REEEEEE 1 point ago +1 / -0

I haven't seen it much in mainstream and these guys have a decent following. He said he asked Jim Jordan about it and he claimed to have never seen the video. Would love for it be revealed in the near future.

REEEEEE 2 points ago +2 / -0


You are witnessing the systematic destruction of the old guard. Q

REEEEEE 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm gnna start this with, I'm so sorry. Because it's one of the shittiest things that a man can go through.

Look up "Grey rock" on reddit. I know reddit sucks but there's whole communities of men who have a spouse who one day decided they could do better. Women can be so dumb. Husbands are usually concerned/focused on ensuring roof/food/transportation/safety for their family and sometimes neglect to remind their wives how much they love them and how beautiful they are because we are too busy trying to make sure the shower water stays hot and in our heads that should scream to them how much we love them. Unless they had a really good upbringing and were taught to see that our "love language" is acts of service, they will literally throw all of the shared history/stable family out of the window for the first guy who tells them all the things they want to hear the same way we did before the responsibilities of being a father/husband came along. I'm not making excuses for men and think we should do our very best to make our wives feel valued and loved in their "love language". I'm just pointing out how easy it is to prey on married women who are not hearing those same things at home. Now imagine having the added pressure of a special needs child on you along with ensuring the your family gets to eat and enjoy life and that's where I think you are. I am 99% sure this is what's happening to you. You will never get an answer from her while she is in the "limerace" stage. I've seen it first hand, from someone I would have bet my life on would never do it. It's my most painful lesson to date and I don't wish it on anyone. Your priority is your daughter and you. If you lose your mental health, then you lose. I'm not in any condition to provide you step by steps but since you are on GAW then you must be good at trying to read between the lines and discern whats going on.

I implore you to read what I mentioned above and start to work on an exit plan. Think about it this way, if there isn't someone else, then she is doing this with a clear mind and you need to begin planning on being a better you sooner then later so when you are finished grieving the loss of someone you thought you knew, you can eventually work your way back into the game and find a better significant other. I wouldn't look anywhere else but church because modern society has warped a lot of viewpoints on families and roles and that's the last bastion of the proven model we all know works. On the other hand if there is someone else(once again, there probably is) then you will have already worked towards creating that separation you will need to process all of the memories you have that are now completely fucked because what you thought was happening at the time is tainted forever.

Find a way to get the truth without her knowledge, play it cool and do not let her know you are onto her or it becomes 10x difficult to uncover the truth. if it's happening then no amount of love letters, washing the dishes or buying gifts will break the affair fog. You must find out yourself. In regards to finances, remember, it's your daughter then your mental health as priority number one. I hate saying this to anybody but this is how you shape the rest of your life. Be a man! Money can be made in numerous ways. Finding a place to move to may take some time but you will most likely be doing it after the divorce anyway so start now.

It's your life, it's your daughters role-model and example that she will base her life on. Do not fuck it up.

REEEEEE 1 point ago +1 / -0

Because it's a Q aggregator website. Any mainstream cyber security software blacklists all Q related sites. It's a another way they suppress the truth.

REEEEEE 47 points ago +47 / -0

https://qposts.online/post/816 "[THEY must control local police / school / county officials  / etc to work]."

REEEEEE 1 point ago +1 / -0

So this is interesting because Q specifically acknowledges/mentions Kash in a post. The only time I can find.

https://qposts.online/post/1481 https://files.catbox.moe/dsryxa.jpg

REEEEEE 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes. Q alluded to it a few times and I don't remember all the details but can seek them out if need be. If I'm remembering correctly the CIA was behind the Snowden leaks that caused the NSAs mass surveillance program to be exposed. Snowden was CIA before he was NSA and his job was to obtain the proof "legally" as a whistle-blower.

My personal thoughts is that the CIA wasn't okay with the possibility that NSA could "inadvertantly" come across something incriminating on the deep state so they worked to get the program "exposed" and shutdown. I also think they were too late and that's how the team behind Q was born. They had already got the goods but realized they were in a completely different ball game that expands globally. At some point they laid out a plan to recruit someone to become President (just like CIA has done since at least Bush Senior) but instead of cheating to win they would put out a legitimate campaign as well as counter-act the rigging of the 2016 elections. That's why "She was never supposed to lose" is often repeated. They had rigged it before with no issue. How did Trump win?

On Roger's, He's the reason Trump moved his campaign office immediately after being briefed by Roger's on the Spying/Fisa warrants. So we know he's always been a white hat.

I also think Wizards and Warlocks is a reference to CIA vs NSA but could be wrong.

I've been reading since the first drop so trying to keep track of all the players is a task but I know Rogers/Snowden play a large part in all of this.

REEEEEE 1 point ago +1 / -0

So no one elses first thought was Loretta Lynch? She was promised for helping Russiagate.

REEEEEE 5 points ago +5 / -0

I hit you up on tiktok because I wasn't sure you were aware of the voat - > .win transition. Glad you're back. If anyone else is reading this, there's two albums on spotify by Mike that are hilarious, that's where I discovered him. I hate that you're not "up there" with the other comedians like Kreischer and Segura but you definitely deserve to be. They all seem to be doing a podcast nowadays, not sure if you're already doing one but I think that you would be a great ambassador for anons and could reach more people that way.

REEEEEE 3 points ago +3 / -0

There's a couple episodes where I swear the writers either follow Q or are in the scheme themselves because it's so devious. The one episode about the guy who could create fake attacks to cause panic all via social media without the events ever actually occurring but people being afraid was nuts.

REEEEEE 2 points ago +2 / -0

Great info. It's all a giant fucking web of players. As long as justice is truly blind, there is no way Crowdstrike is unphased by the truth.

REEEEEE 1 point ago +1 / -0

Crowdstrike is a "cyber security" company involved with Russiagate. Close ties to CIA (ex Cia founder), connections to both Hillary and DNC via Perkins Coie/Fusion GPS. They are intimately involved with the whole collision narrative. They are big in the tech industry mostly because of connections IMO and not due to their own merit. Their stock has seen a massive increase post pandemic crash due to the increase in "hacks" involving pipelines using ransom ware as well as other cyber security stocks. From a normie point of view there is no reason to think the stocks going to nosedive in the near future so buying enough puts will make you a millionaire when the truth actually comes out.

Sidenote: pipeline hackers were paid ransom via bitcoin, later on news came out FBI recovered some of that ransom. Correlate that date with BTC sudden drop in price this year. Recovering crypto ransom is very very rare.

REEEEEE 4 points ago +4 / -0

CRWD puts will print when this all goes down. I've been waiting and watching.