reminds me ME in the subway, not wearing a MASK although its mandatory. its useless and i just cant comply to do anything useless/absurd. a Karen asked me: "why aren't you wearing a mask sir? .... sir? ...?" I couldnt care less. she was like coping and seething and finally walked away to sit elsewhere. those people think they are cops. i wonder why people aren't using their brain to face the fact that its useless.
Those Karens do not understand the spreading of a virus, and actually no one fully do. BUT, there is no proof that asymptomatic individuals spread anything and symptomatics spread the virus anyway with their aerosol particles exhaled thru breathing whether one wears a mask or not. So MASK are USELESS.
This traitor could have chosen to count the slates of electors coming from the Legislatures and not the one fraudulently certified by the governors. This guy had the power, per the US Constitution, to do what he knew was right and legal. He failed. Therefore, he will always be remembered as a traitor.
French anon here. I can assure you guys that most of the people here can't stand the Rothshild kid anymore. Just like you fellow anons with sleepy Xiden. This courageous dude had the guts to do what many would like to. Its not that big of a deal but it was disrespectful tho, so he might end up with a year or 2 in jail.
here is a quick redpill for you:
- the gold:silver mining ratio is 1:8, while currently priced at 1:100
- silver is a vital component in military, electronics, green energy, batteries, medicine
- it has unique properties for water purification and filtering systems
- it's the most reflective and the most conductive metal, making it super usefull in industry
- it's estimated you have 5-10 times more gold for investment form than silver, making it potentially way rarer
- the equivalent of 70% of yearly production is destroyed because it is used in a non recyclable form such as printed circuit boards, while 98% of gold is recycled
- you have to mine 12,5 tons of dirt to find only 1 gram of silver, yet it is worth less than a dollar.
- from 2014 to 2019, the production decreased by 100M oz
- in 2005, you had to process 9.4 M tons of ore to extract 123 M oz out of it. In 2019 it was 23.2 M tons to extract the same amount. Showing how scarce silver is getting worldwide
- It is estimated that the silver mining supply will drop to zero by 2050
- production is concentrated in a few countries (Peru, Mexico, China, Poland). China is already banning exportation.
- silver is the MOST MANIPULATED asset on the markets, with 175 paper oz traded on the COMEX of each 1 oz existing. Silver is to banks what GME is to hedge funds. the potential gain are unimaginable.
Long story short: Silver is way more useful than gold yet way rarer and way cheaper. Today, this the most undervalued asset ever.
I see 2 more reason for it to be recent:
1/ saying "Thank you for your service" clearly implies that Trump is out of office. why thank a president before his term ended? 2/ there used to be more security officers around him when he was still officially president. if it's much more quiet, I'd go for a post 1/20 date.
The problem with your theory is that in most of the cases, the argument is: in some State, the executive ignored the State législatures (and so the constitution), by implementing either unconstitutional election rules OR legit rules without the acknowledgement of the legislature. In all those cases, the SCOTUS is the one having final juridiction. But in some of the cases related to the Dominion voting machines fraud, then the foreign interference is blatant. The army could then do something.
His name was Laurent Bachelier, 35 years old. He s been sick for 8 years and his health deteriorated slowly since then, without any hope to recover. He was concerned with the situation in America and sent BTC to the following:
– American Renaissance : 0.5 BTC – UNZ : 0.5 BTC – Vincent Reynouard : 3 BTC – Nick Fuentes : 13.5 BTC – Patrick Casey : 1 BTC – Bitchute : 2 BTC – Daily Stormer : 1 BTC – GAB : 1 BTC
He was not funding "far-right activists storming the Capitole", contrary to the MSM narrative. Free speech platforms were included in those transactions. He desired to fund the persons/organizations he admired before he took his own life.
Trump actually said, after he reminded supporters that VP could rightfully intervene to select the correct slates of electors/or send the slate back to re-certify the votes, speaking of Pence: "he takes courage to do nothing"
I cannot imagine he spent all this time doing big changes, reforms and all, just to let Biden reach office to immediately undo everything. that is beyond any logic. He knew he won, everybody in inner circles R's and D's (included DS) actually know. Even 1/2 the population knows. The MSM narrative is just a kabuki theater. He had to plan something to sort things out. He just declassified the Al-Qaeda funding by Obama administration. If Biden is inaugurated, Trump will be persecuted like never before. That is not possible.
What a tremendous amount of research. He's really digging deep. All of this seems so logical.