one objective rather than have overlapping concerns.
This ban on bestiality, pedophilia and transsexuality in the mainstream media is described by Wikipedia and the History Channel as "Hitler's war against modern art".
Group homes are already overflowing with unwanted black babies.
This will cause a tsunami of unwanted black babies.
Who will care for them all because blacks don't want them?
This may lead to Somalian-style African starvation within Republican states and a black crime culture that is even worse!
Germany's fall into fascism
I wasn't aware that happened. What are you referring to?
Sadly, almost all of our biggest problems tie directly back to the tribe including our 80% Israeli Democrat Party leadership and their string of coup attempts, our 80% Israeli White House Cabinet, our 100% Israeli controlled CDC, the three Israeli Big Pharma CEOs that produce all of our vaccine-AIDS, our Israeli controlled Hollywood and mainstream news media and social media and Google and even our Israeli controlled Antifa and BLM domestic terrorists through their Open Society Foundations.
I know we're not supposed to name the elephant in the room, but every major issue that is killing America is being caused by a tribe of elephants who are clearly all working together.
Your list could go on and on and on.
I agree the Vatican has always been corrupt. Years ago I research each of the past Popes and most of them seemed monstrous. Only a handful seemed honorable. Ha ha, I remember one Pope who, on his first day as Pope, ordered that the collective riches of their church should be used to feed and care for the hungry. He didn't survive the night.
Can you provide a source about the actual 10 Commandments? I'm more of a Red Letter Christian and I don't focus too much on what Jews claim about themselves in their Torah, but I'm still interested in the truth.
FYI: Antifa was created in 1930 by the German Communist Party (KPD) as domestic terrorists to use physical violence against German Christians attempting to participate in political rallies or vote.
This was done in preparation for the KPD's failed communist coup attempt of 1933.
This is who the German police and the German "papers please" checkpoints were looking for: treasonous communist criminals. They weren't hunting innocent little Jewish girls who hid trembling under floorboards like our communist Jewish Hollywood director's claim.
Yes, most of these communists happen to be Jews in the same way that the Bolshevik leadership of 1917 were also almost exclusively Jewish.
It might just be an army of JIDF reporting any truth about the enemy. I've seen top comments gain dozens of up-votes slowly over an hour and then suddenly BAM! The same number of down-votes suddenly appear instantly. Share any research about the tribe and the down-vote bots will attack.
The mods of any platform would have no way to tell if JIDF bots / shills are reporting or down-voting or not.
As a Christian, I can't imagine what it must be like if the roles were reversed. I'm always happy to discuss the teachings of Jesus and how our most respected Christian scholars interpret those teachings. I love discussing Christian history, even the nasty bits. I've never down-voted research into any pedophile priests or the horrific crimes against children committed by the Vatican. I've never defended our deep state. The enemy are a very different creature.
I suspect high profile people like Kimmel and his family aren't injected with vaccine-AIDS. Having him stroke-out live on TV or go off-script because his wife or children died from blood clots would be harmful to the New World Order and their Great Reset. They either know what is happening or they get saline.
I suspect most celebrities who get the coof are simply attempting to normalize the idea that it's normal for vaccinated people to grow progressively sicker as their immune systems fail.
(((Matt Lauer)))
(((Harvey Weinstein)))
Elon doesn't care who he names.
I like it!
Were there any other Republican alternatives?
It's almost as if the New World Order Khazar Jewish Ukrainian government isn't interested in helping those who aren't "in the club".
And why would they when they want us to own nothing and be happy?
"Bolsheviks" always torture and kill their Christian POWs.
They hate us almost as much as they hate Jesus Christ.
I hope Hillary got her money back after that last "billiard ball cheeks" plastic surgery.
Someone needs to setup 24 hour surveillance to see who is burning down every food processing plant!
Perhaps have two live-streamed surveillance cameras, one facing the each plant and one facing the first camera?