Quacktard 0 points ago +1 / -1

So as long as its your family releasing your medical records its cool? ... No dipwad YOU are the only person who should be able to release your medical records. Theyre YOURS after all, not your family's.

All the $ in the world wont undo what already happened, and releasing medical records doesnt do shit to make him healthier.

Quacktard 0 points ago +1 / -1

So how do we explain Chris Pronger? Exact same thing happened, so was that the jab too?

Also gonna just say commotio cordis is a result of blunt force trauma, not exactly sure there are 'predisposing conditions' for that other than getting hit with blunt objects a lot.

As a mod said yesterday, this shit aint true just because its poppin and Malone isnt correct just because he has an MD next to his name.

Quacktard 0 points ago +1 / -1

Thats the most retarded thing. Do you want them releasing your medical history to the world? No? Something something setting precedent

Quacktard 0 points ago +1 / -1

Statistics only apply to a theoretical world, not the real one.

Quacktard -4 points ago +1 / -5

Because "breaking your oath" is highly subjective, its essentially just do what you think is best for the country. What one person thinks is best for the country another may think is the end of the country. This is why the Brunson case is DoA.

Quacktard -2 points ago +1 / -3

So if he was harmed by the vax why is the rest of the team still fine? Is the vax injury just so random that theres no way to predict who itll effect? Wouldnt that mean its some other variable?

deleted -6 points ago +1 / -7
Quacktard 0 points ago +1 / -1

Lol no, ive asked dozens of people and at most i get an article that says "thousands of people" but doesnt name anyone.

Quacktard 1 point ago +2 / -1

Havent we been saying this since like 2020? When will these people actually suffer the consequences of their actions to destory America??

Quacktard 2 points ago +3 / -1

Glad they didnt get the REAL trump tax returns. Trump is a genius obviously he knew theyd release them, so he faked them to expose thats what all politicians do!!!

Quacktard 0 points ago +3 / -3

If they were nonviolent why was the national guard needed? Either it was a nonviolent protest (why do you need the NG) or it was an attack (not exactly nonviolent). We cant have it both ways.

Though based on a lot of people here it was all antifa. So fuck them J6 people, they deserve the treatment theyre getting. Unless maybe they were Trump supporters, then they should be freed cuz theyre true patriots.

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