Qled 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why Thomas specifically though? There are other justices who I hardly hear anything about like Alito, Gorsuch, or Barrett. It seems like among the Supreme Court, they pick on him because he has a lot of unreported and sketchy financial dealings.

Qled 0 points ago +1 / -1

If you really believe this, do you think the same about Hunter Biden? He was able to get cushy well paying positions and all kinds of perks because of who his Dad is. But since Biden was only vice president (with no real legislative power), then I guess it's fine and everyone here is just overreacting.

Qled 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't buy the "paying it forward" part. Crow was never a student at Hidden Lake Academy. His only connection to it is through Thomas. And the cost is significant, over ~$5,000 a month. As for the house, Crow bought it and paid for all the up keep while allowing Thomas' mother to live there for free. As a Supreme court Justice, Thomas makes over $285,000 a year and has an estimated net worth of over $24 Million. He is perfectly capable of taking care of his own mother.

All these things offer leverage. If you don't have a problem with any of the ethical considerations here, then I don't know why there were so many complaints about Hunter Biden getting gets and favors because of who his dad was. I mean, who are we to tell these Ukrainian billionaires that they can't help their friends and be generous.

Qled 1 point ago +1 / -0

You mean outside the norm of what other Justices have been up to, or outside the norm of what gifts public officials can receive?

Qled 1 point ago +2 / -1

Public sector employees can't receive gifts or even free meals. Sure, vacations are one thing, but having your friend cover tuition for your grand nephew and covering your mom's housing costs seems a little over the top.

Qled 4 points ago +5 / -1

Coming up next, revenge of the fifth.

On a side note, why does President Trump's face look like a 12 year old with wrinkles... just like how the letter Q is just a furry O with a tail, once you see, you can't unsee it.

Qled 2 points ago +2 / -0

Careful with bathroom pills. You might end up in a glory hole.

These are the trenches of the modern battlefield. Don't forget your gas mask.

Qled 1 point ago +1 / -0

I mean, if that was the case, then these videos would be inaccessible to me as well which would probably be a good thing. I try not to watch them too often, but I have moments of weakness.

Qled 2 points ago +7 / -5

I like the drop red pills on people when we're both in the bathroom. I know its the place that's least likely to be recorded. Some people find it weird, but I've had some good talks about the stolen election, the deep state, and the human rights violation that is single ply toilet paper.

deleted -1 points ago +1 / -2
Qled 4 points ago +8 / -4

Yup, this is why I think Edward Snowden is a hero. He revealed the truth and then went to the one place on earth that the DS couldn't reach him, mother Russia.

Qled 0 points ago +1 / -1

That argument could be used to legalize anything though. Kids will drink alcohol if they really want to, so why try to control? Same with drugs.

Qled 1 point ago +1 / -0

Common? I hope not. I would rather be extraordinary, the most loyal. I've found that there is a severe lack of poetry on this site, so I wrote a Haiku that I like to say to myself whenever I feel down:

Flags waving high, Loyalty and patriotism unite, Love for country soars.

Qled 0 points ago +1 / -1

Oh boy.... This is the slogan of every single wanna-be or real dictator who ever came to power

Isn't this what President Trump basically said though? We know there was fraud in the 2020 election, but when it came to the courts, President Trumps lawyers couldn't produce proof, but they still asked for the invalidation of millions of ballots (only for the presidential vote). I was OK with it because I believe in a man who sacrificed so much for the country he loves. We know President Trump will take care of us if he's able to attain power and win against the DS.

Qled 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, I figured it was a losing proposition. I just remember all the rhetoric around wearing a mask and how easy it is to commit crime. I was curious if the logic would carry over. It obviously doesn't, but the comments have been interesting.

Qled 30 points ago +30 / -0

Hey, fake vaccine cards are no joke. A friend of mine tried to go to Canada and used a fake vaccine card. It was rejected and turned over to US authorities. Now he's facing a freakin' felony, just for a piece of paper. We really need to abolish the FDA, and maybe Canada while we're at it.

Qled -1 points ago +1 / -2

The internet is not in your personal house, it's a public space. Your car can be stopped and searched if there is a suspicion of wrong doing. People can record what you're doing when you're in a public space.

Giving the government power is fine as long as it's the white hats who are in control.

Qled -8 points ago +5 / -13

Still suspicious. I figure anything that makes it onto TikTok are things the CCP wants us to see. Even if it's true, it may be a distraction.

Qled 3 points ago +3 / -0

Hmm, what companies does the NYC control? DO you think any of them are especially under valued?

Qled -8 points ago +8 / -16

Yeah, I have a hard time believing anything from TikTok, it's basically the mouth piece of the CCP. Besides, they talk about how there is a mysterious second person... but then later point out that two people were arrested for the bombing. I'm not a huge math guy, but so far, the numbers seem to line up.

Qled -2 points ago +1 / -3

Exactly. The Deep State tries to discourage the patriots with fake news. We need to ignore anything that tries to make us feel bad and press forward like the patriots who spent the winter at valley forge.

Qled 4 points ago +5 / -1

One person can call for a vote of no confidence, but then the majority of the chamber would have to agree to remove him.

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