RamboToaster 1 point ago +1 / -0

ok, there are 100% more ships than usual. This build-up started way back in 2020. I know because I go out there to the beach and stare at them because there is clearly something wrong.

But it is entirely possible that it is not the crane operators. It could be the fucking truck drivers. it could be an artificial DHS slow down.

RamboToaster 1 point ago +1 / -0

You'll be lucky if your email ever actually gets through. This has been going on since start of 2020.

RamboToaster 6 points ago +6 / -0

oh boy, if you haven't seen Byrne's work yet....

have you heard of a stonk called GME?

RamboToaster 2 points ago +2 / -0

nah. they really thought they were going to stomp on our necks with the media.

scope those news stories: they all list the ticker AMCX instead of AMC.

RamboToaster 1 point ago +2 / -1

Not exactly.... Those 3% down government backed home loans are a problem. They add no additional value - only drive up the cost of housing.

So the reason that they work is because they are traded and traded and traded through mortgage backed securities and derivatives.

Residential real estate is in for a reckoning. I just wanted to give you my two-cents. Michael Burry likes property with fresh water rights. That's a two-pronged bet - one on the land and one on the water - and I like it better.

RamboToaster 1 point ago +1 / -0

Imagine if your kids grew up thinking it was ok to force everyone around you to wear masks and get experimental injections.

RamboToaster 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yea, let's make sure we have strict definitions about what is protected religious freedom and what is not. That worked out so well the last 50 years of doing that!

If you don't like it, don't allow it in your community.

The cat is out of the bag, there is no pretending that abortion does not exist - people will do it.

The only registered Satanic Temple in America, as led by Lucien Greaves - the Temple which the article is written about - is a bit of a troll. They do things to promote personal freedom through religious liberty arguments. And they do them in such a way as to drive media attention.

RamboToaster -1 points ago +3 / -4

The Satanic temple has nothing to do with Christ.

Religious freedom is salvation.

RamboToaster 0 points ago +3 / -3

The Satanic Temple is about personal freedom.

Don't get lost in the noise.

Do as thou wilt, but don't cut off your nose to spite your face.

RamboToaster 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's all related. Everything is hanging on by a thread.

RamboToaster 6 points ago +8 / -2

My girlfriend had the same problem.

y u no listen?

RamboToaster 5 points ago +5 / -0

There is no lumber shortage, there is no microchip shortage, and there is no steel shortage.

There are HOWEVER dozens of ships waiting outside of international ports. Something is fucking wrong here. These ships exist everywhere...so it's some sort of federal thing keeping the ships from coming in in a timely manner.

I think these fuckers were using coronavirus to slow things down to a crawl, and now that the CDC has changed guidance entirely - it's obvious they are doing it just to fuck us.

RamboToaster 1 point ago +1 / -0

I interpreted that as DJT bought the Bank of America building in SF.

RamboToaster 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not an option.

The 2016 election was to decide who was going to get to reform the United States as we know it:

-The money printer loses it's efficacy approximately 10-12 years after it has been turned on. (We've been leaning on fiat money at an accelerated rate since 2008. And that issue alone will be monumental.)

-Modern Conservatism no longer serves a purpose. There's nothing worth conserving except morals and values - those don't exist in business and government anymore.

-Liberalism has taken a fascist turn. "Freedom to be" has turned to "forced acceptance."

What happens when an unstoppable train meets an immovable force? There is a fiery, disastrous crash. And when that happens, it will suddenly become obvious that nobody gives a shit if you are brown, black, white, gay, stupid, or university-educated; they only care if you provide value in their lives. Are you a positive addition to their lives.

I cannot prove how it will happen or when, I can just tell you from an economic, historical, and sociological stand-point: we are on a knife's edge.

When the time comes, you will have to decide for yourself what is important. I can't do it for you. Literally nothing can stop what is coming. People don't change until they are forced to, and so we must ride the rollercoaster, together.

RamboToaster 4 points ago +4 / -0

Ok, but can someone explain to me what the fuck they think happened with that picture?

Is that just a shitty photoshop job or is Jimmy Carter a little person?

RamboToaster 2 points ago +2 / -0

What would it take for you to regret your vote?

Because that is honestly what we are all waiting for... we are waiting for the most liberal of the bunch to crack and take back their vote.

RamboToaster 2 points ago +2 / -0

I live in Los Angeles,

And there are big fucking explosions nightly. Big fuckin unexplained explosions that only occur after 11pm.

And I just want somebody to know this.

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